James Robertson (or Robinson) Revolutionary War Pension

Compiled by Annie Walker Burns Bell 1933

Virginia Pension No. S14333
State of Kentucky, Barren County and Circuit Sct

On this 18th day of Sept. 1832, personally appeared before the Judge of the Circuit Court for the County and Circuit of Barren in the state aforesaid JAMES ROBINSON, resident of the said county of Barren in the state aforesaid, aged 71 years, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration, in ordedr to obtain the benefit of the provision made by the Act of Congress passed June 7, 1832; that he enlisted in the army of the U.S. in the 1777, to the best of his recollection, to serve five years, with Capt. CHARLES CAMPBELL, and served in the Virginina State Line or Continental Line, he does not know which, under the following named officers, the numbers of his regiment being likewise forgotten. He saith that when he enlisted he was a resident of Rockbridge County in the State of Virginia, that he together with his company commanded as aforesaid, by Capt. CHARLES CAMPBELL rendezvoused with two or three other companies near to Lexington in Virginia, from whence they were marched under the command of Col. DICKERSON to Point Pleasant at the mouth of Kenhawa on the Ohio, that they there crossed the Ohio and after proceeding about two days march on the other side, and express arrived with the news of BURGOYNE's surrender and order for the troops to return; that they were then marched back to Rockbridge Co., Va. where Capt. CAMPBELL was taken sick, and Capt. WALLACE (the said ROBINSON thinks his christian name was Adam) took the command of the company and the said ROBINSON is then marched in the company to Headquarters at the Valley Forge; at the Valley Forge the said ROBINSON and his company was attached to the Regiment of Col. BUTLER in the Brigade commanded by General ANTHONY WAYNE, and served as one of the assistant commissaries under the issuing commissary of the Regiment; that from the Valley Forge he was marched to Jersey, where the troops were stationed in different places and remained until orders arrived for their return to Virginina, on account as he understood, of the invasion of Com. WALLIS (Cornwallis?), that he marched with the troops back to Virginia in the Spring of the year 1781, and was engaged, under the command of General WAYNE, in a skirmish with the army at Jamestown in said state; and previously to this, he was engaged under the command of Col. JOHN WILLIS? in another skirmish with the enemy at the place in Virginia called Hot Water, where he was severely woundy by being trampled under foot by the British Cavalry, these were the only battles or skirmishes in which he was ever engaged. That after the engagement at Jamestown, it was said that the British Col. TARLTON was advancing into Bedford Co., Va. for the purpose of taking the Publick stores there; he was marched under the command of the said General WAYNE towards the said county of Bedford for the purpose of repelling the attack of the said Col. TARLTON; but when they arrived at the Bridge across the Appomattox River in the County of Amelia news was received that TARLTON had retreated; and they remained there several days until the baggage came up and then marched down to Petersburgh, where they crossed the river and marched up to Manchester and crossed James River to Richmond from there they marched to a place which was called to the best of said ROBINSON's recollection, Black Marsh, where he was taken sick and had leave to return home in Rockbridge County and received from Col. BUTLER a furlough for that purpose. This was in August or September 1781. That he returned home by the assistance fo the Mailitia of Rockbridge County who were discharged, the said ROBINSON being furnished with a horse to accompany them, that after he returned home he remained a long time sicke, and did not recover until next spring, having in the meantime got his furlough renewed or prolonged. That the term of said ROBINSON's enlistment expired in the month of August of taht year (1782). He was able to join the army a short time before the expiration of his said term, but did not do so, not knowing when to report himself; but about that time, a little before or after he saw Capt. STEWARD, who imformed him he had just seen Col. BUTLER who informd him we were all idscharged, or had abtained discharged for us all, or words to that effe t. But the siad ROBINSON never afterwards saw Col. BUTLER, nor has ever had any written discharge in his possession.

The said JAMES ROBINSON hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or an annuity except the present, and he declares that his name is not on the pension roll of any agency in any state.

Sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid /s/ JAMES ROBERSON

Not having any reasont o doubt the service as stated in said declaration. And the said court hereby declares its opinion that the same were rendered. I, RICHARD GARNETT, Clerk of the Circuit Court for the county and circuit aforesaid do hereby certify that the foregoing contains the original proceedings of the said court in the matter of the application of JAMES ROBINSON for a pension.

In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, of office this 18th day of September 1832. /s/ RICHARD GARNETT, C.B.C.C.

Brief in the case of JAMES ROBINSON, Barren County, Ky. Declaration made before a court, age 7`, enlisted 1777, service more than two years, private and assistant Commissary, under Capt. CHARLES CAMPBELL, Regt. Va. State Line, or Continental, Col. DICKERSON, Capt. ADAM WALLACE, Major McILHENY, Col. BUTLER, Gen. WAYNE, Col. I. WILLIS. Engaged in Battle of Hot Water, Va., when he entered the service he resided in Rockbridge Co., Va. Is listed on Va. Roll.

Treasury Department
Second Comptroller's Office
Oct. 15, 1838
Sir: Under the Act of the 6th of April 1838, entitlted, "An Act directing the transfer of money remaining unclaimed by cdrtain Pensioners and authorizing the payment of the same at the Treasury of the U.S. the only child of JAMES ROBINSON deceased, a pensioner on the Roll of the Kentucky agency, at the rate of eighty Dollars per annum, under the law of the 7th June 1832 has been paid at this department, from the 4th of Spet. 1835 to the 29th of January 1836 the day of his death.
Respectfully yours,
ALBRION K. PARRIS, Comptroller To the Commissions of Pensons; Present

Covering Jacket: 4734 Kentucky. James Robinson of Barren County, State of Kentucky who was a Private in the company commanded by Capt. Campbell of the Regiment commanded by Col. Butler in the Va. Line for 2 years from 1777. Inscribed on the Roll of the Ky. at the rate of $80 per annum to commence 4th March 1831.
Certificate of Pension issued the 28th day of January 1833 and sent to Hon. C. Tompkins, House of Representatives.
Arrears to the 4th of Spet. 1832------------------------------$120.00
Semi-annual allowance ending 4th March 1833---------$...40.00

Revolutionary Claim, Act June 7, 1832
Recorded by NATHAN RICE, Clerk, Book D, Vol. 9, Page 58
Note: The name of the child who drew the above money can probably be obtained form the General Accounting Office, by citing the No. 4734, and the information of the covering jacket as I have given it.






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