Barren County Obituaries

Eugene Drane

Submitted by Sandi Gorin. She notes:
"I have no connection, no further information and am not seeking additional information."

Was Prominent Farmer of South Fork Section For Many Years.

Eugene N.Drane, eighty-three years of age, died at his home on Front Street here last night at 10:45 o'clock after a lingering illness.

Mr. Drane had lived his entire life in Barren County and was a successful and prominent farmer of the South Fork section of this County for many years. Mr.
Drane was a devout member of the South Fork Baptist Church. He was the last surviving son of Judson and Louisiana Clayton Drane.

He is survived by two children E. N. Drane, Jr., of Exeter Cal., Miss Lallah Drane of Haines City, Fla., one sister, Mrs. R. B. Allen of Smith(s) Grove, Ky.
Three grandchildren surviving him are Iner Settle, Glasgow; Mrs. Chris Ellis of the Bruce section and Mrs. Cecil Smith of Becton.

Mr. Drane was a man of sterling qualities and leaves many friends throughout the county who sincerely regret his passing.

Funeral services will not be made until the arrival of E. N. Drane, Jr., from California.

Unknown Glasgow KY newspaper, found in files of the late Eva Coe Peden

Glasgow Municipal Cemetery
Eugene N. Drane
2 April 1852 - 11 Feb 1935 Father

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