Barren County Obituaries

George B. Ellis

Submitted by Sandi Gorin. She notes:
"I have no connection, no further information and am not seeking additional information."

"THE DEATH of George B. Ellis, Esq., at his residence, in this place, on Saturday night last, though not unexpected by those familiar with his condition, was a startling surprise to very many of his friends and acquaintenances when the sad event was announced on Sunday morning. Mr. Ellis had been in his usual health until a few weeks sicne when he began to complain slightly of enlargements about his neck, which so little attracted his attention that he did not regard it important to have medical advice. Within the past two weeks, however, the glands involved so rapidly increased as to produce serious alarm in the minds of his friends and medical attendants as to the ultimate issue. Within a few days of his death, all hope of recovery or relief was abandoned on account of the malignant and extensive character of the disease. 'Twas indeed a sad spectacle to see a strong man in the full exercise of his faculties doomed to certain death, with a disease baffling all efforts for relief and gradually and rapidly encroaching upon the vital functions, ans which finally terminated in death.

"Mr. Ellis was well advanced in years, having reached his sixty-sixth year, and had by energy and prudence amassed a handsome property. He was an exemplary and active christian, and a constant attendant upon the services of his church. As a citizen he was greatly esteemed and by his immediate friends held in warm affection. As a father and husband he was tender in his attachments and faithful in his duty, and his loss will be sorely felt. The funeral services were conducted by Eld. N. G. Terry, in the presence of a large concourse of relatives and friends, at his late residence, on Monday evening, at 3 o'clock, after which his remains were committed to the grave near the scenes of his late life. May his soul rest in peace."

Glasgow Municipal Cemetery
George B Ellis
11 Oct 1809 - 9 May 1874

Glasgow (KY) Weekly Times, 14 May 1874.

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