Barren County Obituaries

Gary Eugene Emmitt

Submitted by Sandi Gorin. She notes:
"I have no connection, no further information and am not seeking additional information."

Name: Gary Eugene Emmitt
Residence: Smiths Grove KY
Died: Tuesday, 4 March 2003, Hwy 68/80 automobile accident, age 50.
Born: Barren Co KY
Son of the late Lee Lawrence and Clara Maude Clark Emmitt of Smiths Grove who survives.
Fuel attendant at the BP Station in Smiths Grove.
Also survived by:
Daughter: Tabatha Emmitt of Smiths Grove
Son: Christopher Emmitt of Smiths Grove
Sisters: Betty Brandel and Louisa James, both of FL
Brothers: Charlie of Glasgow, Earl of Smiths Grove, Jerry and William, both of Scottsville KY Services 2
pm Friday, 7 Mar 2003, Hardy & Son Funeral Home, Smiths Grove Chapel, burial Pleasant Grove Cemetery.

Glasgow (KY) Daily Times, Thursday, 6 Mar 2003, p. 2.

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