A NOBLEMAN - PROMINENT IN HIS PROFESSION NEARLY HALF CENTURY. Briefly mentioned in the last issue of the Times, on account of lack of time, the death of Dr. C. W. Biggers at his home in Temple Hill, last Monday evening, richly deserves a more extended notice. Dr. Carter Westerfield Biggers was the son of the late Dr. George Biggers, who was for many years a leading physician of Monroe county. The father was a man of strong individuality and vigorous mental powers - traits which wre transmitted to the son on even a larger scale. Dr. Biggers, the younger, was born near Mt. Hebron, and was reared in that section. After receiving the advantages of athorough medical education, he settled down to the practice of his profession near Nobob, where the greater part of his long and successful career as physician and citizen was spent. A few years ago, he moved to Temple Hill, where he made his home until his death.
Dr Biggers was extraordinarily successful in his profession and for more than a generation enjoyed a lucrative practice. prominent as a physician, he was equally prominent as a citizen and a leader of men, and possesed the public confidence to a degree equaled by few men. His intellect was strong and bright, his convictions firm and unyielding - though he himself was always a courteous gentleman in respecting the principles of others. He was a fine speaker, and, had he entered politics would doubtless have developed into a first-class orator and politician. In short, he was an ideal physician, a model of citizenship and a man whose place will long remain unfilled. Dr. Biggers was a member of the Baptist church and was, as he was in everything he entered into, prominent in his church circles. No physician ever living in this section more completely held the confidence, respect and esteem of his patrons and friends.
"Dr. Biggers is survived by his widow and two sons - Dr. M. F. Biggers and Dr. L. C. Biggers - both excellent physicians of the Temple Hill country.
Funeral services were held at Poplar Log church Wednesday, after which the remains were interred in the cemetery at that place. The immense concourse in attendance well testified to the esteem and respect in which the deceased was held.
Glasgow (KY) Weekly Times, undated
Poplar Log Cemetery
Dr. C. W. Biggers
28 Aug 1840 - 20 Jan 1913