Welcome to
Kentucky Unknown
Kentucky Links
Archives Project - KY
Biographies Search Engine - KY
Census Online - KY
Cyndi's List - KY
The Formation of Kentucky Counties
GenDisasters - Kentucky
KY in the 1873 Cholera Epidemic |
KY Atlas & Gazetteer
If you are looking for a place that is in Kentucky and are not sure
where it is.
Submitted by
KY Book, Magazine & CD Sources
KY Census
KY Genealogical Society
KY Historical Society
KY Land Office
KY Lookups Page
Ky Deaths 1911-2000 Search Engine
Ky Marriages 1973-2000 Search Engine |
KY Poorhouse History
KY Public Libraries
KY School Photo and Yearbook
Links to over 300 old Ky school photos,
yearbooks, class lists etc.
Linkpendium > KY
Mail Lists - KY
Northern Kentucky Views
Old photographs & postcards of the Northern Kentucky
counties of Boone, Bracken, Campbell, Carroll, Gallatin, Grant, Kenton,
Mason, Owen, Pendleton & Trimble.
Barren, Clinton, Cumberland, Edmonson, Green, Hardin, Hart, Logan,
Metcalfe, Monroe, and Warren Counties)
United States Resources: Kentucky
Western State Hospital
Where to find & write for Kentucky Vital Statistic records
WWII Casualty lists - National Archives
KY Army and Air Force -
KY Navy, Marine and Coast Guard
Castle Garden, America's 1st Immigration Center
The Unknown Counties of KY need a Volunteer Coordinator!!
- KYGenWeb State Coordinator
Suzanne Shephard - KYGenWebt Asst.
State Coordinator