Cemetery Symbols and Their Meaning

The symbol for the Oddfellows organization--3 interlocking oval rings. The F.L.T. stands for friendship, love and truth.


Angels - Angels mean spirituality and they guard the tomb.
Bible - A single Holy Bible is often found on Christian stones.
Holy Books (2) - on Mormon headstones indicates the Bible and the Book of Mormon.
Holy Books (3) - on Mormon Headstones, these indicate The Scripture of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints - the Bible, Book of Mormon, and

Doctrine & Covenants:

Chalice - Usually used to represent the Sacraments.
Crescent - the deceased was probably a Muslim.
Crown - The soul's achievement and the Glory of life after death.
Cross - the Cross is an emblem of faith. There are many different types of crosses and each may mean something different. For a good explanation of the various types of crosses, see http://www.alsirat.com/symbols/cross.html, a part of The City of the Silent.
Heart (Sacred) - Usually found in Catholic cemeteries, this heart refers to the suffering of Christ for our sins.
Menorah - An emblem of Judaism
Star of David or Mogen David - Recognized as the international symbol of Judaism.


Arrow - Mortality
Broken Column - This image represents the decay. It usually represents the loss of the Family head.
Candle being Snuffed - Loss of life.
Coffin - Mortality.
Figure with Dart - Mortality
Grim Reaper - Death personified.
Hourglass - Time has run out.
Scythe - An instrument of the harvest, death cuts us down.
Skull and or Skull/ Crossed Bones - Death
Spade or Crossed Spade and Shovel - Death

Trade and Occupation: (emblems that MIGHT indicate a person's occupation in life)

Barber Bowl (for bleeding) & Razor.
Butcher - an axe, steel knife and cleaver.
Farmer: - Coulter (type of hoe), flail (threshing implement), swingletree (rod for beating flax), stalk of corn.
Gardener - Rake & Spade.
Mason - Wedge & Level
Mariner: - Anchor, Sextant & Cross Staff.
Merchant - Scales, some type of sign.
Minister - Bible
Shoemaker - Leather cutter's Knife, Nippers, Sole cutter & Awl
Smith - Crown, Hammer & Anvil
Teacher - Open Book.
Weaver - Loom, Shuttle & Stretchers.
Wright - (a worker skilled in the manufacture especially of wooden objects --usually used in combination - Compasses

Resurrection, Eternal Life, Immortality:

Angel, Flying or Trumpeting - Rebirth; Resurrection.
Bird or Bird Flying - Eternal life, Resurrection.
Cross: - The Cross means resurrection to many Christians.
Dove, Flying - Resurrection.
Flame, Light, Lamp or Torch: - Immortality of the Spirit, Resurrection.
Garland or Wreath - Symbol of saintliness and glory, Victory in death.
Horns -- The Resurrection
Ivy - Immortality
Rooster- Awakening; Resurrection.
Star - Death could not overpower the Light of the Spirit which still shines in the darkness.
Sun - A symbol of light and warmth, renewed life and life everlasting.
Trumpeters -- Harbingers of the Resurrection
Urn - Immortality (The storing of the vital organs was of extreme importance to the ancient Egyptians who believed that life would be restored through the vital organs placed in the urn).


Birds - Eternal life or resurrection.
Butterfly - Short-life.
Dog - Implies a good master worthy of love.
Dove - Seen in both Christian and Jewish cemeteries, the dove means innocence and/ or peace.
Lamb - Usually marks the grave of a child and means Innocence.
Lion - The Lion's eternal watch guards the tomb and stands for Courage.
Rooster - Awakening; Resurrection.


Fruits -- Eternal plenty as in the fruit of life.
Full-Blown Rose - The deceased died in the prime of life
Ivy -- Ivy stands for friendship and also immortality.
Laurel -- A symbol of worldly accomplishment and heroism.
Lily - The virgins' flower and also the symbol of innocence and purity.
Morning Glory - Signifies the beginning of Life
Oak., Oak Leaves and Acorn - Oak leaves on tombs can stand for power, authority or victory. Often seen on Military tombs.
Palm Branch - Signifies Victory and Rejoicing
Poppy - Eternal Sleep.
Roses - Roses signify completion and the brevity of earthly existence.
Rosemary - Rosemary is for remembrance. Thistles can also stand for remembrance.
Thistle - Deceased was of Scottish descent.

Tree or Trees:

A Tree stands for life.
A Tree Sprouting stands for life everlasting. Tree Trunk stands for the brevity of life.
Stones shaped liked Tree Stumps usually signify that the deceased was a member of The Woodmen of the World
Weeping Willow Tree - Perpetual Mourning; Grief.
Wheat Strands or Sheaves - The divine harvest.


Broken Ring -- The family circle has been severed.
Cherub - Cherubs are angelic and signify innocence.
Crossed Swords - Military person of high rank.


Hands in cemeteries are usually in one of the following four positions; clasping, praying, pointing, and blessing.
Hand, Pointing Up - Pathway to heaven.
Hands, Clasped - Farewells or the bond of marriage
Hands, Praying - Asking God for Eternal life.
Hands, Blessing - Blessing of those left behind.
Harp - Praise to the God.
Heart - Love. Stylized hearts stand for the affection of the living for the dead. Two joined hearts on a stone mark a marriage,
Rod or Staff - Comfort for the bereaved.
Stars and Stripes Around Eagle -- Eternal vigilance and liberty. Often seen on military markers.
Urn with Flame -- Undying remembrance
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