Barbourville Mountain Advocate

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   CUTTING SCRAPE IN COUNTY JAIL Barbourville Mountain Advocate March 25, 1904 Last Sunday afternoon, a difficulty arose between two of the prisoners confined in the County Jail, and Wilburn Hopkins, 18, cut and seriously wounded a mand by the name of Ross, inflicting a wound on the neck just missing the jugular vein, and another on the wrist which barely missed the large artery of the forearm. Dr. Herndon and other physicians were hastily called in and the wounds were dressed. Hopkins is now under conviction for killing G. M. Cole in this county some time ago and his case is pending before the Court of Appeals. The jury in his case fixing his punishment at fifteen years in the penitentiary. Ross, the man who was cust was arrested some time ago charged with breaking into Bailey's store at Bailey's Switch, in this county, but has not yet had a trial. CORRESPONDANTS HOLDEN It looks as though spring had opened up from the appearance of fine weather. H. L. Cannon has a new wheel in his grist mill. All who want a good corn cake should call on him, and he and John Lockard can supply your wants, that is if you furnish the corn. Mrs. G. M. Jackson was the guest of her son near Girdler, Sunday. J. W. Smith visited friends at Locust Grove Sunday. The prospects in the oil business seems to be increasing now, with a few new wells coming in. The operators seem to be greatly encouraged, as well as the people. To every thing there is a season. Miss Fannie Willis visited her sister, Mrs. Wm. Martin, of Jarvis Store, Sunday. Frank Parrott and wife visited their daughter, near Girdler, Sunday. Bro. Hinderlight was elected Superintendent of the Sunday school at Sinking Valley last sunday. We are glad to have him with us, and hope he will make a success of his mission. It is reported that the Byrley farm will be abandoned by those operating for oil there as the wells are not paying. Contractor Nash was in Barbourville on business Saturday. Prayer meeting at this place seems to be a success. C. R. Jackson has quit pumping and is dressing tools for Mr. Nash. Charley can do almost anything. Sil Parrott has purchased a saw mill and is going to do some sawing for H. B. Jones and Ed Miracle. There are several of the boys in this section going to Kansas to work in the oil field. Money don't grow on trees anywhere. We hope you will have success. The Advocate is an up-to-date Republican paper: all will do well to patronize it. Robert Daniels and wife are spending a few days in Middlesboro this week. Miss Sarah Jones, who is teaching school at North Jellico, was at home last week. Sarah always makes a noise wherever she goes. Alex Wilson, a driller who formerly worked here and sho has circumnavigated the whole country in search of work, has returned here and gone to work again. When a man gets his feet wet in our swamps, he may go away but he will come back. Alex got his feet wet here and also married on of Barbourville belles, that is another reason that he wants to stay in this neck of the woods. Subscribe for the Advocate and get all the news in the State and county and find out when your neighbor goes fishing and doesn't catch anything. Garr. KNOX FORK W. A. Donaldson, merchant, was in Grays on business last week. John Johnson, of near Jarvis store, died of fever a few days ago. J. J. Price, after a series of illness, is able to go back to J. R. Bailey's where he has been teaching school. W. B. Dizney, of Grays, continues to be a pleasant caller on Miss Fannie Price. H. H. Donaldson is contemplating moving to Grays. C. C. McDonald was in Barbourville Saturday on business. James Helton and wife were the guests of John Helton, Sr., Sunday. Misses Mary, Maggie Helton and Mary Parrott were guests of Mrs Henry Smith, Saturday. John McVey passed through here, Saturday. Joshua and Wm. Depens left here for Texas Thursday. Joseph Wells is on the puny list this week. It was a pleasant surprise to us to note in last weeks issue of the grand old Mountain Advocate the marriage of J. R. Goodin. We wish him success and happiness. Alex Stanberry was in Barbourville Monday on business. D. M. Humfleet and wife were visiting H. H. Donaldson Sunday. Harvey Jones and Miss Cora Stanberry were out buggy riding Sunday. Mrs. Jennie Jones, of Hopper, is visiting relatives at this place. Wonder why it is that Fred Price is seen every Saturday and Sunday at Thos. Parrott's ? R. E. D. HOLDEN, KY. Mrs. Cresy Howard of Flat Lick spent Sunday with friends at this place. Rev. James M. Walton, of Knoxville, paid his brothers, J. H. and William Walton, a hurried visit Saturday and returned Saturday night. R. M. Stansberry was up from Barbourville Saturday on Business. Miss Effie Morris, of Cannon, spent Sunday with Miss Mattie Morris at this place. Prof. James M. Leath, formerly of this place, but now of Leslie county, was here Sunday smiling on the young ladies. Rev. W. C. Judd, of Cannon preached a very interesting sermon here Sunday. Mr & Mrs. H. P. Martin were in Barbourville the first of the week on business. Mr & Mrs. W. A. Goodin of Pineville are spending a few days with her parents, Mr & Mrs. Jas. Miller. J. H. Walton was on Turkey creek on business the first of the week. Preston Short, Grays, is spending a few days with his sister, Mrs. Jas. T. Goshen. Joe Fortney, from Cannon, was here on business Tuesday. Mrs. Mary Rasnick visited her daughter, Mrs. Ella Mitchell, the first of the week. J. P. Valentine was down from Turkey creek on business Tuesday. Thomas Goodin was in Barbourville Tuesday on business. Mr & Mrs. J. H. Walton's baby, which has been sick for several days, is much better. J. L. Huddleston is home from Elk Valley, Tenn., this week. W. H. Caldwell was in Barbourville Tuesday on business. Miss Della Ramsey, of Barbourville, spent a few days the first of the week with her aunt, Mrs. Sam'l Morris. Verdant OLA, KY Archibald Jenkins and Evans Hammons passed through this place Saturday on business, and they will have a fine trip on this beautiful day. Joe Jenkins has been very ill for the last few days, but now he is crawling up again. W. J. Bates, one of the Thornton creek loggers, passed through Ola, monday. he will be all spring and summer ending his job. Steve Jenkins and Mrs. Louie Jenkins, wife of Wash Jenkins, left Monday morning for Potter's creek to visit their friends and relatives. William Everidge, the gallery man, was here Monday taking beauties. He will get a lot of work to do. Miles Holbrooks, son of Auser, is now a resident of Thornton and he will probably be a good neighbor. Miss Lena Lucas, of Camp Branch, will pay her brother an unexpected visit on Colly creek. Couge Sexton's little baby died Thursday and was buried in Craft's graveyard at the mouth of Thornton creek. Noah Holbrooks took a turn of corn to mill Monday and waited all day, and then had to return home without his meal. Probably he will get it before Christmas. J. B. Vaughn, the mineral man, wa--- visitor of Charles Crase on Camp branch Sunday night, and he went on his way the next morning. All the farmers of this country are working hard to make their production. Benjamin L. Hall had five of his teeth knocked out and his jawbone broken at the same time. Lizzie Lucas, of Camp Town, has had a very bad case of the mumps, but is better now. Sillar Webb, wife of John Webb, is very ill. Measles are raging in old Letcher, there are about twenty cases on the Thorton Branch. Rhoda Johnson passed through this place Monday badly broken out with the measles. Sam webb passed through Ola this morning for Millstone to R. Bates store. N. R. Craft, from Cars Fork, Knott county, will visit his daughters and grand-daughters on Thornton Creek Saturday and Sunday. He is coming over to have his eyes operated on. John W. Adams was the guest of Arch Jenkins at Ola, and all of his friends were glad to meet with him. Wm. Hammons passed through this place Monday en route to the mountains to visit friends and relatives. Jarvy Hall, one of Thornton's farmers, has for the past week been turning under the grass and sod and will probably get in an early crop this year.

submitted by Shawn Byrd-Johnson  


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