The Shelby Record, Shelbyville, Shelby Co., KY, Fri., 19 Mar 1915
Death - Mrs. Lizzie Reading, the widow of W. T. Reading, died Tuesday at her home in Frankfort. She was a Miss Venable and was born and reared near Christiansburg. Married - Miss Emily Hanser, daughter of Carl Hanser of this county and Benedict Frey a native of Germany, who now resides in this county, secured a license here Monday and were married in Louisville on Wednesday. Married - Miss Kate Craig, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. J. M. Craig of this city and J. D. Elmore, a young railroad man of Memphis, Tenn., were married Wednesday morning in Memphis. They will live in Louisville. Article - William Lillard Barrigner, accompanied by his father, W. S. Barrigner, went to Columbus, Ohio last Monday to take the physical examination for admission to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. His diploma from the Louisville High School has been accepted in lieu of the mental examination. Divorce - Mrs. Zena Stodghill Finnell has filed suit in the Circuit Court against her husband, Lewis Finnell for divorce and custody of their only child. One year’s separation is stated as grounds. She is a daughter of J. D. Stodghill. Death - Elder P. W. Sawin and daughters, Mrs. Warren White and Miss Vola Sawin attended the funeral of Mrs. Tip McConn at Farmdale Saturday. Death - “Murder - Will Bennett Stabs Another Colored Boy to Death in a Pool Room - The Murderer in Jail, Having Failed to Give Bond in the Sum of $1,500" - Monday night about 11 p.m., a number of colored men and boys were in Wilbur Brown’s pool room on Clay street between 4th and 5th playing pool and billiards. Among them at one table was Will Bennett and Will Watts, the former 17 and the latter 18 years of age. A quarrel arose as to the “spotting” of a ball and suddenly Watts staggered against the wall with blood streaming from his side and Bennett departed the pool room. The murdered boy was porter at Lawson’s dry goods store and the murderer was Dr. E. B. Smith’s house boy. [lengthy article] Death - Mrs. Sallie B. Smith, mother of Mrs. James F. Middleton died at her daughter’s home near this city. She had been suffering la grippe for 3-weeks. Her other children: Milton Smith, William Smith of Leland, Miss.; James Smith of Georgetown; Warren Smith of Louisville; Mrs. Julia Chick of Lexington and Mrs. Dolly Sear of Russellville. Death - “Dan O’Leary - A Prominent Citizen and the Most Important contractor in the County Dies Suddenly” - Daniel O’Leary, age 60, died suddenly of heart trouble at his home on 2nd and Main streets at 8 o’clock. He felt badly that morning but arose about 6 a.m. and built a couple of fires. He returned to bed and his daughter entered the room and discovered her father and called for help. Father Riley was then saying early Mass at the Catholic Church but he stopped in the middle to attend the afflicted man’s bedside upon being notified of his condition. He later returned to complete the service when there was no longer a doubt that Mr. O’Leary had passed. He was the largest contractor in the county and was a member of Council No. 390, Knights of Columbus. He was born in Cincinnati and came to Kentucky when a child with his parents. He lived in Spencer county but came to this city about 35 years ago. He is survived by his wife who was Miss Julia Mulloney (?), four sons, Joseph O’Leary, John O’Leary, James O’Leary and Emmett O’Leary, one daughter, Elizabeth O’Leary by his last marriage and one daughter, Mrs. Frank Sullivan, by his first marriage, one brother, Tim O’Leary and two sisters, Mrs. William Stack and Mrs. Thomas O’Leary of Louisville. The funeral was Tuesday morning at 9 a.m. at the Catholic church by Rev. J. H. Rile and internment was in Grove Hill cemetery. [very lengthy article] Death - Last Sunday at 4 p.m., Elijah Branbarn, age 44, a well known carpenter of this city died suddenly of heart failure at a home just west of and adjoining the Fair Grounds where he and his wife boarded. He leaves a wife [no name given] but no children. Funeral services were Tuesday at 3 p.m. at the Grove Hill cemetery chapel by Rev. T. H. Athey. [lengthy article]