Barren County Obituaries

Herbert Wood Reece

Submitted by Sandi Gorin. She notes:
"I have no connection, no further information and am not seeking additional information."

Name: Herbert Wood Reece
Residence: Knob Lick, KY
Died: Friday, 29 Oct 1999, Glenview Health Care Center, Glasgow, KY, age 85.
Wife: Margaret Ennis Reece
Sons: Stanley, Charles and James Ray all of Knob Lick; George and Larry of Edmonton, KY and Walter of Summer Shade, KY.
Daughter: Sharon Sue Wells of Summer Shade
Brother: Edgar Reece of Knob Lick
Sister: Edna Polson of Glasgow
19 grandchildren, 23 great-grandchildren, 4 step-grandchildren.
Preceded in death by 3 grandchildren.
Services: 2 pm Monday, 1 Nov 1999, Wisdom Faith Community Church, burial church cemetery.

Glasgow Daily Times, 1 Nov 1999

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