1830 Census ( Partial Listing only !)
1850 Census
Since Anderson County was not formed until 1827 many people married
elsewhere that appear in this census, so there will be a link if the marriage
location/date is known or submitted to me. If you have records of a marriage
from another State or Kentucky County for Head of Households (or other married
people) in this census please submit to Brenda Hume
1850 Census Part 1 - Households 1 through 165
1850 Census Part 2 - Households 166 through 301
1850 Census Part 3 - Households 302 through 449
1850 Census Part 4 - Households 450 through 611
1850 Census Part 5 - Household 612 through 758
1850 Census Part 6 - Households 759 through 883
(These are individuals who appear in the 1850 Census of Anderson Co. but were married elsewhere).
1860 Census
The 1860 Census is complete only through page 93.
Ledridge Family in 1860 Census
1870/1880 Census
This is one entry from page 330 of the 1870 Census and a portion of page 283 of the 1880 Anderson Co. Census.