Samuel Woodson Revolutionary War Pension

Compiled by Annie Walker Burns Bell 1933

Virginia S 31495

On this 20th day of Aug. 1832, personally appared in open court before the Justices of the County Court, for Barren County, now sitting, SAMUEL WOODSON, a resident of the said County of Barren in the State of Kentucky, aged 17 years. Who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration, in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed 7th June 1832.

That he entered the service of the U.S. under the following named officers and served as herein stated. That he first entered the service being drafted for two months, under Capt. RICHARD BIBB, Gen. NELSON, commande by troops to which he belonged, but he doesn not recollect who was the Col. of the Regiment. He entered the service at Williamsburgh, Va. marched from thence to Little York and served a tour fo two months and was discharged at Little York. He next served tour of two months under Cap. GIDEON HATCHER, he marched through Henrico, James City, Charles City and Isle of Wight to Petersburgh, and was there discharged. GEORGE ROBERTS was Lieutenant of his company. COl. JOHN PLEASANTS, commanded the regiment and Gen. WEEDON commanded the body of troops and under him Col. JOHN STARK and Col. NATHANIEL MORRIS also had commands. During this tour the troops marched to attack the British ships then lying in James River about 15 miles below Richmond, but being armed with musquets only and the British pointing and firing their cannon, the troops were ordered to secure themselves by lying down and they retreated after night. That he served as third tour of two months under Capt. WILLIAM MILLER, Col. JOHN NICHOLAS took command and the Majors serving under him were Major CHARLES McGILL and Major D'CLOOMAND (a Frenchman) the Col. and Majors were, as said WOODSON believes, regular officers, but he cannot be positive. During this tour, the said WOODSON marched from Goochland County to Richmond, the British had evacuated that city and were followed by the troops to Westover (Col. BIRDS Place) on James River, where the british embarked in their shipping the said WOODSON was afterwards discharged at Cabin Point, that he served a fourth tour of two months under Capt. STOKELY TOWLES. He does not recollect the Col. of the regiment, Major BOYCE was one of the Major ARMISTEAD the adjutant. He marched from Richmond to Norfolk and thence to Petersburgh where he was discharged, the troop having then departed their arms in the magazine that he served a fifth tour of two months under Capt. GIDEON HATCHER marched from Richmond to Cabin Point hwere he was discharged. That he was drafted fro a sixth tour of two months and being sick, his father hired a substitute by the name of WILLIAM POOR, who served the tour under Capt. FREDERICK WOODSON who (as the said SAMUEL believes) was a regular officer, said SAMUEL believes that the Capt. of the Militia Company was THOMAS ROYSTER, and that he did not go on the expedition because he was sick of this last fact, however, he cannot be positive. He said WILLIAM POOR served at the Siege of York and was as the said SAMUEL understood, discharged after the surrender of CORNWALLIS. The said SAMUEL WOODSON resided during all the time aforesaid except when in service, in Goochland Co., on James River, about 18 miles below Richmond, Va. He cannot recollect the name of his officers except as aforesaid, nor can he recollect the particular periods when he entered and quit the service except as already specified. He further states that he has lost his discharges, and has no document or evidence of his service now in his possession, and he further states that he know of no person now living whose testimony he can procure who can testify to his service, that RICHARD BIBB, Sr., the Captain under whom he first served, lived in Logan Co., Ky. about 60 miles from his said Samuel's place of residence, that he the said SAMUEL went to the said RICHARD BIBB, but he being between 80 and 90 years old although he remember commanding a militia company in the Revolutionary War, could not recollect the name of the said SAMUEL WOODSON, or that he ever was one of his company.

The said SAMUEL WOODSON, hereby relinquished every claim whatever, to a pension of annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any state. Sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid.

1. Where and in what year were you born? I was born in Goochland Co., Va on the 24th July 1761.
2. Have you any record of your age, and if so where is it? I have none. My father in Va. had one in his family bible.
3. Where were you living when called into the servic, were you drafted, where youa volunteer or were you a substitute, and if a stubstitute, for whom? In Goochland County, I was drafted
4. Where have you been living since the Revolutionary War, and where do you now live? I moved from Va. to Ky. and have been living in this county for 30 years.
5. State the names of some of the regular officers, who were with th troops when you served, such continental an dmilitia regiments as you recollect, and the general circumstances of your service? Col. JACK PLEASANTS, Col. MORRIS, Major McGILL, Maj. D'CLOOMAND? (a Frenchman), Gen. NELSON, Gen. WEADON, Gen. MULENBUGH. I cannot recollect the regiments, the general circumstances are the same as stated in the declaration. He served under Capt. RICHARD BIBB, Gen. NELSON. He marched through Henrico, James City, Charles City, and Isle of Wight to Petersburgh and was there discharged, he served under the following officers, also, Lieutenatn ROBERTS, Col. STARK, Col. MORRIS, Capt. MILLER, Col. NICHOLAS, Majors McGILL and D'CLEMAND.

We, ANDREW NUCKOLDS, a clergyman, residing in the county of Barren, and THOMPSON C. BERRY, residing also in the county of Barren, do hereby certify that we are well acquainted with SAMUEL WOODSON, who has subscribed and swron to the foregoing declaration, that we believe him to be 71 years of age, that he is reputed and bleived in the neighborhood where he resides to have beena soldier of the Revolution, and that we concur in that opinion. Sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid.

And the said court do hereby declare their opinion, after the investigation of the matter and after putting the interrogatories prescribed by the War Department, that the above named applicant was a Revolutionary soldier and served as he states; and the court further certifies that it appears to them that ANDREW NUCKOLDS who has signed the preceding certificate is a clergyman resident in the aforesaid County of Barren, and that THOMPSON C. BERRY, who has also signed the same is a resident in the said county of Barren and is a credible person and that their statement is entitled to credit.

I, WILLIAM LOGAN, Clerk of the County Court for Barren County in the State of Kentucky, do hereby certify that the foregoing contains the original proceedings of the said court in the matter of the application of SAMUEL WOODSON for a pension. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and sel of my office, this 20th day of Aug. 1832.
/s/ W. LOGAN, Clerk of Barren County Court

Question 6. Did you ever receive a discharge? No. the Militia had no discharges in them days.
7. State some of the neighbors of yours who can testify as to your character for veracity and their belief of your services as a soldier of the Revolution. WILLIAM LOGAN, FRANKLIN GORIN, FREDERICk NOOP?, Sr., JESSE CURD, LAWRENCE GILLICK, and many others.

Covering Jacket: 1831 Kentucky. Samuel Woodson of Barren Co, Ky. who was a private in the company commanded by Capt. Hatcher of the regiment commanded by Col. Nickols in the Va. Line for 10 months from 1780. Inscribed on the Roll of Kentucky at the rate of $33.33 per annum to commence, March 4, 1831. Certificate of Pension issued the 6th Nov. 1832, and sent ot C. Tompkins, Glasgow, Ky.
Arrears to 4th Sept. 1832--------------------------------------------$49.99
Semi-annual allowance ending March 4, 1833----------------$16.67


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