Gill Family Bible

Transcribed by Sandi Gorin and posted here with permission.

Bible belonged to Saint Glass and was lately in the possession of Mrs. Frank Depp, Route 5, Glasgow.


Joseph E Gill was born April 23, 1830
Margaret J Gill was born December 25th 1833
Robert G Gill was born December 15th 1852
Henretta Gill was born February 2nd 1854
Lonan Gill was born January 7th 1857
William M Gill was born Octobr 6th 1859
John R Gill was born October 6th 1865
Richard Gill was born October 29th 1869
Thomas B Gill was born January 4th 1872

Joseph C [sic] Gill and Margaret J Murray was married January 7th 1852.



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