Obediah Wade Revolutionary War Pension
Compiled by Annie Walker Burns Bell 1933
Virginia Pension No. S 16,570
On this 18th day of Sept. 1832, personally appeared before the Judge of the Circuit Court for the county and circuit of Barren in the State aforesaid, OBADIAH WADE, a resident of the said county of Barren in the state aforesaid, aged 68 years and five months, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on this oath, make the following declaration, in order to obtain the benefit of the provision made by the Act of Congress passed June 7, 1832.
That he enlisted in the army of the U.S. in the year 1780 according to the best of his recollection, for th term of eighteen months, and served for the said term of eithgteen months in the Va. State Line under the following named officers, he belonged to the Brigade of Gen. PETER MUHLENBERG he does not know to what company he was attached, being selected with about fifteen others as a wagon guard and placed under the command of a Sergant, in which capacity he served during the whole time being generally stationed with the said Gen. MUHLENBERG and acting under his orders. That he joined the army at Richmond, Va. just before ARNOLD burnt the foundry at that was that place that he marched by Chesterfield Court House to Petersburgh, from thence to Smithfield and Cabbin Point, from thence to Suffolk from whence they returned to Richmond, this was at the time ARNOLD invaded the State of Va., after the army returned to Richmond, CORNWALLIS was advancing, and the said army with the said WADE returned to the mountains to a place calle the Raccoon Ford, where they were reenforced by General WAYNE, when the troops returned to Little York, when CORNWALLIS was beseiged by the French and the army under Gen. WASHINGTON, he said WADE further saith, that he remained at Little York, until shortly before the surrender of CONWALLIS, when he was taken sick and sent to the hospital at Williamsburgh, where he remained until after the surrender when he obtained a furlough and returned home to Goochland Co., Va. where he resided at the time he entered the service and afterwards, that in the winter of the year 1781, he obtained his discharge in writing at Powhatan Court House in Va. He does not recollect by whom his discharge was signed. He afterwards left it with the auditor at Richmond, Va. when he drew his pay. The said WADE recollcts that Col. DICK, Major THOS. DREW, and Major LUDAMAN served in the army to which he was attached, but owing to the nature of his service as before described and his being very young at the time, he cannot say whether he was in the same regiment with them. Majors DREW and LUDEMAN were aids to Gen. MUHLENBERG. The said OBADIAH WADE hereby relinquishes ever claim whatever to a pension or an annuity except the present, and he declares that his name is not on the pension roll of any agency in any state. Sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid. /s/ OBADIAH WADE
And the said court, doth hereby declare their opinion that the above named applicant was a Revolutionary soldier and served as he states.
I, RICHARD GARNETT, Clerk of the Circuit Court for the County and Circuit of Barren in the State of Kentucky, do hereby certify that the foregoing contains the original proceedings fo the said court in the matter of the application of OBEDIAH WADE for a pension. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal of office, this 18th day of Sept. 1832. /s/ RICHARD GARNETT, C.B.C
Brief in the case of OBADIAH WADE,
Barren Co., Ky.
His declaration made before a court, age 68, enlisted 1780, served 18 months, as private in Va. State LIne, under General PETER MUHLENBERG. Was in Battle of Yorktown, resided at Richmond, Va. when he entered the service, his name is on the roll. /s/ F. WAUGH, Examining Clerk
Covering Jacket: 4744 Obadiah Wade, Barren County, Ky. who was a private in the Va. Line for 18 months from 1780. Inscribed on Roll of Ky. at rate of $60 per annum to commence March 4, 1831, at rate, certificate of pension issued Jan. 28, 1833, and sent to Hon, C. Tompkins, House of Reps.
Arrears to Sept. 4, 1832-------------------------------------------------$ 90.00
Semi-annual allowance to March 4, 1833--------------------------$ 30.00