Christoper Tompkins MORRISON - 10 Sept 1837 - 27 Nov 1916
MR. C. T. MORRISON. With the death of Mr. C. T. Morrison, one of the most beloved men of the town
and truly a child of God, is called home to rest.
Mr. Christopher Tompkins Morrison was born near Pentecostal Park in 1836, and his eighty years were
spent in and around the land of his birth. About five weeks ago, he was taken ill with a general
breakdown and lingered until last Monday afternoon.
From the very first it was known that death hovered over him, and he died a triumphant death -
glorifying and praising His name as long as he was able to speak.
We have only to bring to mind what a man of deep spirituality he was and then we know that he was
prepared and eager to be gathered home with his forefathers. He was a man that lived his religion, and there was never on earth a more pious ane zealous soul. He was deeply imbibed in faith, in hope and in the love of God and his very presence always
radiated his great christianity. When about twenty-two years of age he became identified with the Methodist church and had always been a consecrated and devout member of that denomination, devoting his whole life and his time in working for the Master's cause and in doing service for his fellowman. He was an honored citizen and an
exemplary man, who always abided by upright and honorable methods in business or whatever other transactions he made. He as a revered and venerable business man of the
town and up till the very day he was taken ill, he was active in his business affairs. He was Godly and a genuine type of good citizenship. He was always ready with a
smile for those he met and a cordial greeting, and was always jolly, and genial and even on his deathbed
his love for a good joke did not forsake him.
He was one of the oldest businessmen and citizens of Glasgow.
Fifty-six years ago he was married to Miss Carrie Williamson. For over half a century the comradship,
the kindred ties and the beautiful home life that existed betwen this husband and wife were ideal. They
were blessed with four children.
The deceased is survived by four children, twelve grandchildren, and four great- grandchildren. The
children are: Mrs. J. E. Watson, Glasgow; Mrs. P. W. Bushong, Edmonton; Mrs. J. P. Williams,
Murfdreesboro, Ill., and Mr. C. Morrison, Glendale.
The funeral services were conducted by the Methodist Church Wednesday afternoon at two o'clock after which the remains were laid to rest in the Glasgow Cemetery."
Unknown Glasgow KY newspaper.