Transcribed by Ron Holt and used here with permission

Somerset, Ky., Thursday, April 2nd, 1896.

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NOTE: The graphics in the newspapers are wonderful old ads depicting a way of life in this time period, 106 years ago. The ads were very important to the readers at that time. The page is slow loading but worth it. There are more advertisements than news space-wise. Please be patient and enjoy the news and the ads.


City Directory Churches. 

Presbyterians.  Preaching every Sabbath at 11 o'clock a.m., and 7 o'clock p.m.  Prayer meeting 7 o'clock p.m., Wednesday evening.  Rev. Harvey Glass, Pastor.

Church of Christ.  Preaching by Geo. A. Klingman on 1st and 4th Sunday, morning and evening.  Congregation meets every Lord's day at 10 a.m. for teaching and worship.

Episcopal.  Services every second and fourth Sundays, 8 o'clock p.m., at the courthouse.  Rev. V.R. Cooley, pastor.

St. Mildred, Mass at 7 ½ and 10 o'clock a.m., Benediction at 7 ½ o'clock p.m. on first and third Sundays.  Rev. P.J. Vole, Rev. M.M. Carroll, pastors.

Union Chapel.  Sunday school every Sunday 2 o'clock p.m.  Preaching every Sunday 3 o'clock p.m.   2nd Sunday, Elder W.T Hilton; 1st Sunday; Rev. E.B. Hill; 3rd Sunday, Rev. W.E. Arnold; 4th Sunday, Rev. Harvey Glass. South Somerset.

Methodist Episcopal.  Services every Sunday, except the 4th morning and evening.  Prayer meeting Thursday evening.  Rev. E.B. Hill, Pastor.

Christian.  Preaching every Lordsday, 11 a.m., and 8 p.m.  Prayer meeting Wednesday 8 p.m.  W.T. Hilton, Minister.

Baptist.  Church meeting 1st Saturday in each month.  Preaching the first, second and third Sundays, morning; and at night first and third.  Prayer meeting Wednesday 7 p.m.  Rev. W.O. Millican, Pastor.

Methodist (South).  Services every Sunday morning and evening.  Prayer meeting Wednesday 8 o'clock p.m.  Board meeting Monday night.  Epworth League
services every Friday eve at 7:30.  All invited.  Rev. W.E. Arnold, Pastor.

Baptist Chapel.  South Somerset.  Preaching 2nd and 4th Sunday, morning and night.  Prayer meeting Thursday eve 7 ½; Sunday School 9 ½ a.m.

Baptist (Colored).  Services every Sunday morning and evening.  Rev. A.W.
Puller, Pastor.

Methodist (Colored).  Services every Sunday morning and evening.  Rev. Jacob
Edwards, Pastor.

Secret Societies. 

Masonic.  Somerset Lodge No. 111, F.&A.M. - Slated meetings, Third Friday in each month, J.M. Richardson, W.M.

Somerset Royal Arch Chapter No. 25, meets on the first Saturday night in each month, J.M. Owens, H.P.

I.O.O.F.  Somerset Lodge No. 238, meets every Tuesday evening.  J.H. Lee, N.G., Jas. M. Harvey, Sec.

K. of P.  Crescent Lodge No. 60 meets every Thursday evening, Jon. Silvers, C.C., J.B. Thornton, K. of R.S.

K.O.T.M.  Somerset Tent No. 13, K.O.T.M., meets in Odd Fellows Hall on the 1st, 3rd Friday nights.  H. Harrison, Commander, John Inman, Record Keeper.

Sons of Veterans.  Speed S. Fry Camp No. 8, Div. of Ky., meets at Camp Hall 1st and 3rd Saturdays at 1:30 p.m.  T.Z. Morrow, Jr., Captain,  B. Trimble, 1st Srgt.


Mr. Samuel Walden of Bronston, died a few days since.

John Lay, an aged man of Norwood, died last Saturday night of chronic diarrhea.

Uncle Steve Claunch, an aged as well as a much respected colored man of this town, died Monday night.  Uncle Steve was one of the best examples of pure humility and meekness and genuine courtesy the writer ever knew.

Dr. Stephen D. Yerkes, father of Hon. John W. Yerkes, for many years a leader in educational matters in this State, and occupying a prominent position in connection with the Danville Theological Seminary, is dead, died a few days since.  A useful citizen and a good man has gone to his reward.

Jennie, wife of Rufus Ashurst, died at the family residence in this city Monday morning at 1:30 o'clock, after a short illness of pneumonia, aged 26
years.  She was a daughter of Jas. G. and E.A. Cox.  Besides the grief stricken husband, she leaves to mourn her loss a loving mother and two children, Nina, seven years of age, and Hugh, one year old.  The remains were interred at Soule's Chapel burying ground.

Tinsley Mershon, who has been sick for nearly two years with consumption of the bowels and a hip trouble, breathed his last at 8:30 Monday morning.  He was conscious up to his death and having made peace with his Maker, he had frequently expressed his willingness to meet Him in the great beyond.  Mr. Meshon was 27 years old and was an unusually clever and good hearted young man.  Until the dread disease began to gnaw at his vitals he worked hard to help support his widowed mother, Mrs. Gran C. Mershon, and sisters, who are now bowed down with grief over their loss.  At ten o'clock this Tuesday morning, the remains will be taken to Buffalo Cemetery where after short services at the grave by Rev. W.S. Grinstead, they will be laid to rest. Interior Journal.

Millsville.  J.W. Baugh sold to Abe Wolf six head of fat cattle and three fat hogs.  Anyone having a horse to swap would do well to come this way as we have a preacher in the business.  Pitman Creek has been on a boom for the last week.  Sam Mill's mill came very near being washing away last Thursday night. He is repairing the damage.  Someone would do well to come to this neighborhood and put up a first class store and attend strictly to business, as people now have to go to Somerset for nearly everything.  No services at any of the churches last Sunday.  Why is it we can not have preaching every Sunday?  Three good churches and only have preaching once a month at any of them and still we have people that claim to be sanctified

Notice To Correspondents.  It is not a matter of news that Joe Jonsing or anybody else went across the road to visit his son or daughter, and when men or women go two or three miles on a visit, that is not the kind of news that we want.  If we were to publish every visit of that kind in Pulaski County,
we would have to print a paper as big as the side of a barn.  It is news we want, and only something out of the usual course of things, in the way of visits, is wanted.

Town and Country.  We regret to hear of the serious illness of Mr. John Newell, of Bronston. 
Pulaski has fifty post offices, a dozen more than any other county of the State. 
You should not miss the high grade attraction, John D'Ormond and Agnes Fuller to appear at Johnston's April 6.  The press speaks in high praise of the D'Ormond company.  They will be at Johnston's on April 6. Reserved seats, 50 cents. 
Some folks are getting tired of being tormented with loose hogs.  If the town authorities have any settled policy
as to stock law, what is it?
  Mrs. M.A. Dunn will offer her household goods at public sale next Saturday at 1 o'clock and some valuable furniture will be sold at the residence.
  Elmer Jones, who was once well known here, committed suicide a few days ago at Jamestown.  At one time he was a popular young salesman in Somerset. 
The new boat that is being built at Cincinnati, for the Burnside and Burksville Transportation Company and which has been named "Burnside," will soon be ready for service.
  The Cumberland River has been rising rapidly for several hours and bids fair to go to about the highest point.  All smaller streams in this section have been on a high for some time. 

Everett Girdler will in a short time begin the erection of a new residence on the site of his present house.  He will occupy rooms at the residence of Mrs. H.N. Lair while the work is being down. 
I have moved my horse, Jim Wilkes, and my jack, General Taylor, from the Fair Grounds to Tate & Catron's stable, where they will make the season.  See bills for pedigree and breeding.  J.F. Lucas.
  Call on Dr. C.V. Mallory at his new dental rooms over Bartell's jewelry store, where he is better prepared than ever to do all gold work and everything in the art of dentistry. 
Mr. John Staples, car repairer for the railway here, was seriously injured a few days ago by having a jack to slip and thereby letting a car drop upon his hand, crushing several bones, causing injuries that will put him off duty for some time, but it is to be hoped that the permanent injury will not be very great. 

Dr. J.M. Owens was called in great haste one day last week to visit a patient west of town.  When he arrived he found a boy covered up in bed swearing vigorously, with a steel-trap holding him by the nose.  The boy had been monkeying with the trap and got caught.  His nose was found to be broken when the doctor released him.  Burnside Item.

Had To Take Water.  Last Sunday the good people of King's Mountain vicinity were given a big dose of ice water, to an extent that they had not prepared for and that was not altogether pleasant or profitable.  A dark cloud having gathered over that fair little city, its contents condensed into big drops, which were sent earthward, but they, passing through a Manitoban current of the air, did not reach the house tops of Kingsville until they had frozen and gathered into hailstones about the size of hens' eggs, and reports say that the ratter-clatter of the hail was terrible for a few minutes.  The hail was awful to stock as well as to people who were exposed to it, and even seeing and hearing it was awe-inspiring.  The damage done consisted principally in the smashing of window glass, some houses, it is said, not having a glass left.  The sheet of water that came before and after the hail is said to have been almost a deluge.

Personal Mention.

R.A. Johnston is at Burksville.

G.B. Adams is at home from Albany.

Miss Bettie Tarter has bought a handsome bicycle and is learning it.

Frank Arvin of McKay, Ind., is here visiting his sister, Mrs. Frank Greer.

Mr. L.B. Harrison, agent of the (remainder missing).

J.A. Fox who has been at Monticello house building for some time, is at home.

Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Chestnut have moved back to this city from Chattanooga.

Messrs. Robt. And Ed Waddle were at home from Danville the first of the week.

T.C. Rankin of the Bluegrass was here last week attending the Hammonds trial.

Joe Ashurst of Pierson, Ill., came Tuesday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Rufe

Mrs. Mary Dunn who has been with her sister, Mrs. James Dunn for the past two weeks, has returned to her home at Wilmore.

Miss Mamie Thorpe of New Albany, Ind., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Walsh in this place.

Mrs. L.F. Shadoan returned from a visit to Louisville accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Taylor.

J.A. Coleman of Monticello is here this week.  He says Wayne will instruct for Gov. Bradley.

Little Ina, daughter of Mr. Rufe Ashurst, is still quite ill.  It is now thought that she has typhoid fever.

Editor Sherman, of the Gazette, Jamestown, Tenn., is in town on business, he having unfortunately had his printing plant burned.

T.J. Candler was at the big meeting at Greenwood several days, and reports great good being done.  He took much interest in the work.

Misses Francis, Gilmore, Pierson and Mrs. T.Z. Morrow have returned from Greenwood where they have been working in the big meeting.

Religious.  Preaching at Johnston's Hall next Sunday by Geo. A. Klingman.  Geo A. Klingman preached at Louisville Sunday and Sunday night.  We understand that Geo. Klingman organized a congregation of forty members at Burnside and put them in working order.  Mr. John Golden of Burnside made no charge for the use of his hall by Mr. Klingman during his protracted meeting at that place.  Mr. Hilton's meeting at the Christian Church is likely to continue several days yet.  His audiences are large, and there have been some accessions to the church. 


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