Thomas Beatty - Miriam Rice 1/31/1828 Shelby
Co Ky (3)
Christopher G Black - Lucy Rice 4/29/1834
Shelby Co Ky (3)
Robert W. Carden - Zerilda Jones on 29 Aug
1841, son of John Carden by Rev. John Dale. [Book No.5 Pg. 1017
Shelby Co.,Ky.] (2)
Leonard W Chambers - Ann S Rice 9/9/1819
Shelby Co Ky (3)
John F Chinn - Sarah Ann Pullen 5/3/1835
Shelby Co Ky (3)
John Conn - Mary Polly Norman, 9-6-1813.
Shelby County, KY (1)
James Cooper - Margaret Rice 5/31/1810
Shelby Co Ky (3)
John Ellis - Jane Rice 3/10/1831 Shelby Co
Ky (3)
Thomas P Fore - Eliza Rice 10/17/1832 Shelby
Co Ky (3)
James L Gill - Elizabeth Rice 3/25/1830
Shelby Co Ky (3)
Ephraim Hessilton - Francis Pullen 6/15/1837
Shelby Co Ky (3)
Robert Hollis - Mary Rice 2/26/1812 Shelby
Co Ky (3)
Napoleon B Lober - Nancy B Rice 1/1/1846
Shelby Co Ky (3)
Daniel Middleton - Ann Rice 9/24/1828 Shelby
Co Ky (3)
Isaac Miles - Elizabeth Rice 12/9/1819
Shelby Co Ky (3)
Jacob Moore - Amanda Rice 10/21/1829 Shelby
Co Ky (3)
Joseph Myres - Susan Rice 10/13/1825 Shelby
Co Ky (3)
Henry Newman - Fanny Pulliam 10/29/1808
Shelby Co Ky (3)
F M Pullen - Sarah Jones 11/19/1829 Shelby
Co Ky (3)
William W Pulliam - Elizabeth Warren
5/4/1846 Shelby Co Ky (3)
Anderson C Rice - Ruthy Ann Cull 10/24/1820
Shelby Co Ky (3)
Charles Rice - Mildred Shepherd 9/21/1825
Shelby Co Ky (3)
Charles Rice - Lucy Sled 11/14/1792 Shelby
Co Ky (3)
Ezekiel S Rice - Elizabeth F Montgomery
2/14/1839 Shelby Co Ky (3)
George G Rice - Martha Law 9/4/1828 Shelby
Co Ky (3)
Harrison J Rice - Nancy Moxley 10/9/1849
Shelby Co Ky (3)
Isaac Rice - Narcissa Allen 10/3/1822 Shelby
Co Ky (3)
Isaac Rice - Eleanor Brite 11/22/1801 Shelby
Co Ky (3)
Jacob Rice - Polly Cooper 8/4/1807 Shelby Co
Ky (3)
James B Rice - Elisabeth Sanders 1/10/1833
Shelby Co Ky (3)
James B Rice - Mary Saunders 6/23/1842
Shelby Co Ky (3)
Jesse Rice - Mrs. Patsey Walker 6/26/1806
Shelby Co Ky (3)
Jesse Rice - Patsy Walker 6/26/1806 Shelby
Co Ky (3)
John Rice - Lucy Abbott 12/21/1819 Shelby Co
Ky (3)
John Rice - Margaret McGee 2/28/1809 Shelby
Co Ky (3)
R C Rice - Eliza Ann Myles 4/2/1846 Shelby
Co Ky (3)
Strother G Rice - Hanah Underwood 9/13/1832
Shelby Co Ky (3)
William G Rice - Cyntha Johnston 1/25/1828
Shelby Co Ky (3)
William Robbins - Lucy Rice 9/21/1835 Shelby
Co Ky (3)
Lewis Sacra, 27 years old, born Shelby Co.
,Ky. married Elizabeth Bondurant Nov. 6, 1856. (4)
Noah Snider - Mary Jane York 8/19/1847
Shelby Co Ky (3)
Charles M Stratto - Catherine B Rice
4/27/1832 Shelby County Ky (3)
James Thompson - Eliza Rice 12/20/1815
Shelby Co Ky (3)
John C Vandyke - Mary Ann Rice 1/17/1850
Shelby Co Ky (3)
Peter Waide and Elizabeth Wood, daughter
of James Wood, m. Jan. 4, 1849 by G. D. Rucker. Bondsman - Amos
Jennings. [Shelby Co., Ky., Marriage Records Bk 7-A, 1848-1849
#1759] (5)
Francis Walker - Sarah Rice 2/21/1822 Shelby
Co Ky (3)
Thomas Walker - Mrs. Sarah Rice 2/21/1822
Shelby Co Ky (3)
Jiverson Ware - Frances Pulliam 10/2/1832
Shelby Co Ky (3)
William Washington Reynolds - Mary
Elizabeth Carden on 02 Jan 1838 by M. A. Rowley. [Book No.4 Pg. 574
Shelby Co.,Ky] (2)
John Wilcoxson - Lavina Rice 9/13/1821
Shelby Co Ky (3)
John Woods - Francis Rice 2/21/1837 Shelby
Co Ky (3)
John Wyatt - Easter Meser 11/25/1820 Shelby
Co Ky (3)
Thomas H. Young - Adaline Carden, April 16, 1843 by Rev. John Dale.
[Book No.6 Pg. 1209 Shelby Co.,Ky] (2)
Contributors for this
(1) Submitted by Margaret Conn Taylor; (2)
Submitted by Albert - found these marriages written down in the back
of a book by Stephen Tillman owned by a descendant of the Reynolds-Carden
families; (3) Submitted to the KY-Footsteps mailing list by;
(4) Submitted by - first marriage for both - from microfilm
records; (5) Submitted by Bonnie
Hahn from her own research.
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