Barren County Obituaries

Judy J. Lewis

Submitted by Sandi Gorin. She notes:
"I have no connection, no further information and am not seeking additional information."


Mrs. "Crickett" Lewis, widow of the late esq. Mike M. Lewis, died at her home at Hays, in the edge of Warren county, Wednesday of last week at the age of 69 years, leaving eleven children: James A Lewis of Hartford City, Ind.; Mrs. Chas. Chitwood of Beckton; John C. Lewis of California; Mrs. Rhoda Lowell of Boston, Mass.; Ben B. Lewis, Mrs. V. Jordan and Mrs. Estella Alexander of Detroit; Fielding Lewis of Louisville; Carl and Hiram Lewis of Hays.

Mrs. Lewis and her late husband, who died a year ago, were born and reared south of Glasgow, where he was a Magistrate, and they were among the best citizens of the county.

Mrs. Lewis was a Miss McGlocklin before her marriage, and is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Geo
Lessenberry of South Fork, and Mrs. Harry Berry of this place.

Mrs. Lewis was a member of the Baptist church, and had been a hopeless invalid for four years.

Burial was in the Glasgow Cemetery Saturday, after funeral services at the home of Rev. Taylor.

Unknown Glasgow KY newspaper, from files of the late Eva Coe Peden.

Glasgow Municipal Cemetery
Judy J. Lewis
7 Mar 1863 - 13 Feb 1929
On same stone with Mike M.

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