Henry H. Harlow Family Bible
Transcribed by Sandi Gorin and posted here with permission.
Bible in possession (unknown date) of John Harlow, Center, KY. Published by Alvin J. Johnson & Son, 11
Great Jones St (Near Broadway), Pittsburg, PA., Date of Publication: MDCCCLXVII, and belonged to Henry
H. Harlow.
On fly leaf: "Henry H. Harlow Book, July 25, 1877, price $8.75."
Mary Elizabeth Harlow was born July 23rd 1876.
George Washington Harlow was born December 25th 1877.
John Henry Harlow was born Sept. 17th 1880.
William H. Harlow was born August 18th 1882.
Orah Harlow was born Dec. 12th 1884.
Francis Elizabeth Harlow was born Sept. 17th 1886.
Bessie May Harlow was born March 31st 1887.
Perley Lee Harlow was born January 18th 1888.
H. H. Harlow was borned January 23rd 1814.
Frances E. Harlow formally Thompson was borned December 29th 1820.
William Henry Harlow was borned May 1st 1848.
James Lewis Harlow was borned Oct. 28th 1849.
Mary Ellen Harlow was borned Oct. 3rd 1851.
John Claborne Harlow was borned August 6th 1855.
Margarette Elizabeth Harlow was borned September 7th 1858.
Lucy Catherin Harlow was borned May 3rd 1857 formelly Bell.
Hary Leslie Harlow was born May 5th 1889.
Lucy Ann Harlow was borned December 2nd 1889.
Lilly Catherine Harlow was born Feb. 4th 1892.
Willie Claborn Harlow was borned April 23rd 1896.
George Leslie Harlow was borned Sept. 26, 1910.
John Claborn Harlow was borned Oct. 7th 1912.
Barbara Harlow was born Dec. 16, 1935.
Janice Lynn Harlow was born Sept. 9, 1950.
Manerva Harlow dec. August 18th 1842.
William H. Harlow dec. Oct. 6th 1857.
Mary Ellen Harlow dec. Oct. 27th 1859.
Margarette Elizabeth Harlow dec. January 26 1872.
Francis Elizabeth Harlow Departed this life September the 26th 1892.
H. H. Harlow dec. Feb. 2, 1897.
George Washington Harlow died Sept. 30, 1902.
Lucy C. Harlow died April 11, 1914.
John C. Harlow died Sept. 9, 1941.
Lola Thompson died Oct. 29th 1947.
Lucy Victory Greer was born Dec. 18th day, 1861.
William S. Greer was born December 25th 1863.
Henry H. Harlow and Manerva Lambirth was married June 21st, 1840.
H. H. Harlow and Frances E. Thompson was married January 20th 1847.
J. C. Harlow and Lucy C. Harlow was married Sept. 9th 1874.
Harry L. Harlow and Lola Thompson was married December 22, 1909.
George L. Harlow and Edris Goldin was married Nov. 15, 1930.
John C. Harlow Sr. and Ruby Myers married March 21, 1931.
Dorothy Jean Harlow was born July 9, 1932; married Lonie Bloyd Tucker.
George Myers Harlow was born March 19, 1934, married Donna Jean Mitchell.
Phil Yates Harlow was born Dec. 26, 1936; married Janie Geraldine Huffman.
Alice Roberta Harlow was born Nov. 13, 1938, married Robert Paul Lane.
Dotty Louise Harlow was born Dec. 12, 1940, married Ralph Lacy Wilshire.
Stanford Allen Harlow was born Dec. 15, 1948.
J. C. Harlow profeast Christ at Beathel Church in Metcalfe Co. in the year 1879 November. Joined Baptist
Church at Shady Grove in Feb. 1880. Lucy C. Harlow profest Christ in the year 1871 at Thompson School
House in Green Co. in January and joined Baptist Church at Salem Barren Co. in 72.
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