Barren County Obituaries

Louis N. Smiley

Submitted by Sandi Gorin. She notes:
"I have no connection, no further information and am not seeking additional information."

"At ten o'clock on the morning of November 19th, 1895 the angel of death took into his cold embrace Louis N. Smiley, son of J. B. Smiley and wife. Louis had been a sufferer of throat and lung trouble for several months, and for a long time his friends and he himself, had believe he would never recover. He was born Oct. 5th, 1873 and was just stepping into manhood, and a life that was the ride and ambition of his boyhood. He had set his mark high and if he had lived to mature years, pursuring the same course, no doubt he would filled a station in life to be envied by those more favorably blest. In his death the public schools have lost one of the best teachers, and society one of its most important factors, and there is no _____ to take his place in ___, not but Louiis and fill his ____ could."

Unable to locate.

Glasgow (KY) Weekly Times, 11 Dec 1895

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