Research Aids/Publications  for pay/sale 

Everything listed on this page is done for a price or is for sale.  Here we will list any researchers, or people that have books/publications for sale on Anderson County History.



Just Release August 2014

Luther A. Davenport Has completed and released "Pioneers & Patriots of Anderson County, Kentucky". This book is sold on cd only and may be ordered from:
Luther A. Davenport
2219 Clearwater Drive
Lawrenceburg, KY 40342.
The price is $30. Send check and your return address to Luther. The book contains 1050 pages and outlines 2650 individuals, with information about Anderson Countians who served this country in her conflicts.

Edna M. Burgin has released her 1870 Anderson County, Ky Census. The price is $20 (postpaid).
Softbound and complete, it may be ordered from Ms. Burgin at her address below, under Cemetery Records

Books about Kentucky (genealogy, history)

"Mackville, Kentucky - A Pictorial Review."
It is 440 pages of photos along with some history. The cost is $35 (Ky. residents add $2.10 sales tax), and shipping is $3.
The book can be ordered from Helen Gabhart, 6593 Texas Rd., Mackville, KY 40040. Further details and ordering information,
including a printable Order Form, are available (click here).


Cemetery Records

Cemetery books compiled by:

Edna M. Burgin
4019 Burrell Drive
Louisville, KY 40216-3616

This first volume contains cemeteries located North of Hwy. 62 and in the Western half of the county. Church cemeteries are: Fairmount Church of Christ, New Liberty Christian Church, Pleasant Grove Baptist Church, Mt. Moraiah Baptist and Van Buren Church of Christ (these last two have several additions and revisions). Also included is Best Cemetery plus a list of Black members of Plum Creek Baptist Church, other things I thought might be of interest, a few obituaries and a surname index. Price: $23.00 ppd.

This volume includes many small family graveyards located South of Hwy. 62 and in the Western half of the county. Church cemeteries are: Antioch Christian Church, Fairview Christian Church, Penney's Chapel Methodist Church, Friendship Baptist Church and Price Methodist Chapel Cemetery. The Darnell Family Graveyard is also included, together with a few obituaries and a surname index. Price: $26.00 ppd.

The cemeteries in Vol. 1 are mostly East of Highways 55 and 155, and include Bethlehem Baptist Church, Briar Ridge Christian Church, Little Mount Church, Mt. Moriah Baptist Church, Old Taylorsville, Cem., Van Buren Church of Christ and many small family cemeteries. There are a few obituaries from area newspapers and a surname index. Price: $20.00 ppd.

Volume 2 includes cemeteries West of Highways 55 & 155 including Elk Creek Baptist Church, Campbranch - Mt. Zion Church, King’s Baptist Church, Carrithers Family Cem. and many family graveyards. There are several obituaries from area newspapers and a surname index. Price: $20.00 ppd.

Most, but not all, of the cemeteries in this final book of this series are located West of Highway 55 & 155. Church cemeteries included are: Green’s Chapel Methodist Church, Little Union Baptist Church, Plum Creek Baptist Church, River View Baptist Church, A.M.E. Methodist Church, Mt. Eden Christian Church and the Reformed Church of Christ. There are many family cemeteries plus more material that is informative and interesting, a few obituaries and a surname index. Price: $20.00 ppd.

These books are soft bound and may be ordered from the compiler.

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Harrodsburg Historical Society, Cemetery Records: Anderson County Kentucky (1989).
This 125-page volume, with surname index, is devoted exclusively to Anderson Co. cemetery records. Included are: Old Lawrenceburg Cemetery, sections 1, 1A, 2, 2B, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10B; and Hebron Church Cemetery (south Anderson Co. on U.S. 127). Price for the Anderson County volume is $17. Order Form, click here.
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Harrodsburg Historical Society, Cemetery Records: Mercer County, Kentucky and Surrounding Areas, Vol I (1969 1989).
This 156-page volume, with surname index, includes the following Anderson Co. cemetery records: Fox Creek Christian Church Cemetery; Mullins Family Graveyard (4 names). The price for Vol I is $20. Order Form, click here.
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Harrodsburg Historical Society, Cemetery Records: Mercer County, Kentucky and Surrounding Areas, Vol II (1969 1990 2002).
This 165-page volume, with surname index, includes the following Anderson Co. cemetery records: Burford Family Graveyard (3 names). The price for Vol II is $28. Order Form, click here.
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Harrodsburg Historical Society, Mercer County, Kentucky and Surrounding Areas, Vol III (1970 1990 2002).
This 162-page volume, with surname index, includes Anderson Co. cemetery records for the Goshen Baptist Church Cemetery and the Darnell Family Graveyard. The price for Vol III is $28. Order Form, click here.
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Harrodsburg Historical Society, Mercer County, Kentucky and Surrounding Areas, Vol IV (1971 1990 2002).
This 135-page volume, without an index, appears to have no Anderson Co. cemetery records. The price for Vol IV is $28. Order Form, click here.
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Harrodsburg Historical Society, Mercer County, Kentucky and Surrounding Areas, Vol V (1989).
This 133-page volume, with surname index, includes the following Anderson Co. cemetery records: Alton Cemetery; Fellowship Baptist Church Cemetery; Sand Spring Cemetery (5 names); Lawrenceburg Cemetery (33 names); New Liberty Church Cemetery (2 names); Martin Family Graveyard; Bond Graveyard (9 names); Penney Graveyard (10 names); Poulter-King Family Graveyard. The price for Vol V is $17. Order Form, click here.
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Harrodsburg Historical Society, Mercer County, Kentucky and Surrounding Areas, Vol VI (1989).
This 128-page volume, with surname index, includes the following Anderson Co. cemetery records: Peyton Cemetery (7 names); Kays Cemetery, Baxter Ridge Road near Ballard (12 names); Walker Graveyard (7 names); Stratton Graveyard (5 names); Hope Cemetery (3 names); Abbott Cemetery (6 names); Burford Cemetery (3 names); Hawkins Cemetery (6 names), on Kentucky River, Gilberts Creek-Clays Lick Road; Penney's Chapel Methodist Church Cemetery; Kays Cemetery (9 names), ca 200 yds off Baxter Ridge Road; Sweeney Cemetery. The price for Vol VI is $17. Order Form, click here.
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Harrodsburg Historical Society, Mercer County, Kentucky and Surrounding Areas, Vol VII (1989).
This 154-page volume, with surname index, includes the following Anderson Co. cemetery records: Fox Creek Cemetery (22 pages); Old Lawrenceburg Cemetery, McKee Addition (39 pages); Dennis Family Graveyard (10 names); Leathers Family Graveyard; Wash Family Graveyard; Ellis Family Graveyard; Tunks Family Graveyard (7 names); Royalty Family Graveyard (9 names); Lilliard Family Graveyard (9 names); Walker Graveyard; Stratton Graveyard (8 names). The price for Vol VII is $17. Order Form, click here.
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Harrodsburg Historical Society, Cemetery Records: Mercer County Kentucky and Surrounding Areas, Vol VIII (1997).
This recently-released 179-page volume includes cemetery records from the following Anderson Co. cemeteries: Blakeman Cemetery (2 names); Casey Grave (1 name); Crossfield Graveyard (15 names); Friendship Baptist Church Cemetery (2 pages); Gash Cemetery (7 names); Gash Family Graveyard (9 names); Leathers Cemetery (1½ pages); Murphy Cemetery (19 names); New Liberty Christian Church Cemetery (7 pages); Old Salt River Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery (4½ pages); Peach Cemetery (2 names); Peyton Family Graveyard (8 names); PLeasant Grove Baptist Church Cemetery (1½ pages); Pleasant Hill Christian Church Cemetery (12 pages); Sand Spring Baptist Church Cemetery (14 pages); Stratton and Puckett Cemetery (10 names); Witherspoon Graveyard (17 names). The price for Vol VIII is $20. Order Form, click here.

{This section updated Wednesday, July 10, 2002]

Census Records & Vital Statistics

Kentucky Birth, Marriage, and Deaths Databases, on 3 CD-Roms. Available from the Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives (KDLA).
Ordering procedure: send a written request (with check or money order) to:

Alice Yeager
Kentucky Dept. for Libraries and Archives
300 Coffee Tree Road
Frankfort, Kentucky 40602

Make checks or money orders payable to Kentucky State Treasurer. The price is $30.00 for out-of-state residents. Kentucky residents must include 6% sales tax, which brings the total price (for them) to $31.80.

The CD-ROMs contain the following databases:

#1: Kentucky Births 1911-1960
#2: Kentucky Births 1961-1999 and Marriages 1973-1999
#3: Kentucky Deaths 1911-1999

Robert P. Moore, Anderson County, Kentucky Marriages 1831-1875
An excellent book to have if you are doing research in Anderson County. Not only did Mr. Moore index the bride and grooms names, but he also indexed the names of other participants involved with the marriage, and provided an index for the places of birth and residences of the participants in the marriages!
The book can be ordered from the Nelson County Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 409, Bardstown, Ky 40004 for $22.00.
(Thanks to Shelby A. Williams of Lawrenceburg for alerting us to this.)

Edna M. Burgin, 1860 Anderson County, Kentucky Census. The price is $20 (postpaid) and may be ordered from Ms. Burgin at her address above, under Cemetery Records.

Edna M. Burgin, 1900 Anderson County, Kentucky Census. The price is $25 (postpaid). It may be ordered from Ms. Burgin at her address above, under Cemetery Records.

AllCensus CD-ROMs (U.S. Census Records 1790-1920) made to order. Click here.


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Other Anderson County & Regional Genealogy Books

Edna M. Burgin, Funerals Performed by REV. WILLIAM DUDLEY MOORE.
Covering the years 1886-1935, this work contains over 1,400 names of people whose funerals were officiated by Rev. Moore. Burial locations for most have been located and identified, the majority being in Anderson and Mercer counties. Price: $25 ppd. See above under CEMETERY RECORDS for Ms. Burgin's ordering address.


Anderson County Bible Records

Faye Sea Sanders, Anderson County, Ky. Bible and Family Records.
This book sells for $20 (postpaid) and may be ordered from:


Anderson County History

History and Families: Anderson County, Kentucky (1991). A very nice hardbound reference volume, containing the History of Anderson County, Communities, Schools, Churches, Businesses, and many Anderson County Family Biographies. 169 pages, many glossy photographs. My copy cost $55 in April 1997, but may have changed since. Orders:
Anderson County Chamber of Commerce
PO Box 543
205 E Woodford St.
Lawrenceburg KY 40342.


Alternatively, copies may be available from the publisher:
Turner Publishing Company
PO Box 3101
Paducah KY 42002-3101

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Lewis W. McKee & Lydia K. Bond, A History of Anderson County, Kentucky (1937 repr 1975, 1993).
An account of Anderson County, its people, and events from pioneer days into the XXth century. The book includes photographs and over 50 items of individual and family biographies. 219 pages, paperbound. Available as "Item No. 3580" from:

Clearfield Company
200 E Eager St
Baltimore MD 21202
(410) 625-9004


Kentucky History

Connelley & Coulter (Judge Charles Kerr, ed.), History of Kentucky, 5 Vols (Am. Hist. Soc. 1922).

Betty Card has graciously volunteered to do lookups from this history upon request by email. The books contain hundreds of Kentucky biographies and should be quite useful to the Anderson County genealogical researcher.

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Perrin/Battle/Kniffen, KENTUCKY: A History of the State, "9 Editions" (Vols) (Orig. pub. 1885-1888) Fifth ed: Biographical sketches of individuals in Anderson, Franklin, Jessamine, and Woodford Counties. Fifth Ed. (# 5005).






Mrs. Faye Sea Sanders 5056 Clark Station Rd
Finchville, Kentucky 40022

All books are indexed and have cardstock covers. Prices quoted are postpaid:

Anderson County, KY Bible and Family Records, 83 pages (1998), $ 20.00

Deaths from Old Newspapers, Washington Co. KY. Volumes 20-71 years ago from the Springfield Sun.
Book three. $ 19.00

Federal Mortality Schedules for Washington, Mercer, and Anderson Counties, KY for 1850-60-70-80,
also deaths from vital statistics 1874-1878, 61 pages (1983), $ 13.00

Leonard Seay, Descendants and Kinfolk; A History of the Seay Family beginning with Abraham Seay I,
a French Huguenot who settled in VA), 115 pages (1984), $20.00

Mercer County, KY 1850 Federal Census, 133 pages, $ 18.00

Mercer County, KY 1860 Federal Census, 122 pages, $ 18.00

Washington County, KY Lost Marriage Bonds 1836-1852 Referred to as "The Wetbook";
approx. 425 - 450 marriages unavailable heretofore $ 10.00

Washington County, KY Early Marriages 1792-1825 (Old Clerks Book of 1924) $ 20.00

Washington County, KY Court Order Book #2 1800-1804 $ 22.00

Washington County, KY Vital Statistics - Marriages, Births and Deaths 1852-1860 $ 20.00

Washington County, KY Marriages 1878-1903, 194 pages, $ 20.00

Washington County, KY Marriages 1902-1914, 107pages, $ 18.00

Washington County, KY 1850 Federal Census, 105 pages, $ 18.00

Washington County, KY 1860 Federal Census 111 pages, $ 18.00

Washington County, KY 1870 Federal Census, 149 pages, $ 20.00

Washington Country, KY 1880 Federal Census, 125 pages (1990), $ 20.00

Washington County, KY 1893 School Census, 192 pages, $ 25.00

Washington County, KY 1900 Federal Census, 140 pages (1991), $ 23.00

Washington County, KY 1910 Federal Census (1994), 182 pages, $ 23.00

Washington County, KY 1920 Federal Census (2001), 178 pages (2001), $ 26.00

Washington County, KY Will Abstracts 1792-1853 - Will Books A to I, includes all wills,
inventories, sales, estate settlements, guardian reports, etc. Also contains some
unrecorded wills found in the Washington Co. Courthouse, $ 23.00

Washington County, KY Will Abstracts 1853 - 1889 Will Books J to T $ 22.00

Washington County, KY Will abstracts 1889 - 1911 Will Books U to Y $ 20.00

Washington County, KY Cemeteries Volume 1
Includes: St. Dominic, Pleasant Grove, Bethlehem, Mt. Zion, Rockbridge $ 20.00

Washington County, KY Cemeteries Volume 2
Includes: Springfield, Mackville, Bethel, Antioch, Mt. Freedom and others $ 20.00

Washington County, KY Cemeteries Volume 3
Includes: Evergreen Cemetery at Willisburg, Brush Grove and others $ 20.00

Washington County, KY Deed Abstracts 1792-1803, Vol.1 $ 20.00

Washington County, KY Deed Abstracts 1803-1811, Deed Book C. Vol. II $ 20.00

Washington County, KY Deed Abstracts 1811-1814, Deed Book D. Vol. III $ 20.00

Washington County, KY Deed Book E Abstracts 1814-1818, Vol. IV $ 20.00

Washington County, KY Deed Book H Abstracts Vol. 5 $ 20.00

Washington County, KY Court Order Book 2 1792-1800 $ 22.00

Washington County, Ky. Bible and Family Records $ 23.00

Washington County, KY Bible Records and Deaths from the Old Columns of the Springfield Sun
back to the 1880's (Vol I) $24.00

Washington County, KY Deaths from old columns of The Springfield Sun 1880-1940s (Vol II) $24.00

Washington County, KY Guardian Bonds $18.00

Washington County, KY Bible Book #2 (2002)
Composed from some very old Bibles going back to the 1700s, including Rebecca Boone's (niece of Daniel),
Cissell, Hardin, and Walker & Sale; from the Louise Eddleman collection $ 18.00


Genealogy Research Services

Shelby A. Williams, 966 Frankfort Road, Lawrenceburg KY 40342, does genealogy research for her customers on all Kentucky counties. For further information and rates, contact Shelby at the above mailing address, or go to her website at Kentucky Historical and Genealogical Research.