Nathaniel Reynolds Revolutionary War Pension

Compiled by Annie Walker Burns Bell 1933

Virginia No. S 15615
State of Kentucky, Barren County: Sct

On this 15th day of July 1833, personally appeared in open court before the Justices of the Barren County Court, now sitting, NATHANIEL REYNOLDS, a resident of the County of Barren and State of Kentucky, aged 71 years, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress, passed 7th June 1832.

That he entered the service of the U.S. in the ---- day of 1781, in the County of King William in the State of Va., the names of the officer not recollected, that he was marched to Williamsburgh and that he served there as a militiaman one month and that he received no written dicharge for that tour of duty, that he again entered the service of the U.S in the County of King William, on the --- day of 1781, under Capt. JOSEPH GOFNEY or COFNEY whose company was attached to a regiment commanded by Cols. CHRISTOPHER TOMPKINS and HOLT? RICHARDSON was marched to HOLT's Forge, New Cent Co., Va. to the Long Bridge St. Peters Church and to Bacons Ornery? and that he served in this tour of duty two months. That he again entered the service of the U.S. in the same county on the --- day of 1781 under Capt. JOHN or JACK QUALLS, this lieutenant named WM. BOSWILL, that in that tour he was first marched to Hanover County in the State of Va., thence to the Mobin? Hills and up the country to the Alleghany Mountains in the retreat of Gen. LAFAYETTE and that his term of service at this time was four months and that he entered the service each of the foregoing times as a militiaman and that he was born in King William County, Va. on the 25th Nov. 1762 and that he has a record of his age in a little book, kept by his father in his lifetime and that he was called inot the service in the County of King William, Va., and that he was a Volunteer. He does not recollect the names of any of the regular officers, except General LAFAYETTE and that he received no written discharge of any of his time of service and taht he is acquainted with JAMES BENNETT, WM. PICKETT, THORTON SETTLE in hit present neighborhood, who can testify to his character for varacity and that he removed from King Willaim County, in Va. to Henrico in the same state for Henrico, C., to Barren Co., Ky. where he now lived and that there is no person now living that is known to him by whom he can prove his services by and that he hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension oroll of thea gency of any state whatever.
Sworn to and subscribed the day, year aforesaid

We, ZACHAEUS QUISENBERRY, a clergyman and CHARLES PERKINS, residing in the same county, do hereby certify that we are well acquainted with NATHANIEL REYNOLDS, who has subscribed and sworn to the above declaration, that we believe him to be 71 years of age and that he is reputed and believed in the neighborhood where he reside to have been a soldeir of the Revolution, and that we concur in that opinion.
Sworn to and subscribed this 15th day of July 1833


Be it known, that before me, DANIEL BOYLE, a justice of the Peace in and for the county aforesaid, personally appeared, NATHANIEL REYNOLDS, and made oath in due form of law, that he is the identical NATHANIEL REYNOLDS, named in an original certificate in his possession, of which (I certify) the following is a true copy.


I, certify that in conformity, with the law of the U.S. of the 7th June 1832, NATHANIEL REYNOLDS of the agency of Lexington, Ky., who was a private of infantry in the army of the Revolution, is enitled to receive twenty three dollars and thirty three cents, per annum, during his natural life, commencing on the 4th of March and 4th of Sept. in every year. Given at the War Office onf the U.S. this 25th day of Sept. one thousand, eight hundred and thirty three.

LEW CASS, secretary of War. Examined and countersigned, by J.L. EDWARDS, Commissioner of Pensions. That he is entitled to a pension of one dollar 94 and 5/12 cents per month on account of wounds and disabilities received, or of services rendered to the U.S. during the Revolutionary War; that he served Capt. JACK QUALLS and under several other Captains in compan of infantry in Col. RICHARDSON's regiment; that he now resided in Adams Co., State of Ohio and has resided there for a space of upwards of Two years past and taht prevous thereto he resided in Barren Co., Ky. /s/ NATHANIEL REYNOLDS.
Sworn and subscribed this 29th da fo Dec. `1835, before me.

I, DANIEL BOYLE, a magistrate in the county above, named, do hereby certify taht I have the most satisfactory evidence both from the affidavit of GABRIEL PULLUM, who is a respectable witness and citizen of the county aforesaid and from my acquaintance and personal knowledge taht NATHANIEL REYNOLDS, who has this day appeared before me, to take oath of identity, is the identical person named in the pension certificate, which he has exhibited before me numbered 19596 and bearing date at the War Office, the 25th day of Sept. 1833, and signed by LEW CASS, Secretary of War.
Given under my hand at West Union, this 29th day of Dex. 1835

At statement, showing the service of NATHANIEL REYNOLDS.
1781, 1 month Pr. no officers mentioned;
1781, 2 months Pr Capt. GOFNEY;
1781, 4 months, Pr. Capt. QUALLS.
Age at present 71. Entered the service in Va. His declaration supported by traditionary proof.

January 9, 1840
Sir: under the Act of the 6th of April 1838, entitled "An Act directing the transfer of money remaining unclaimed by certain persioners, and authorizing the payment of the same at the Treasury of the U.S. NATHANIEL REYNOLDS, a pensioner on the Roll of the Ohio agency at th rate of twenty three dollars and thirty three cents per annum, under the law of the 7th June 1832, has been paid at this department, from the 4th of March 1838 to the 4th March 1839.
Respectfully yours,
/s/ ALBIN K. PARRIS, Comptroller

To the commissioner of pensions, present.
Sir: Yours of the 9th instant is just received. NATHANIEL REYNOLDS as a pensioner, under the act 7th June 1832, at the rate of twenty three dollars and 33 cents per annum has been paid to the 4th Sept. 1833.
I am Very respectfully your obeient servant,
JOHN MILTON, Pension Clerk


Commissioner of Pensions
West Union, Adams Co., Ohio
Dec. 29, 1835
Sir: Mr. REYNOLDS, a pensioner has requested me to forward the enclosed papers to you. His object is to have his certificate renewed and transferred from the agency at Lexington, Ky. to that of Cincinnati, Ohio. He wished his certificate to be forwarded to me at this place.
I am Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

(on letterhead of the Hospital College of Medicine)
Louisville, Ky. April 9, 1893
Dear Sir: Mr. DUDLEY, S. REYNOLDS of this city obtaine from Commissioner GREEN B. RAUM a record of a pension granted NATHANIEL REYNOLDS for service in the Revolution. Will you please send to me a certified copy of the record, with as much information as possible concerning the capacity in which NATHANIEL REYNOLDS served, in what branch of the service, and in what colony?
It will be a great favor if you will reply at your earliest convenience as I have waitied till now, thinking your predecessor was probably rushed with work before the change in administration.
I enclose a stamped envelope for reply.
229 W. Chestnut St.
Louisville, Ky.
P.S. Present bill to Dr. P. RICHARD TAYLOR at above address, KRT

(Same letterhead Louisville, Ky. Aug. 31, 1893)
My dear sir: I received a copy of the pension record containing information concerning NATHANIEL REYNOLDS, who was granted a pension. I understand he was a Lieutenant, of Cavalry in a Virginina Regiment, but have not been able to prove that he was the same person as Lieut. NAT REYNOLDS. It seems like this Leiut. REYNOLDS, presented a petition for pension to the 2nd session of the 20th Congress but hthe committee or military pensions reported adversely on the peition Jan. 15, 1829.
Do your records in the pension bureau show that this pension which was refused Jan. 15, 1829 is the same pension that was afterward granted, upon application made July 15, 1833?
A relative who knew this NATHANIEL REYNOLDS whose pension was allowed says, he enlisted when sixteen years of age, and that he was wounded under left breast and under right shoulder blade. To facilitate matters, I copy marks on paper you forwarded to me, dated June 20, 1893. On 1st line in upper left corner, are: "O.W. and N. Division" on line just below in upper left corner are "R.S. in typewritting. On the next line to extreme right are typewritten letter,, I.N. in lower left corner below last line of document, printed type are "79413-3m" (This is very indistinct)
Hoping for an early reply, I am,
Very truly,
% Dr. P.R. TAYLOR, 229 W. Chestnut St. Louisville, Ky.

(Same letterhead)
Louisville, Ky. Aug. 31, 1893
My dear sir: Yours of the 29th in response of mine of the 12th just received. I am very much obliged to you for the information concerning the pension as it may lead to identification of the man whose pension was allowed, with Lieut. NATHANIEL REYNOLDS, who was the same person, I am sure. I ahve since learned that EDWIN PEDIGO belonged to a regiment called the "Virginia Blues" think it was an infantry regiment. Have been told the name PEDIGO was spelt PERGGOY? previous to the year 1800. Understand EDWIN PEDIGO was made a Colonel but have no official proof.
This NATHANIEL REYNOLDS whose history I am hunting was a cavalryman, enclosed please find stamp. Hoping this will aid you in finding any records you may possess, and that you will be so good as to let me hear from you at your earliest convenience, I am,
Very truly yours,


Covering Jacket: 15956, Kentucky Crossed out and Ohio written in:
Nathaniel Reynolds of Barren Co., Ky., who was a private in the company of Capt. Gofney of the Regiment commanded by Col.. Tomkins in the Va. line of 7 months. Inscribed on the Roll of Ky. at the rate of $23.33 per annum to commence March 4, 1831. Certificate of Pension issued the 25th Sept. 1833. And sent to Willima Logan, Glasgow,
Arrears to 4th Sept -------------------------------------------------$38.32
Semi-annual allowance ending March 4----------------------$11.66


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