Thomas Roberts Revolutionary War Pension

Compiled by Annie Walker Burns Bell 1933

Virginia No. S 31334
State of Kentucky, Barren Co., and Circuit Sct

On this 28th day of Sept. 1832, personally appeared in open court before the Judge of the Barren Circuit Court, now sitting THOMAS ROBERTS resident in the county of Barren and State of Kentucky, aged 70 years the 27th October next, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth, on his oath make the follwing declaration in ordet o obtain the benfit of an Act of Congress passed June 7, 1832.

That he entered the service of the U.S. under the follwing named officers, and served as herein stated. At the time he entered the service he lived in Brunswick County, Va. and in 1779, was drafted in his division and entered the servcie in the Virginia Militia under Capt. THOMAS EDMUNDS, Lieutenant CHARLES LUCAS, General DAVID MASON marched us from the place of Rendezvoux Micks Ford to Stone, the other side of Charleston, South Carolina where we joined the regular army commanded by General LINCOLN. He was in the Battle of Stono, where he received a ball through his cloathes. On this tour he was called out to serve six month after he got into South Carolina, and thinks he served about 8 months from the time he started until his return from the Battle of Stono, he went home, being discharged by his Capt. TOM EDMONDS, by whom it was signed, but said discharge is now lost of mislaid. In this tour he served and acted as orderly sergeant in Capt. EDMONDS Company. he afterwards volunteered in 1780 under Col. WILLIAM STITH? of Brunswick Co., in a Horse Company, finding his own horse and equipages, and served, he thinks about one month and a half, when the orders which had been given were countermanded, and he returned home, the company to which he belonged being disbanded. He served under the aforesaid STITH? who though called a Colonel was their Capt. The company was disbanded at Elliot's Mill, being never propertly officered. In the same year he was called out on a tour of service for three months under Capt. EDMOND WILKINS, of Brunswick County, Lieutenant's name not remembered, the Rendozvous was Mackey's Mills; where he was taken out of the ranks to work as an artificer in a blacksmith shop to make spikes for floating batteries and went with the army no farther but served in the Smith's Shop until the three months expired, when he retired home to Brunswick County.

During the time CORWALLIS was beseiged in York, he served in a company in collecting Beever for the army furnished his own horse and toher necessaries, the collection of the Beeves was carried on under the direction of FREDERICK LUCAS and WILLIAM MITCHELL. He served three months at his business. He hereby relinquished every claim whatever to a pension of annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any state.

In answer to the Interrogatories prescribed by the War Department he saith taht he was born in the yar 1762 on the 27th day of OCt. in Amelia Co., Va. and raised in Brunswick, Va. he has not now a record of his age, but calculates it from what his parents told him. When called into the service he was living in Brunswick Co., Va. and lived there until about 24 or 25 year of age, when he moved to Barren County, where he has continued to live ever since. The first time he was called into service he was drafted in his division, the second he was a volunter in a horse company, the 3rd he was drafted in his division, and the 4th time the same way, that is it came to his turn in drawing the number in his division. At the Battle of Stono, General LINCOLN was a regular officer who served with the troops. He knew Capt. DOGGETT who was killed in the Battle of Stono. He cannot state the names of many regular officer because his service was chiefly with the Militia. He does not know recollect the names of any regiments, being with the regular army only at Stono he was very little acquainted with the regular establishement. He received discharges but they are all now lost of mislaid so that it si entirely out of his power to rpoduce them. When orderly Sergeant, he was appointed by the Capt. and not commissioned. In answer to the 7th question, he would name WINN MALONE, WM. COOK, WM. DALE, BURWELL LAWLESS, Gen. JOHN GORIN, REUBEN DALE, WM. J. WOOD, ELIAS SMITH, CHRISTOPHER TOMPKINS and may other whom he could now name. He has not documentary evidence, and he knows of no person whose testimoney he can procure, who can testify to his services.
Subscribed and sworn to, the day and year aforesaid.

We, LOWERY BISHOP, residing in the County of Barren and WM. F. COOK, residing in Hart County hereby certify taht weare well acquainted with THOMAS ROBERTS, who has subscribed and sworn to the above declaration; that we believe him to be about 70 years of age, that he is reputed and believe in the neighborhod where he resides, to have been a soldier of the Revolution, and taht we concur in that opinion.
Sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid.
/s/ WM. F. COOK

(pg76 of book missing. pg77 duplicate information stated previously)

Brief in the case of THOMAS ROBERTS, in the state of Ky.
County of Barren (Act 7th June 1833)
Drafted 1779 length of servic not state, as orderly sergenat, under Capt. T. EDMONS, General D. MASON and LINCOLN,
Vol. 1780, served about one & a half months.
Private, Cav. Capt. WM. STITH, drafed, served 3 months,
Private, Capt. EDMOND WILKINS, drafted, served 3 months (not allowed)
Was in Battel of Stono.
His statements are supported by traditionary evidence.
His papers are correct in form.
/s/ F. WAUGH, Examining Clerk

Covering Jacket: 13944, Ky. Thomas Roberts of Barren Co., State of Ky. who was a sergeant an private in the company commanded by Capt. Watkins in the Viriginia line for 3 months, pr. of infantry, one-half months, private of Cavalry, 6 months as sergenat.
Inscribed on Roll of Ky. at the rate of $46.25 per annum, to commence March 4, 1831. Certificate of pension issued the 13th July 1833, and sent to General John Gorin, Glasgow.
Arrears to 4th March------------------------------------------------------------$92.50
Semi-annual allowance, ending Sept. 4,----------------------------------$23.12

Revolutionary calim, act of June 7, 1832



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