Shelby News,
Shelbyville, KY, Thur Morn, Feb 28, 1918, front page col 2.
Two Men Killed By L. & N. Train
Monday Afternoon at Wilson's Crossing - W. Matt Riddle, aged sixty
years, a tenant on the farm of W. C. Elliott, two miles east of
Shelbyville, was instantly killed Monday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock
at Wilson's Crossing on the Mulberry pike, northeast of here, when
the buggy in which he was riding was struck by the L. & N.
westbound passenger train. Mason Riddle, aged fifty-five years, a
brother, who was the other occupant of the buggy, suffered
injuries from which he died at the King's Daughters Hospital two
hours after the accident. The scene of the accident was the
private crossing on the farm of Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson. The
Engineer of the train stated that he sounded the usual warning
whistle when he approached the curve near the crossing and when he
saw the buggy he applied the emergency brakes. W. Matt
Riddle's head was crushed in and one arm and leg broken. He
is survived by his wife, four daughters and three sons. The
buggy was completely demolished. Following the accident the
bodies of the two men were taken aboard the train and brought to
this city. Mason Riddell's home was near Stamping
Ground. He was a widower and is survived by one
daughter. The inquest was held at the courthouse Tuesday
morning by Coroner F. H. Barriger.
INFORMATION: Contributed by Linda Crose..