Barren County Obituaries

Mrs. R.B. Grider

Submitted by Sandi Gorin. She notes:
"I have no connection, no further information and am not seeking additional information."

Mrs. R. B. Grider - 18 July 1965, age not shown

Mrs. R. B. Grider. Funeral services, who died Sunday, 18 July [1965] in Danville, Kentucky, following a lengthy illness, were conducted Tuesday in Danville with interment in the Cave Hill Cemetery in Louisville. She was the widow of the late Rev. R. B. Grider, a Methodist minister of the Louisville Conference who succumed in 1928; was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Harvey, pioneer residents of Willow Shade community, and was a resident of Glasgow for many years. She had lived at the Friendship House in Danville for the past three years. Those attending the funeral from Glasgow included: Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hendricks, Mrs. Daryl Harvey and Prentice Patricia Newcomb. They were joined by Mr. and Mrs. Earl Newcomb of Elizabethtown."

Glasgow (KY) Republican, 1965.

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