"Death Follows A Short Illness
"Mr. Uberta Wright Smith, known to his host of friends as Mr. "Sink." Smith died at his home on East Washington Street, Monday afternoon, at the age of sixty-six years, after a brief illness of brain trouble.
"Mr. Smith was born and reared in the Dry Fork country, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Smith, and in early life was married to Miss Julia Ferguson, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs Henry Ferguson, who survives him with four children: Mr. Malden Smith, Mrs. Etta Britt, Mrs. Jewell Campbell all of this place, and Mrs. Annie McLean of Dixon, Tenn. He is also survived by two brohters and two sisters: Messrs. S. F. Smith of Etoile, J. M. Smith of Tulare, Calif., Mrs. John Duncan of Ft. Run, Mrs. Ellis Young of Etoile.
"Mr. Smith owned a farm near Bruce on the Jackson Highway, where he has made his home for many years, where he was a prosperous farmer.
"Last year, he and his family moved to town, and have since been engaged in the grocery business, and at the same time have kept up the farm.
"He was a member of a splendid family, and was, himself, a most excellent citizen.
"He was a devout member of the Church of Christ, and was true to his duties to his God, as well as to his fellow man.
"Funeral services were held at the residence Tuesday afternoon, by Eld. J. S. Warlick of Dallas, Texas, Rev. J. L. Piercy of the Methodist Church, and Rev. J. A. Easley of the Baptist Church. Burial was in the family lot in the Glasgow cemetery."
Unknown Glasgow KY newspaper, from files of the late Eva Coe Peden.
Glasgow Municipal Cemetery
25 May 1862 - 6 Feb 1928