Thomas & Rebecca Smith Revolutionary War Pension
Compiled by Annie Walker Burns Bell 1933
South Carolina W 8734
In order to obtain the benfit of the Act of Congress, passed June 7, 1832. State of Ky., Barren Co., Sct. On this Sept, 17, 1833, personally appeared in open court, before the Judge of the Barren Circuit now sitting, THOMAS SMITH of Barren Co., Ky. aged 71 years who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following delaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June 7, 1832.
That he was born in Camden District, S.C. on Jan. 9, 1762, and entered the service o the U.S. under the following named officers and served as herein stated. That he enters the service as a drafted Militiaman about the first of Oct. 1778 in Capt. JAMES KNOX's Company, Major BROWNE's Batlion, Col. SINGLETON's Regiment, Gen. RICHARDSON's Brigade, that he was drafted in the district where he was born and there resided, and joined the army in Charleston, S.C. and lay at the quarter house three or four weeks, then marched to Purensburg(?) on Savana River, and remaind there until he was discharged about the middle of February 1779. That the relief had not arrived and he volunteered under Major BROWN and remained two weeks more and left the army about the 1st March 1779 having served five months as a private.
He further state, that he was drafted in the same district (Camden) about the first of Novmember 1782, under the command of Capt. Cooper, and was marched to Orangeburg to guard the magazine at that place, where he remained until about the first of February 1782, having served three months as a private. That he did not, at the end of either of the terms fo service receive a written discharge, that he was dicharged by orders o fhis officers verbally, that he removed to Fayettey Co., Ky. soon after the war, lived there several years, then removed to Mercer Co., Ky. and then to Green Co., Ky. and lived there until ever since. That ZACHEUS QUISENBERRY a clergyman and JOEL YANCEY lives in his county and neighborhood who can testify as to his character for varicity and their velief of his service as a soldier of the Revolution. He states that he has no documentary evidene and that he knows of no person whose testimony he can procure, who can testify to his service. That he has no record, evidence of his age, but relies upon his father's record, when he lived with him, which he recollects. That he refers the department to Hon. JOEL YANCY and ZACHEUS QUISENBERRY who are well acquainted with ihm, and can testify to his character for varacity, and their belief of his service as a soldier of the Revolution.
He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to an annuity or pension, except the present and declards that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any state or territory. Subscribed and sworn to the dya and year first above written
/s/ THOMAS (his X mark) SMITH
We, ZACHEUS QUISNEBERRY, a clergyman, residing in the county of Barren and State of Ky., and JOEL YANCY, residing in the County of Barren and State of Ky., hereby certify that we are well acquainted with THOMAS SMITH, said QUISENBERRY from report more than personal knowledge, who has subscibed and sworn to the above declaration, that we belive him to be sevety one years of age, that he is reputed and blieved in the nighborhod where he reside, to have been a soldier of the Revolution, and that we concur in that opinion. Sworn and subscribed this 17th day of Sept. 1833
On this 18th day of Sept. 1845, personally appeared before me an acting Justice of the Peace for the Coutny of Barren and State of Ky., REBECCA SMITH, the widow of THOMAS SMITH of the County of Barren and State of Ky., aged about 74 years, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on her oath, make the following delaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provision of the Act of Congress passed July 7, 1838, entitled an Act granting half pay and pensions to certina widows.
That she is the widow of THOMAS SMITH, who was a private in the South Carolina Militia in the Revolutionary War and drew a pension from the U.S. for his services aforesaid, while a citizen of Barren Co. She further declares that her name was HARRIMAN and that she was married to the said THOMAS SMITH in the County of Mercer and State of Ky. on the 14th day of July 1791 by the Rev. JOHN RICE, and said THOMAS SMITH died on the 14th day of Feb. 1834, and that she was not married to him prior to his leaving the service but the marriage took place previous to the first of January 1794, at the time above stated. Sworn to before me at the time above stated. /s/ STEPHEN RATLIFF, J.P.B.C.
I futher certify that I have know the aforesaid REBECCA SMIH, widow of THOMAS SMITH, probably twnety years and don't know wnaything againt her oath. I further certify taht I am satisfied that she is not able to attend court to make her declaration by reason of bodily infirmity. Given, under my hand this the 18th day of Sept. 1845. /s/ STEPHEN RATLIFF, J.P.B.C.
I, JACOB LEMMON, do certify that I have know the above REBECCA SMITH, the widow of THOMAS SMITH for the term of twenty eight years and do know her to be the identical person she represents herself to be and that her husband was pensioner of the U.S. /s/ JACOB LEMMON
Sir: Please answer me directed to Centre Post Office, Barren Co., Ky. I am respectfully, REBECCA SMITH
I. J.L. EDWARDS, Esq. Commissioner of Pensions, Washington City. State of Ky. Mercer Co., Sct. I, THOMAS ALLIN, Clerk of the court for the county of Mercer do hereby certify that it apepars formt he records in my office, that THOMAS SMITH and REBECCA HARRIMAN were married by the Reverand JOHN RICE on the 18th day of July 1791 in Mercer County.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal of office, this 4th of Aug. 1845.
Covering Jacket: 25021 KENTUCKY. Thomas Smith of Barren Co., Ky who was a private in the company commanded by Capt. Knox of the Regiment commanded by Col. Singleton in the S.C. Line for 8 months. Inscribed on the Roll of Kentucky at the rate of $26.66 per annum, to commence the 4th march 1831. Certifiate of Pensions issued the 9th Nov. 1833, and sent ot Richard Garnett, Glasgow.
Arrears to Sept. 4----------------------------------------------------------------$66.67
Semi-annual allowance ending March 4----------------------------------$13.33
Covering Jacket: 9710 KENTUCKY. Rebecca Smith, widow of Thomas Smith, who was a pensioner under the Act of 1832, and who died on the 14th Feb. 1834, of Barren Co., Ky. who was a private in the company commanded by Capt. Knox of the regiment commanded by Col. Singleton in the S.C. Line for 8 months. Inscribed on the Roll of Ky. at the rate of $26.66 per annum, to commence March 4, 1836. Certificate of Pension, issued Nov. 10. 1845 and sent ot pensioners, Centre, Barren Co., Ky.
Covering Jacket: Ky. 7396. Rebecca Smith, widow of Thos. Smith, who was a private in the Revolution. Inscribed on the Ky. Roll at $26.66 per annum to commence March 4, 1843. Certificate of pension issued, Nov. 10. 1845, and sent ot pensioner, Centre, Barren Co., Ky. Acts of March 3, 1843, and July 7, 1844.