Thomas & Elizabeth Terry Revolutionary War Pension

Compiled by Annie Walker Burns Bell 1933

Virginia W2271
State of Kentucky, Barren County: SS

On this 17th day of Sept. 1832, personally appeared before the Barren Circuit Court, of said county, being a court of record, THOMAS TERRY, a resident citizen of said county, who being duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provision made by Act of Congress of the 7th June 1832, providing for certain surviving officers and soldiers of the army of the Revolution, saith that he is now near seventy-eight years of age, that WILLIAM WILLIAMS of Va. has a family Bible which contains a record of his age, that he was in the Revolution, a citizen of Pittsylvania, Co., Va. that in the month of July 1778, he was enrolled in Capt. JOHN WATERS Company of Militia as a substitute for BENJAMIN EDWARDS, who was drafted for 3 months in the regiment commanded by Col. PETER PERKINS (blotted out looks like that Capt. JOHN WATERS commanded the company in which he served). He marched to Boston and etc., served a tour of 3 months, received a discharge which has long since been lost, returned home in July, enlisted for the period of during the war, in the company commanded by Capt. JOHN WATERS in the regiment commanded by Col. WILLIAM DICKS, in the Va. State Line or Continental Line, he cannot be positive which. He was in the Battle at Guilford Court House, to wit, the 15th March 1781, General N. GREEN commanded in that engagement. Col. WASHINGTON was there. Col. LEE also commanded some light horse, the American Army got the better of the engagement. Shortly after the Battle at Guilford Court, he was in the Battle at the Utaw Springs, Cols. LEE and WASHINGTON were also there, the Americans there gained a signal Victory, commanced by WALLACE then sailed round to York, he then marched with some prisoners to Halifax Old Town, Va. marched then towards, York, did not reach there before the surrender by Cornwallace, was honorably discharged in the year 1781, after the surrender of Cornwallis in October of that year, but lost his discharge before he got home, he never received any warrant for the Bounty Land due him in right of said services and he berby relinquishes every claim, whatever, to a pension or annuity except the present and he further declares that his name is not on the pension role of the U.S. or the agency of any state. Swaorn to and subscribed in open court, the day and year aforesaid. /s/ THOMAS TERRY (his X)

Wm. B. COOK and EDWARD ROGERS, residing in Barren Co., Ky. certify that we are well acquainted with THOMAS TERRY who has subscribed and sworn to the withindeclaration, that we believe him tob e the age h represents himself to be, that he is reputed and believed in his neighborhood where he resided to have been a soldier of the Revolution and that we concur in that opinion. Sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid. Signed,
/s/ WM. B. COOK

And the said court certify as their opinion from the declaration affidavits aforesaid, that said THOMAS TERRY served as in his delaration, stated and that said ROGERS, the winess is a man entitled to credit on oath, all of which i certified to the Department of War of the U.S.

On this 17th day of May 1853, personally appeared before the undersigned a Justice of the Peace for the county and state aforesaid, ELIZABETH TERRY, a resident of Barren County, in the State of Kentucky, aged 65, who first being duly sworn according to law, doth on her oath, make the folloiwng declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provision made by the Act of Congress, passsed on the 3rd February 1853, granting pensions to widows, of persons who served during the Revolutionary War; that she is the widow of THOMAS TERRY, who was a private in the Revolutionary Army, for proof of which she refers you to the evidence filed in this application for pension, which he drew, and continued to draw up to the time of his death; the particulars of which being unable to state, she refers you to the record, in order that she may obtain the benefit of the Acot of 3rd Feb. 1853, and the Acts thereby referred to.

She further declares, that she was married to the said THOMAS TERRY on the 30th of Nov. 1817, that her said husband died on the 10th of June 1738, that she was not married to him prior to the 2nd day of Jan. 1800 but at the time above stated. She further declares that she is now a widow. /s/ ELIZABETH TERRY

Sworn to and subscribed before me the day and year above written, and I certify that she is the widow of THOMAS TERRY, who drew a pension, as before stated, and that from bodily infirmity, she is unable to attend court to make her declaration, and that I am not prosecuting this case, and have no interest whatever in any pension she may draw. /s/ JOHN Y. WALLACE, J.P.A.C.

We, the undersigned hereby certify that we were personally acquainted with THOMAS TERRY, who is referred to in the within declaration, and that ELIZABETH TERRY lived with him for many years and was reputed and generally believed to be his lawful and married wife, and that she is still a widow, not having married since his death; and that we are not interested in any pension she may draw.
/s/ R.M (W?) CRABB

Sir: Enclosed, you will find the claim of ELIZABETH TERRY for Pension, which you will please exmine and report to me at Clover Hil, Ky. /s/ MARION N. CARR

To the Commissioner of Pensions, Washington City, D.C
Brief in case of THOMAS TERRY, Barren Co., Ky.
His declaration made before a court, age 78, served as substitute 1776, for 3 months as private under Capt. JOHN WATERS, Col. PERKINS, Enlisted July 1779, served 2 years and upwards as private under Capt. WATERS, Col. DICKS, Va. State or Continental Line, Gen. GREENE, was in Battles of Guilford Court House, and Eutaw Springs. When he entered service resided in Pittsylvania Co., Va. His statement supported by traditionary evidence. /s/ F. WAUGH, Examining Clerk

Marriages solemnized by the Rev. ROBERT STOCKTON, 1817, Nov. 30, signed, THOMAS TERRY & ELIZABETH DUNN.

I, Travis Cockrill, Clerk of the OCunty Court for said county, certify that the foregoing copy of the record of the marriage of THOMAS TERRY and ELIZABETH DUNN is a true and perfect copy from the records of my office.
In testimony whereof, I ahve herunto set my name and affixed the seal of my said office, at Glasgow, this 23rd day of May A.D. 1853. /s/ TRAVIS COCKRILL, C.B.C.C. by MIKE H. DICKINSON, D.C.

Sir: Some years since, I, made application for apension in the name of ELIZABETH TERRY widow of THOS. of Ky. a Revolutionary soldier the acting commissioner at that time would only extend it back to Feb. 3, 1853, which was clearly wrong numerous letters have been written by agents at Washington, endeavoring to get the claim in hand, but believing that you will look into the error, I respectfully submit the case to you, belieinvg you will grant whatever you are allowed by law. I am respectfully, your obedient servant, M.N. CARR, Com. of Pensions, Washington D.D.

East Fork Ky.
April 11, 1857
Sir: Your favor of March 21 in regard to the pension of ELIZABETH TERRY has been recieved. I am clearly of the opinion, that this case extends back to March 4, 1848, the 2nd session of Fen. 3, 1853, admits of no other construction. It says expressly, that the widow of a Revolutionary solier who was married since the 1st January 1800, shall be entitled to pension in the same manner as those married before that period. I can see no need of the action of Congress in regard to this case. I think the aacton of the court of claims only refers to thos emboded in the 1st section of said Act. Yours & CMN CARR, Comr. of Penisons, Washington D.C.

Pension Office,
Aug. 13, 1853
Sir; Please report time of last payment to or death of within named pensioner. Respectfully and etc, S. COLE, for Comr. T. BURT, Esq. 3 and present
THOMAS TERRY, Act 32, $80 p an. died June 10 1837, paid to his death.

Covering Jacket: 4746 KY. Thomas Terry of Barren Co., who was a private in the company commanded by Capt. Waters, Regiment of Col. Perkins in the Va. Line for 2 years from 1778. Inscribed on Roll of Ky. at the rater of $80 per annum to commence March 4, 1831. Certificate of pensions issued Jan. 28, 1833 and sent ot Hon. C. Tompkins, House of Representatives.
Arrears to Sept. 4, 1832-------------------------------------------------------$120.00
Semi-annual allowance ending March 4, 1833---------------------------$ 40.00

Covering Jacket: 1375 KENTUCKY Elizabeth Berry, widow of Thomas Terry, who served in the Revolutionary Was as a private, Va. Line. Inscribed on the Roll of Ky. at the rate of $80 per annum to commence, Feb. 3, 1853, certificate of pension, issued Aug. 18, 1853. Sent to Marion N. Carr, Clover Hill, Ky.

Recorded on Roll of Pensioners under Act of Feb. 3, 1853, Vol. A. Page 178, on reverse of this jaket is this notation "1836, Jan. 27, Stephen Terry with history prior to pension.




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