Peter & Sarah Priest Revolutionary War PensionCompiled by Annie Walker Burns Bell 1933Virginia W 3(8?)530 I, PETER PRIEST of the county of Barren and State aforesaid, do hereby state that the following schedule contains a true account of all my property and affect of every kind whatsoever, except wearing apparel and necessary beding, Viz; one hundred acres of third rate land, on which I live worth two hundred dollars, farming utensils, two dollars, neither horse, cow, sheep or cattle of any description nor household furnitur nor debts, due me. I do furhter state that I have not directly nor indirectly since the 18th day of March 1818 by gift sale or otherwise desposed of my property of any part thereof so as to bring me within the provision fo the Act of Congress entitled an Act to provide for certain persons engaged in the land and Naval service of the U.S. during the Revolutionary War, nor hath any person in trust for me, any property contracts, or debts, due me, not have I any property surrendered and subscribed by me. I further state that I enlisted as a Private soldier on the 11th day of February 1780 in Capt. ROBERT GEORGE's company of artillary attached to Col. GEORGE ROGERS CLARKE's Virginia Regiment in the continental establishment, in the service of the U.S. in the Revolutionary War, in the Kingdon of Great Britian for and during the war, and that I served during the war and was honorably discharged at Louisville (now in Ky.) on the 15th Feb. 1784, which discharge was granted by the said Capt. GEORGE or the said GEORGE ROGERS CLARKE, who was then a Gen., which I do not rmember which discharge is lost or mislaid. That I was in the Battle at Picque Plains fought with the Indians by Col. GEORGE ROGERS CLARKS, who then commanded the American Forces there. I further state that I was born in the U.S. and have always been a citizen of the same, and have always been on the side of my county in every war that I have been in. I do further state that I was a resident citizen of the said county of Barren on the 18th March 1818 and yet reside in said county, and that from my reduced circumstances that I stand in need of the assistance of my country for support. I further state that I live with my family, which consists of my wife, who is in the 48th or 49th year of her age, three daughters, one aged about 23 years, one about 20 years, the other about 13 years old and that I have no other assistance or family with me, that I am now in the 63rd year of my age, that my occupation has been farming, that owing to my informity of the sciatic or rheumatic pain which was on me before I left the service of the U.S. and has continued ever since, in my hips, back, shoulders and neck and for some years (back) settled chiefly in my neck, and shoulders, I have not been able to do any labour of consequence. I do hereby release unto the said U.S. all pensions and claim to pesnions allowed me by any law of Congress of the said U.S. or any provisions made whereby I could have claimed the same previous to the said law of the 18th March 1818. Subscribed and sworn to in open court in the Barren County Court on the 16th day of Oct. 1820, being a court of record and made so by Act of Assembly entitled an Act to reduce into one the several Acts estabishing county courts and regulating proceedings therein and encurring the appointemen tof Justices of the Peace and their jurisdiction approved Dec. 17, 1796. Attest, W. LOGAN, Clerk of the county court of the county of Barren. I, WILLIAM LOGAN, Clerk of the County Court for the aforesaid county of Barren do hereby certify that the foregoing affirmation and the schedule thereto annexed are truly copied from the records of said court, and I do further certify that it is the opinion of the said court, that the total amount in value of the property exhibited in the aforesaid schedule is two hundres and two dollars. In testimoney whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the said court, this 16th day of Oct. 1820. Notations on revers of this declaration: "The service stated in this declaration was in the Virginia State Line and not on the Continental establishment. Rejected. See letter to the Hon. F. Johnson, H.R., U.S. Jan. 16, 1821.
STATE OF KENTUCKY COUNTY OF BARREN: AS And the said court do hereby declare their opinion, that the above named and foregoing applicant was a revolutionary soldier and served as he states. I, WILLIAM LOGAN, Clerk of the county Court of Barren County, do hereby certify that the foregoing contains the original proceedings of the said court in the matter of the application of PETER PRIEST for a pension. In testimony whereof, I have herunto set my hand and seal of office, this 18th day of February 1833.
Know all may by these presents, that I do hereby constitute and appoint W. MANLY my true and lawful attorney, for and in my name to prosecute and attend to the allowance of a certain claim, which I have asserted against the U.S. for pensions both before teh Commissioner of Pensions, the Secretary of the Interior, and any department of the Government, or the Congress of the U.S. and my said attorney is authorized and empowered one or more attorneys under him to make and soncstitue fot he purposed aforesaid, thereby ratifying and confirming what my said attorney, and those by him consituted, may do in the premises. Witness my hand and seal, this 16th day of February 1852 Among the records of the County Court of Shenandoah County is the following: Med -- dus of those persons who have been joined together in the estate of Matrimony by the subscribed sice the last returne. PETER PRIEST and SARAH McKAY or McKEY? Jan. 6, 1791. I, SAMUEL C. WILLIAMS, Clerk of the County Court of Shenandoah County, and State of Va. do hereby certify that the above is a true extract from the records of marriages in my office. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of m office this 22nd day of March 1852 and in the 76th year of this commonwealth. Covering Jacket: Peter Priest, Barren Co., Ky. who was a private in the Company commanded by Capt. George in the Regiment, commanded by Col. G.R. Clark, in the Va. State Line for 2 years from 1780. Inscribed on the Roll of Ky. at the rate of $80 per annum to commence March 4, 1831. Certificate of pensions, issued Nov. 25, 1833, and sent to Hon. C. Tompkins. Revolutionary Claim Act June 7, 1832. Recorded by Wm. L. Allison, Clerk.
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