May term 1839 Barren Co. C.O. 7-36&40
At a county Court began and held for Barren County on Monday the 20th day of May 1839. Present WM. EDWARDS, JOHN MARTIN, ASA GARRY(?), JAMES MURELL
JOHN OWEN a resident citizen of Barren County aged 75 years and JOSEPH OWEN a citizen of Hart County aged 73 years came into Court & made oath to the following statements that WILLIAM OWEN late of Barren County was the husband of TABITHA OWEN of said County that said WILLIAM OWEN died on the 27th day of March 1826 in said County and that the said TABITHA OWEN is the widow of said WILLIAM OWEN and is now living and resides in said County and that the said TABITHA and WILLIAM OWEN were married in the County of Lunenburg & state of Virginia in the latter part of the year 1782. They further state that the said WILLIAM OWEN entered the service in the Army of the Revolution in the month of February or March in the year 1779. He joined Captain JOSEPH WARING Company of drafted militia men for a tour of six months and the company was orginized at & marched from Lunenburg Couthouse. He served the term of six months as a substitute for his father DAVID OWEN, that the said WILLIAM OWEN returned home from the army to Lunenburg County where he resided sometime in the month of August 1779. He was in the battle of Stone near Charleston(?) as it was then called while on the tour that the next term he served of six months he joined Captain WALKERS Company of Militia & marched from Lunenburg Courthouse in the first part of the month of June 1780 and went to the South, in this tour he was in the battle of Camden or Gates defeat as it was then called, he returned home in the month of November or December 1780 that the next service he rindered he started from Winningham Mill in Lunenburg County as a substitute for his father DAVID OWEN in the month of February 1781 and he was the the battle of Guilford while on this tour of three months, the next services he rindered he joined Captain JOSEPH KNIGHTs Company of militia the regiment was commanded by Colonel DAVID STOKES and was at the seige of York and taking of Cornwallis. that the statements here made are all from their own knowledge accept the statements about the said WILLIAM OWENS having been in the different battles, they state this upon the information of the men and officers after they had returned from the different campaigns
JOSEPH OWEN aged 73 years came into open Court and made the following statements that he has known JOHN OWEN from his youth that he said JOHN OWEN went into the service of the Revolutionary Army some time in the month of January 1781 in Captain FRANCES DEGRAFFENREIDs(?) Company of drafted men to go against the Brittish and Tories and that he the said JOHN OWEN returned from the army about the 1st of May 1781 and that the said JOHN OWEN again joined Captain JOSEPH KNIGHTs Company of three months men and went against the Brittish at Yorktown under the Command of Col DAVID STOKESs and he the said JOHN OWEN returned home to Lunenburg County in the month of November 1781.