Barren County Obituaries

Porter Borders

Submitted by Sandi Gorin. She notes:
"I have no connection, no further information and am not seeking additional information."

A DISTRESSING accident occurred on Peter's Creek, in the southern portion of the county, last Monday. Henry Borders and his son, Porter Borders, cut down a tree.
In someway they got in the way of the falling tree, and it fell upon them, killing the father instantly.
Young Borders' neck was caught in the fork of a limb, and he called to a younger brother, who was near, to cut the limb off as it was choking him to death. The youth commenced cutting the limb when the tree, which had caught on some obstruction and failed to fall entirely to the ground, fell and choked Porter Borders to death."

Glasgow (KY) Weekly Times, 27 Aug 1874.

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