Submitted by to mail list and used here with permission.

Part 3

Part Two of Three - Personal Mention and Community news
Part One | Part Three

Personal Mention.

Miss Minnie Adams has returned from a visit to Colorado.
John H. Wesley is spending several days in Casey County.
Mr. George Joplin was down from Danville Sunday with friends.

Mrs. E.M. Mayfield is visiting her daughter Mrs. M.B. Dungan.

Mr. G.D. Sloan of Burnside was in Somerset Monday on business.

Mrs. Elmer Cook of Chattanooga, Tenn., is the guest of Mrs. Offutt.

Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Johnson spent the weekend in Chattanooga.

County Agent W.C. Wilson has moved to his property on College St.

Mrs. A. Goldenberg and son are expected home this week from Cincinnati.

Mrs. R.O. Lewis of Burnside was in the city with friends Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jeffrey were in Lexington last Thursday with friends.

Miss Georgia Lewis of Sloans Valley, Ky., is visiting friends in this city.

Mrs. H.A. Lindle is visiting her daughter Mrs. King Grinstead in Louisville.

Mrs. J.W. Heath of Danville spent last weekend with friends in Somerset.

Miss Mary Floyd spent the Thanksgiving holidays with friends in Lexington.

Miss Maggie Adams who has a position at Oneida, Tenn., is visiting her mother.

We regret to report that Mr. Levi Surber is still quite ill and his condition is serious.

James Williams came down from State Univ., Lexington, for last weekend.

Messrs Alvin Dikeman and Farris Dill were in Lexington last Thursday where they were initiated into the mysteries of the Shrine.

Mr. and Mrs. Guy Fagaly of Burnside were in the city on Wednesday for the day.

Mr. J.G. Dikeman spent last Thursday in Lexington attending the Shrine initiation.

Terrell Waddle spent the weekend with his wife and daughter in Nicholasville.

Miss Mattie Kern arrived from Washington City this week for a visit to home folks.

Mrs. William Doyle and daughter Elizabeth will spend Friday and Saturday in

Mr. Fred Catron of Louisville attended the funeral of his grandmother Mrs. Dick Cundiff.

Miss Priscilla Skelton of Knoxville, Tenn., is the attractive guest of Mr. and Mrs. E.E. Skelton.

Mrs. Thos. M. Thatcher and daughter Mrs. B.L. Waddle are spending several days in Cincinnati.

"Bo" McMillan and Thad McDonald were down from Danville for the Thanksgiving Elks dance.

Miss Thelma Waddle left on Monday for Carlisle, Ky., to visit Rev. and Mrs. Lander for several days.

James Roberts, Royce Flippin and William Humble were home from Centre College for the holidays.

Mrs. India Griffith and daughter of Stearns were the guests of Mrs. W.S. Alexander last weekend.

Joe McGee left Tuesday afternoon for Los Angeles, Calif., for the winter.  He will travel out of that city.

Dr. J.P.W. Brouse has returned to Irvin, Ky., after spending Thanksgiving with his family here.

Misses Agnes Welch and Florence Healey spent last Saturday and Sunday in Knoxville, Tenn., with friends.

The friends of Captain F.P. Curtis will regret to learn that he is suffering from an attack of facial erysipelas.

Mrs. Sue Owens and daughter Marguerite will leave today for Cincinnati where they will spend several days.

Miss Maud Girdler who has a position with the Red Cross in Washington, D.C., is at home for a months visit.

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Glore and Miss Annette Cook of Louisville are guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Doyle, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. William B. Hansford who have been visiting friends and relatives here, have returned to West Milton, Ohio.

Vincent Wesley and Terrell Waddle attended the funeral of their
brother-in-law, Walford Luddy, in Nicholasville, Friday.

Miss Mary Roberts has returned to Maryville, Tenn., after spending the holidays with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Roberts.

Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Prather left Wednesday for a protracted stay in Texas.  Mr. Prather is making the trip on account of his health.

Mrs. J.W. Bradshaw, accompanied by her daughter, Katherine, Evelyn DeWeese nd Ruth Offutt spent Thanksgiving in Lexington.

Mrs. Virginia De Hart, State Supervising Deputy for the Royal Neighbors was entertained by Mrs. Carr and Mrs. Dungan while in Somerset.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Waddle and daughter Miss Ella Mae and Misses Marietta Farrell and Bess Healy motored to Lexington Thanksgiving day.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Moore and Mr. and Mrs. William Ramsey motored to Lexington on last Thursday to witness the Somerset - Lexington football game.

Supt. R.E. Hill attended the meeting of City School Superintendents at Frankfort last Friday.  This meeting was called by State Superintendent

Mr. Paul Enlow of Hodgensville, Ky., has accepted a position with the First National Bank of Somerset.  Mr. Enlow has had considerable banking experience.

Miss Edith Buchanan of Richmond, Ky., and Miss Fell of Pittsburgh, Pa., teachers at K.C.W. of Danville, were Thanksgiving visitors of Mrs. R.E. Higgins.

Mr. and Mrs. L.M. Grear, of Chattanooga, arrived this week to be with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Roberts.  Mr. Grear is just recovering from a severe illness.

Mesdames J.W. Dugger and L.D. Nunn of Burnside were in the city shopping Tuesday.  Mrs. Nunn is the Journal's efficient representative in Burnside and is quite a hustler.

Dr. H.K. Fulkerson returned from Rockport, Ky., this week and brought his father, Judge S.L. Fulkerson, home with him for the winter.  Judge Fulkerson has been in ill health.

Mrs. Percy Bocock of Columbus, Ind., will spend the winter with her parents Mr. and Mrs. B. Young, of Faubush, Ky., on account of ill health.  Mr. Bocock will join her within a few weeks.

Mr. I. Harkins is spending several days in Chicago where he is taking advantage of the market condition to buy goods for the Fair Store.  He will have some news of interest for the Journal readers next week.

John Welch is at home from Akron, O., where he has been working for the Goodyear Tire Co.  He says that the rubber companies are turning employees off by the thousands and that the plants are running only part time.

A party composed of Misses Mary Vance Day, Florence Ogden, Ruby Curtis and Martha Washington, chaperoned by Mesdames Ellis Ogden and George T. Washington, attended the Somerset Hi - Lexington football game Thursday.

Mrs. Paul Dexheimer most charmingly entertained the Five Hundred Club last Wednesday afternoon.  There were four tables playing.  The prize for the highest score was won by Mrs. R.E. Higgins.  Dainty refreshments were served.

Mr. Joshua Jones of Danville was in the city this week with friends.  Mr. Jones has just purchased 7,000 acres of land in Haiti where he is going to make his home.  Several Boyle County farmers have also purchased land in that country.

Mr. and Mrs. T.O. Sechrist, of Louisville, spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. S.S. Morrow.  This is Mr. Sechrist's first visit to Somerset in some time and his friends were glad to see him.  Mr. Sechrist holds a very high and responsible position with the L&N Railroad Co.  Mrs. Sechrist visits Somerset frequently and always receives a cordial welcome.

Mrs. A.E. Barnes entertained with a Five Hundred Party last Saturday afternoon at her pretty home in Columbia St. in honor of Miss Buchanan of Richmond, Ky., and Miss Fell, of Pittsburgh, Pa., who were weekend guests of Mrs. R.E. Higgins.  There were four tables playing and the prize was won by Mrs. Neal Waddle.  Following the game refreshments were served.

The Peoria Transcript publishes the following complimentary notice concerning a former Somerset girl: "It is understood that Miss Pearl Swain, who has handled the office of secretary (Red Cross) at the headquarters very efficiently throughout the present drive, will enter settlement work with the Red Cross field forces shortly."  Miss Swain is expected to visit her Somerset friends before taking up this work.

Nancy.  Rev. Hargis of Somerset preached at Okalona Sunday. He will preach there every fourth Saturday and Sunday … Oscar Burton had a sale Saturday … Mrs. Thatcher Floyd and children visited her father Jim Dalton Sunday … Aunt Louisa Burton had a stroke of paralysis Sunday night.  She is some better at this writing … Mrs. Beck Beasley has pneumonia … Walter Hudson and family visited at Dewitt Burton's Sunday … Mr. Talmage Clifton and family visited at James Dalton's from Saturday until Sunday … Oscar Burton returned from Indiana one day last week … Farmers are busy gathering corn .. Mrs. W.L. Burton is slowly improving .. Thomas Blan is moving to Mrs. Joe Beasley's place.

Burnside.  J.M. Mitchell and Dan Lindsey were at home last week … Mrs. W.S. Philippi and son Robert with her sister Miss Elsie Rankin spent Thanksgiving holidays with relatives in Danville and Lexington … W.G. Prather of Cincinnati has accepted a position with the Cumberland Grocery Co., as head bookkeeper … Miss Elizabeth Allen was in Somerset for the holidays … Miss Sallie Pettus of Somerset was the guest of Mrs. Sam Weaver this weekend …. Mrs. F.V. Chesney of Midway was the delightful guest of Mrs. E.A. Harn over Sunday … H.A. Gable, manager of Hoffman Bros., Co., returned Saturday from a business trip in Tennessee … Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Rew entertained at Thanksgiving dinner Misses Lucille Fitzgerald, Nina Beaty and Ethel Tuttle … Mesdames V.R. Southwood, and J.M. Perkins were hostesses to the Women's Missionary Reading Circle Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Southwood.  A splendid program was given.  A large attendance of members and a number of visitors were present. Much enjoyed refreshments were served before the club adjourned … Miss Ethel Tuttle is home again after an extended visit in Cincinnati … Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Rew entertained with a party Friday evening a number of young folks … John T. Back of Monticello was in town Saturday on business .. Max Davis is home on a 15 day furlough.  He is stationed at Naval Training School in Newport, R.I. … Miss Cecil Davis was the charming hostess to a leap year dance at her home on College St. Saturday evening.  A large crowd of young people attended … Miss Eliza Tuttle in company with her brothers Clyde and Clarence of Cincinnati, was the guest of home folks Sunday … Miss Jesse Allen of Somerset was the guest of her sister Miss Elizabeth Sunday … Mrs. J.M. Dugger and Mrs. G.C. Nunn were in Somerset Tuesday … Dr. Perry Parrigin of Monticello passed through here Monday en route to Louisville … W.H. Jones is in Washington, D.C., on business this week … Misses Willie and Jesse Prater were in Somerset for the day Saturday … Mr. and Mrs. G.C. Nunn entertained with a family Thanksgiving dinner. Out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Dudley, of Pleasureville … Geo. R. Burgess was the guest of Mr. H. Hargis of Somerset on last Thursday … T.E. Knight and H.E. Gundle have opened up a new restaurant above the depot, serving at all hours … Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Greeno entertained with a dinner party on Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. Cary Fagaly and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Fagaly and family … G.C. Nunn was in Tennessee this week on business … Mrs. R.O. Lewis was in Somerset Tuesday on business … Mrs. S.C. Hughes of Louisville is the guest of her daughter Mrs. E.B. Chitwood … Mr. and Mrs. O. Roberts of Mill Springs passed through town Tuesday en route to their new home at Paintsville … J.A. Davis made a short visit with home folks Monday … W.A. Cox was in Somerset Tuesday … Mrs. Opal Baker and children of New Castle, Ind., are visiting her father W.A. Cox … Rev. W.T. Overstreet joined his wife in Shelbyville for a visit with relatives.

Possum Trot.  The wedding bells are ringing here for Finley Adams and Telitha Ashley, Nep Meece and Maggie Childers. We wish them much joy … The infant of Jack Girdler died a few days ago, after three weeks suffering … Dave Johnson and family, Mrs. Bonnie Roy and Janie Williams spent Thanksgiving at R.H. Humbles … The Robinson boys visited their sister, Mrs. Otto Fisher, Sunday … Hulon and Lewis Humble visited in Dogwood Saturday and Sunday .. Mr. Bill Abbott will move to the Keith farm soon ..  The people here were sorry to learn of Ben Barnett's accident …  The reason those smiles are on Willie Fisher's face is a big 11 pound girl, Sarah Catherine, November 24 … C.H. Fisher and wife are visiting their daughter at Cincinnati … Wm. Johnson is with his brother here … Bennie Scales and Lewis Kelley spent Thursday at home .. Lena Keith visited home folks Saturday and Sunday .. R.H. Humble sold two milk cows lately … Killis Hale has returned home and was in Possum Trot Sunday.

Floyd.  Mrs. Susie Harmon is visiting her sister Mrs. R.M. Trivett at this place … Mrs. Belle Trivett is still improving at this writing … Mr. and Mrs. M.C. Higgins and Misses Mary and Louisa Higgins were in Eubank Saturday shopping … Mrs. W.T. Todd spent the day Saturday with Mrs. Jas. E. Todd .. Chas. Estes and Dallas Gragg have just recovered from an attack of chicken pox … Mrs. Maud Trivett is confined to her room with mumps ….  M.N. Griffin and family entertained at dinner Thanksgiving "Uncle" Sam Harrington, Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Surber, Mr. and Mrs. M.C. Higgins, Mr. M.P. Estes and son, Rural, Mr. Henry Griffin and son Orville … Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hines were visitors of Misses Mary and Louisa Higgins Sunday … Mrs. Altha Singleton was visiting at Dr. T.J. Acton's Sunday night … Mrs. W.G. Nelson isn't improving very fast at this writing.

Eubank.  Rev. Reed filled his regular appointment at the Baptist Church .. Mr. and Mrs. V. Carter and family of Cincinnati, Ohio, came down to spend Thanksgiving with Mrs. Willie Estes and returned home Sunday … Miss Maud Asher and Mrs. Bowen Adams of Louisville, Ky., came down to spend Thanksgiving with friends at this place … Prof. C.H. Taylor spent Thanksgiving with home folks at Liberty, Ky. … Miss Evelyn Rockel and Mr. Harry Rockel of Cincinnati, O., came down to spend Thanksgiving with Misses Fay and Berdina Gooch … Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Gooch entertained at dinner Thanksgiving Day Mr. and Mrs. I.E. Payne and children, Mr. and Mrs. A.K. Gooch, Miss Evelyn Rockel, Mr. Ed Gooch and Harry Rockel … Miss Grace Varney is visiting Miss Leona Henderson of this place .. Miss Margaret Horton spent Thursday with home folks … Miss Leona Henderson entertained at a party Tuesday evening Misses Fay and Berdina Gooch, Miss Grace Varney, Ray Tilford, Ed Gooch, Lawrel Carter … The elopement of Mr. Low Tilford and Miss Georgia Horton was quite a surprise to all that knew them.  We wish them much joy through life … Mrs. T.W. McLaughlin entertained at a six o'clock dinner Monday evening. Those present were Miss Maud Asher, Mrs. Bowen Adams, Mr. and Mrs. F.P. Hays and Prof. Taylor … Mrs. R.E. Todd left Thursday for Ohio where she will visit her daughter Mrs. Louis Wolcott … Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shopp spent Thursday with Mr. D. Phelps …  The People's Literary Society met Friday night and rendered a very interesting program … B.S. McMullin, rural carrier on Route 1, of this place, came in Saturday and said he had traveled one road for fifteen years, had worked 4,232 days, traveled 105,800 miles and delivered the mail to a class of the best people in Kentucky.


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