Submitted by
to mail list and used here with permission.
The Somerset Journal
The Oldest Democratic Newspaper In The Mountains of Kentucky
Somerset, Ky., Friday, August 29, 1919.
Employees of the Southern Railroad Company Forbidden Use of Water
Somerset. The Kentucky State Board of Health has issued a
bulletin thru the
Southern Railroad Company forbidding the employees of the
company, in
Somerset, to use the city water. The bulletin states that
the water is not
as pure as it should be.
At a meeting of the City Council Monday night this subject was
brought up and
the Mayor said that he had been advising with the Utilities
Company about the
condition of the water and that they assured him they were doing
all they
could to remedy this condition. They claim they have sent
samples of the
water to the State Board of Health but have never received any
The company has been short of alum for some time and have been
unable to get
a shipment. They now have two tons on the road somewhere.
Something should be done at once to give the people pure water
and the City
Council has threatened to hold up vouchers now due the Utilities
until they remedy conditions.
City Fathers Hold Important Meeting Monday Night. Several
Paving Resolutions
The Board of Council held their regular semi-monthly session last
evening, with all members present, and accepted the bond of Mr.
E.B. Mason as
policeman and night-watchman, also the contract and bond of
Construction Company for the improvement of West Columbia Street
by paving
same with Kentucky Rock Asphalt.
A resolution for paving Main Street from North of city limits to
with Monticello Street from this intersection to city limits,
including all
of Public Square, was defeated. Councilmen Curtis and
Norfleet voting for
same while Councilmen Hall, Cox, Carter and Loveless voted
The resolution providing for paving North Main Street, commencing
with Court
House and extending northward to city limits was adopted.
Councilmen Curtis,
Hall, Norfleet, Cotter and Loveless voting for and Councilman Cox
A protest was registered by numerous residents and property
owners of North
Maple Street against the paving of that street and the matter was
filed for future consideration.
Full Quota of Teachers for Somerset City Schools. Many
Schools Without
Teachers. The Somerset City Schools will open for the
1919-20 session next
Monday morning. The first three days will be devoted to
organizing and then
the students will be dismissed the rest of the week on account of
Somerset Fair.
During the summer vacation the interior of all buildings have
been decorated
and all wood work on the outside painted. A modern hot
water heating plant
has been installed in the Fourth Ward Building.
Although many schools thru out the state have been unable to
secure teachers,
Somerset has her full quota. The following is a list of the
instructors for
the ensuing year.
Fourth Ward Building. Miss Sallie Pettus, Prin., Viola
Gragg, Kate Hail,
Sarah Tibbals.
Parker Building. Miss Agnes Scott, Prin., Mrs. Adelle Kenney,
Miss Anna
Prather, Miss Nancy Elliott, Miss Lina Porch.
Central Building. Mr. H.H. Smith, Prin., Miss Bertha Sears,
Miss Amelia
Saunders, Miss Ora Enoch, Miss Martha Campbell, Miss Rebecca
Barnett, Miss
Eva Taylor, Mrs. E.L. Brouse, Miss Pearl Smith, Miss Clodie
Ashurst, Miss
O'Della Kenney.
High School. S.N. Mayfield, Prin., Adelle Dorsey, English;
Elanor J.
Stevenson, Supervisor Music; Nellie Crawford, History; Geo. L.
Manual Training; F.E. Tustison, Science; Rose Humphrey,
Art; T.J. Palmer,
Printing; V.D. Roberts, Mathematics; Mrs. Ethel Boyden, Domestic
Arts; Ada
Crawford, Asst.; J.B. Mershon, Forge; Mrs. Wynona McDaniel,
Board of Education
T.E. Jasper, Pres.
W.H. Ramsey, Sec'y
Thos B. Prather
A.E. Barnes
R.J. McDaniel
R.G. Williams
Fine Calves. The two fine bull calves to be given away by
the Somerset Fair
Company are now on the farm of W. F. Daffron. He is getting
them all
"slicked up" for the lucky person. Mr. Daffron is
one of the most
progressive farmers in the county. He has named his place
the Caney Fork
Stock Farm.
Buchannon. Elizabeth, the three year old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. E.P.
Buchannon, died Wednesday morning after an illness of several
weeks. Funeral
services were held at the home of the child's grandparents Mr.
and Mrs. Chas.
Porch, yesterday afternoon at 2:30. Interment followed in
the city cemetery.
The parents have the sympathy of the entire community in
the loss of their
dear little one, who was the pride of their home.
Closes Out. Max Kammer has sold his stock of shoes and will
leave next week
for Cleveland, Ohio, where he will make his future home.
His many friends
here regret to see him leave Somerset.
Sells Farm. Mrs. V.P. Smith sold a six acre farm in Estill
county this week
for $500.00 an acre. This beats your bluegrass land sales
all to pieces.
Oil and mineral rights were reserved.
Mr. George Sloan will take in the Lexington Fair next week.
Mrs. Edwin P. Morrow has been visiting in Cincinnati and
Mrs. M.E. Burke is spending several days in Louisville with
Lawrence Longsworth was over from Monticello last weekend.
Mrs. Robert Bartella has returned from a trip to Lexington.
Mr. John Slessinger has returned from a business trip to the
Miss Grace Miles has returned from a visit to Mrs. J.B. Turpin,
at Stearns.
Miss Bert Roberts is spending the weekend in Louisville on
Miss Tillie Buckner of Campbellsville, Ky., is visiting Miss
Fostine Cooper.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sloan of Portsmouth, Va., are visiting Mrs.
Mrs. J. Vere Mann of Bristol, Va., is visiting her parents Mr.
and Mrs. John
Bell Jones.
Mr. J.A. Cassada has returned from a two weeks vacation spent in
Miss Fostine Cooper has returned from a visit to Miss Josephine
Briggs at
Frankfort, Ky.
Mr. George Joplin, the mainstay of the Danville Advocate, was
down Sunday
with friends.
Lieut. Frank S. Wright of Shelbyville, Ky., is visiting in the
city this
Mrs. C.W. Massey of Danville will arrive this week to visit
relatives during
the fair.
Captain Paul Dexheimer spent several days in Chattanooga, Tenn.,
with his
father who has been ill.
Mr. G.W. Babcock and granddaughter Miss Gertrude Mason are on a
vacation trip
to New York.
Mrs. J.A. Cassada and children have returned from a visit to
relatives in
Louisville and Dayton, Ohio.
Mr. Vacillius Chebithes has received a nice appointment in
Washington, D.C.,
and will leave soon to take up his duties. Mr. Chibithes
will also attend
law school in the evening.
County Court Clerk Logan Perkins of McCreary county was in the
city this
Postmaster R.L. Brown has been in Louisville attending a meeting
of the state
Mr. and Mrs. John Guy of Lexington have been visiting friends in
the city
this week.
Dr. A.W. Cain attended a meeting of the Russell County Medical
Society at
Russell Springs last Saturday.
Miss Rose Karman of Cincinnati, Ohio, is visiting Miss Katherine
and Mrs. William Doyle.
Mr. Hugh Crozier formerly County Road Engineer of Pulaski county
is visiting
in the city for a few days.
Miss Bertha Wolf returned to Washington City last Monday after a
visit with
the family of Mr. J.R. Cook.
Mr. and Mrs. M.C. Williams and Miss Ora Enoch are among the
Somerset people
spending the week at Parkers Mill.
Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Brown have returned to their home in Modesto,
after a two weeks visit with relatives here.
Hon. Ben V. Smith spent several days in Cincinnati on business
and attended a
meeting of the Law Commercial League.
Mr. and Mrs. T.E. Jasper and family will motor to Louisville to
attend the
State Fair and will go from there to Mammoth Cave for a visit.
Miss Edna Pruitt of Washington, D.C., is visiting relatives here
this week.
She holds a nice position in the Bureau of War Risk Insurance.
Mr. and Mrs. Hershul Humble arrived this week from Paris and will
shortly go
to housekeeping. Mr. Humble will engage in the lumber and
stave business.
Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Gover have returned from a delightful trip to
Montana and
other western states. They visited Yellowstone National
Park while gone.
Mr. B.H. Botts of Lawrenceburg, Ky., is back on the job in this
territory for
Swift & Co., after a two weeks vacation spent at Washington,
Atlantic City
and New York.
Cards have been received here announcing the birth of George
Everett at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Clothier on the 16th. Mr. and
Mrs. Clothier now
live in New York City.
Mr. Steve A. Walker of Lancaster, Ky., who has been here in
connection with
the big sale of the Wakefield-Walker Reality Co., has been
confined to his
room with a severe attack of acute indigestion.
Mrs. R.E. Higgins arrived last night to visit her parents Dr. and
Mrs. A.W.
Cain. She was accompanied by Miss Opal and Master Harold
Cain who have been
spending the summer with her.
Mr. B.R. Dean, who has been in the Navy for the past fifteen
months, arrived
home this week. He was stationed for awhile at
Constantinople. After a
visit here, he and his wife will leave for Wellington, Va., where
he will
Bryan Pettus, who has been in the Navy for the past several
years, arrived
home this week. He has just been discharged. He has
been on one of Uncle
Sam's destroyers in the Caspian Sea. During the war he made
sixteen trips
across the ocean. After a visit with his mother, he will go
into the
Merchant Marine Service.
Mr. James Harvey, who has just returned from a years service
overseas with
the Y.M.C.A., is visiting relatives in the city. Mr. Harvey
was stationed in
Paris. He has many interesting stories of the war to tell
his friends.
After a visit here he will return to New York City where he will
be stationed
for about two months.
Mr. Waddle is a son of the late Adolphus H. Waddle, of
Somerset. He and his
bride will live in Kentucky after passing a few weeks at Hot
Springs, Va.
The Rev. Henry Dunning pastor of the church officiated. The
bride was given
away by Mr. Thatcher, who also acted as best man for Mr.
Waddle. Mrs.
Thatcher was her only attendant. There was a small
reception in the country
home of Mr. and Mrs. Thatcher. A small wedding breakfast
followed at the
country home of Mr. and Mrs. John M.P. Thatcher in Bayville,
L.I. Lieut.
Waddle has just returned from overseas service with an infantry
branch of the
A.E.F. He and his bride will pass a part of their honeymoon
at Hot Springs,
Va. The New York Herald of Aug. 20th has the following
about the Waddle -
Thatcher wedding. Miss Elizabeth Perkins Thatcher, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs.
Thos. M. Thatcher of Somerset, Ky., was married in the
Presbyterian Church
here today to Mr. Benjamin L. Waddle, also of Somerset. The
bride is a
sister of Mr. John M.P. Thatcher, whose wife was Miss Katherine
S. Sands of
New York. The New York Sun of August 20th had the
following: Miss
Elizabeth Perkins Thatcher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Muir
Thatcher, of
Somerset, Ky., was married to Lieut. Benjamin L. Waddell, son of
O. H.
Waddell, also of Somerset, yesterday morning in the Oyster Bay
Church, Oyster Bay, L.I., by the Rev. Henry Dunning,
pastor. The bride's
matron of honor and only attendant was Mrs. John M.P. Thatcher of
this city,
sister-in-law of the bride, and Mr. Thatcher acted as his
best man.
Edd Gooch and Harry Rockel of Cincinnati, who has been visiting
here, left
Monday for Tennessee where they will visit relatives.
Mr. Wilder and family of Wilmore are visiting her sister Mrs.
T.J. Acton.
George McMullin and family have returned home from Ind.
Lawrence Lee and Wallace Wesley have gone to Detroit, Michigan.
Mrs. T.W. McLaughlin and daughter Charlotte have returned home
from Indiana.
Miss Berdina Gooch entertained with a birthday party Thursday
Mrs. Jim Isaac and children of Somerset were the Sunday guests of
Mr. C.B.
Miss Pearl Reynolds returned to Danville Monday, accompanied by
Miss Marie
Mr. and Mrs. Cash Herrin of Welbron are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
T.E. Payne.
Mrs. Martha Doolin who has been very sick is improving.
Mach Gooch of Winfield, Tenn., who has been visiting here, has
returned home.
Mrs. Zora Smith and children returned to their home Friday after
a pleasant
visit with her father A.J. Adams.
Several from here attended the pie supper at Buncombe Friday
Mrs. Mabel Jasper and children of Mt. Hope, spend Sunday with her
sister Mrs.
Maude Leigh.
Rutherford Adams of Mangum was a guest of his father A.J. Adams
Madison Wesley went to Cincinnati Friday to seek employment.
Chester Roy visited his sister Mrs. Ida Dick Saturday night.
Misses Stella and Mattie Dick were Sunday guests of their cousins
Misses Mary
and Lula Dick.
Miss Nannie Spaw of Beech Grove spent Saturday night with her
sister Mrs. Ada
Roscoe Mofield and family were Sunday guests at Henry Hines.
Mr. and Mrs. Silas Meece who are ill with the fever are improving
Cant Do The Work. It's too much to try to work every day
against a constant
dull backache or sudden darting pain in the small of the
back. Be rid of it.
Try Doan's Kidney Pills. Your neighbors recommend
them. Mrs. S.A.
Gillespie, S. Main St., Somerset, says: "I had soreness and
a dull ache
across the small of my back and could hardly bend over. The
least work tired
me and my back pained constantly. I had a dizzy feeling in
my head and my
kidneys didn't do their work right. In bad weather,
rheumatic pains came on
in my knees and arms. When I read about Doan's Kidney
Pills, I got some at
J.P. Kelsay's Drug Store and three boxes were enough to rid me of
the aches
and pains and put my kidneys in good shape." 60 cents
at all dealers.
Foster-Milburn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N.Y.
A revival meeting is being held at the Baptist church at Naomi
conducted by
Rev. Robards.
Carter Pierce was the Sunday guest of Miss Della Merrick.
Mrs. Myrtle Norfleet was the guest of Mrs. Lonella and Stella
Tartar Monday.
Tolar Prather and family, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Prather and daughter
Edith, were
the guests of Loney Norfleet, Sunday.
The families of Brent Norfleet and Omer Trimble visited at Earl
Saturday and Sunday.
Zollie Tartar and wife were guest at Wess Tartar's Sunday
Misses Atchie Norfleet and Opal Richardson attended church at
Sligo Sunday
A Revival meeting closed last Sunday night.
Jack Allen of Rockville, Ind., are visiting friends.
Alfred Acton and wife visited at Eugene Warrens Friday.
Jasper Suttle returned home from Ohio, Saturday.
Clarke Wilson wife and baby were visitors at James Yorks' Sunday.
Charlie Ivans and wife visited Mrs. Bessie Vaught Sunday.
School opened here August 13th with Misses Chole Hopper and Mary
Fletcher as
Lucy Burton is sick at this writing.
Miss Onie Burton who has been staying with her brother, Rev. C.C.
returned home Friday.
Born to the wife of Virgil Hudson a girl - Bessie.
Miss Bessie Vaughn is visiting friends here.
Rev. C.C. Burton is conducting a revival at Shafter.
Misses Mary Burton and Ella and Linda Vanhoiser were guests of
Bessie Vaughn
Luther Muse is very ill with typhoid fever.
Mrs. Minnie Muse is very ill at this writing.
S.W. Todd made a business trip to Somerset Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Cain Dalton are rejoicing over the arrival of a new
boy at their
Born to the wife of Znoc Sharp a boy.
Elmoe and Wallace Burton are on the sick list.
Clarence Burton has returned from Illinois.
The little son of L. Muse is very sick.
Wedding bells are still ringing here. This time for Marion
and Nellie
Awful Conduct. Our Estesburg correspondent sends the
following to the
Evangelist J.L. Davis of Lundy, MO., began a series of meetings
at Estesburg
last Monday night. In about thirty minutes after the
preaching began,
shooting took place surrounding the house, some forty or more
shots were
fired, two bullets went just over the window ranging toward the
preacher but
dropping between the ceiling. There was quite an excitement
among the
ladies, his wife was overcome by the excitement, he just spoke
for someone to
look after her and kept on preaching.
Several rotten eggs were thrown at the preacher also.
Officers were called
immediately, and good order has been restored.
The guilty party should be arrested and heavily fined. Such
conduct is
unbecoming Pulaskians.
18 Years Ago in Somerset.
In Somerset the election passed off quietly and in the best of
humor. The
following city officials were elected: Mayor T.R. Griffin,
Police Judge J.H.
Waddle, Chief of Police, R.O. Hughes, City Clerk, J.B. Thornton,
Daniel Smiley, Councilmen: E.M. Waddle, J.H. Thurman, T.V.
Ferrell, James B.
Sears, Ed Cotter and Morgan Crane.
Mr. J.R. Cook received the appointment of United States
George Jones shipped a carload of hogs bought in the neighborhood
at 5 cents
a pound.
Mr. Henry Inman is at home for a few days from Huntington where
he is
employed by Quincy Adams and boards with Grover Cleveland.
Misses Genevieve Porch and Margurette Sallee have been visiting
in Burnside.
Dr. George M. Reddish has returned from his post graduate course
in New York
and is now looking after his oil interest at Sunnyside.
Mr. Henry Mourning of Lexington attended the funeral of Harvey
Miss Callie Hicks spent last week at Huntsville, Tenn., court
reporter in two
murder cases.
Collector Denton has appointed Mr. H.L. Hale of this city Stamp
Rev. J.W. Simpson is the new pastor of the Main street Methodist
Madison Porch from State College was taking Turkey with homefolks
Messrs. R.H. and W.A. Pettus former Pulaskians, have moved to a
farm which
they bought recently near Moreland.
The battle ship Kentucky, upon which our young countryman Phillip
Taylor is
commencing a record, has reached Yokahama, Japan, where it will
Last Update Saturday, 14-Apr-2018 17:06:42 CDT
County Coordinator:
Gayle Triller