Barren County Obituaries

Nancy Tracy

Submitted by Sandi Gorin. She notes:
"I have no connection, no further information and am not seeking additional information."

Mrs. Tracy Dead.

Mrs. Nancy Tracy, widow of the late Mr. Eli Tracy, died at her home in the Etoile country, Dec. 19th, after a long illness caused by cancer. She was a most excellent woman, a splendid Christian character and was greatly esteemed by all.

She is survived by six children: Mrs. W. J. Proffitt, Mrs. Elim Thomas and Messrss. Will and George Tracy of the Etoile country, Mrs. Douglas of Allen county; and Mrs. Dr.John Childess of Texas. Mr. John Henry Tracy, the well-known citizen of Etoile, is her step-son. Funeral services were held at the residence by Elder J. D. Smith, after which the remains were interred in the family burying ground."

The Glasgow (KY) Times, Tuesday, 29 Dec 1914.

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