Barbourville Mountain Advocate

Phone: (606) 546-9225

Fax: (606) 546-3175

   April 8, 1904 A VISIT To Our Cemetery - The Quiet City of Our Departed Last Sunday afternoon - it being Easter - we took a stroll and in our rambles we visited the Barbourville cemetery for the first time. This is a lovely spot, located on a noll overlooking the city, where sleeps the remains of a number of our departed loved ones. This could be made a lovely place if everyone would take pride in improving their lots. There are a number of nice monuments erected to mark the spot where sleeps the mortal remains of those who have crossed over the dark river of death. Among the most handsome we noticed a new piece of work recently erected to the memory of Mrs. M. P. Dowis, which is very attractive and adds much to the beauty of the cemetery. Mr. John M. Tinsley has just had the work erected. Near this monument we saw a very neat marble shaft standing all alone, and as we drew near we were attracted by the inscription: LAURA POWERS Wife of C. Powers The grave has been well kept and there is growing near it some roses that were planted, no doubt, by the hands of Mr. Powers himself. We thought while standing at this grave, how Mr. Powers would appreciate the privilege of once more standing upon the spot and reviewing the place where his dear companion in life was laid to rest. With proper attention our cemetery can be made one of the most attractive spots near our city, and would be a place that many would desire to visit when the pleasant season of the year appears. Killed By Train Jno. Cox a young man was killed last Monday morning at Grays station north of here about 7 miles by being run down by a freight train. It seems that Cox was under the influence of liquor and had come from Corbin on the passenger when Grays was reached, he got off and walked back and sat down upon the track. The freight train that followed struck him and he was instantly killed. PERSONALS Mrs. C. N. Sampson is visiting her mother at Artemus this week. J. W. McNamara made a business trip to Corbin last Tuesday. Wm. Messemore was at Grays last Saturday on business. C. G. Sproul spent last Saturday at Grays on a business trip. Mrs. John G. Matthews was in Louisville last week shopping. D. W. Slusher was down from Flat Lick Saturday on business. Ben Gibson, who has been at Corbin for some months, has returned to this city. W. S. Allen, of Jellico, Tenn., is visiting his mother, Mrs. Frank Letcher, this week. Prof. J. M. Robsion and wife spent Saturday at Grays visiting Mrs. Robsion's parents. Mrs. Foster Perry, of Corbin, is visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs.Thos. Messemore, in this city. Wlter S. Hudson was down from Middlesboro Saturday and paid this office a pleasant call while in town. Prof. Sawyer Smith was a pleasant caller at this office this week and gave us his announcement card for the Advocate. Judge Bain left Wednesday night for Hot Springs, Ark., to the bedside of his wife, who is quite ill of pneumonia. Judge J. S. Miller was a pleasant caller at this office this week and gave us his announcement for re-election as County Judge. Mrs. Sallie Eve and daughter, Miss Julia, of Corbin, returned to their home Monday after a visit to Mr. And Mrs. J. M. Riddell Dr. J. R. Smyth, of Barbourville, is doing all kinds of dental work. Office over Ray Bros drug store - Thousandsticks, Hyden. Miss Edna Marcum, of Delvinta, Ky., returned home last Monday after a four weeks visit to her grandmother, Mrs. M. E. Cole, in this city. B. J. Stacy, of flat Lick, paid this office a pleasant visit Wednesday afternoon and handed us a $1.00 on subscription, for which we extend. Thanks. Dr. G. N. Jolly preached two very interesting sermons last Sunday at the M. E. Church. The house was crowded in the forenoon and all who attended were pleased with his discourse. A. J. Cole and little son, Claude , of Lagrange, Ky., formerly of this place, made a flying visit to relatives in this city, returned home Sunday night. While here the Chapter Degrees of Masonry were conferred upon Mr. Cole. Dr. W. Godfrey Hunter was in the city last Friday but kept himself rather closed and but a few were aware of his presence here until he had taken his departure. He failed to honor this office with his presence while in town. Miss Sarah Jones, a popular Knox county school teacher, took her pupils on a trip to Cumberland Gap the latter part of last week. A number of London people were also in the crowd and a very pleasant time was experienced. CORRESPONDENCE Bailey's Switch Jack Crouch and wife, of Crane's Nest, passed through here Monday on their way to Chanute, Kan. Rev. W. C. Judd, of Cannon, filled his regular appointment here Sunday. The visiting brothers from Holden were as follows: Thomas Hopper, F. A. Hurley, John I. Hamm, James Clark. Come again, brothers, we are glad to have you in our midst. Miss Cleaty McDonald was the guest of Miss Laura Kinder last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Trosper were the guests of W. H. Grace Sunday. S. R. Lampson was the guest of Dan Grace Sunday. Mr and Mrs. John McBee were the guests of Isaac Garland Sunday. Rev. W. C. Judd was the guest of D. Jarvis Sunday. W. M. McDonald, of Knox Fork, was the guest of S. M. Bennett Sunday. Arch Beaty is in Clay county this week on business, and J. R. Bailey is staying in the store while Arch is absent, and we all know how bad Mr. Beaty hates to stay in the store. Col. Nathaniel Parker, of Knox Fork, was here Monday on business. Elijah and J. T. Black, of Crane's Nest, were in Barbourville Monday on business. E. S. Trosper had the road hands out working the county road Saturday and made quite an improvement. Friends, come in Monday and subscribe for the Mountain Advocate. It's your duty, for it is your home paper. W. S. Taylor OLA, KY At the end of March we had a little snow back here, so I guess that all the fruit and several other plants will be killed. S. P. Jenkins passed through Ola this morning en route to the burg. H. B. Craft, the Thornton merchant, left for Norton, Va a few days ago. He will have a bad trip through the deep water. A. C. Jenkins is turning under the dirt with an yoke oxen preparatory to planting corn. G. W. Jenkins has been putting in a good week 's work. He will soon be ready to go to planting corn. T. Hall, the blacksmith, was busy the latter part of last week on important business. The wild winds passed through this place and took the roofs off several houses. Mrs. Louie Jenkins left here last Sunday for Pineville as a witness to the Ku-klux case. This has been on hand a long time, and probably they will send them on this time. Mr. Mayo Hammons and wife, of Camp Branch, were visiting his brother on Thornton. Steve Jenkins gave the world a merry swing last week, he went all over the world and half of Knott. Charley Blair, of Car's Fork of Knott county, passed through here last Friday for Norton, Va. He is handling goods for his father. Charles Blair and S. E. Hammons exchanged horses, and to-day, Hammmons is trying his new horse in the plow. Williams Evans left here last week for Craftsville. Ritter Craft, of Craftsville, visited Arch Jenkins and wife on Thornton last Thursday night. John Webb is plowing on Thornton this beautiful weather; he is working a two year-old mule. Gouge Webb is clearing a nice little piece of ground in the head of the Piggin hollow. Sexton is a fine workman. Prof. Crawford, the saw mill man, passed through here with his mill, which will be located about a mile above here in the little Indian bottom among the bad people. He will get lots of lumber to saw. Archie Jenkins, who has been laid up with the measles, is much better at this writing. J.D. Fugate and Arthur Webb were here to-day on business. Andy and Dee Holbrook passed through here to-day for Millstone for Bates and Sons store. Jack Hammons passed through Ola this morning for the burg on business. Miss Delia Pratt's brother of Hindman, was a visitor at the Catskins hotel last week and the whole town was glad to meet with him. Meeting was held on Millstone Sunday by Elder Joseph Hall, and we had a fine meeting accordingly. John A. Craft has just returned from Tennessee, where has been on business. Telegraph poles are being put up all along and they will soon have the lines stretched from Whitesburg to Stonega. L. Baker, son Judge Baker, of the berg, will soon be a resident of the Kentucky river, near Whitesburg. Archie CANNON Easter Sunday brought us a cold spell. We hope the fruit is not injured. Rev. N. M. Pickard preached at Sinking Valley Saturday and Sunday. Wm. Martin, of near this place is very low with pneumonia fever. C. R. Jackson went to town Saturday and diked himself up. This looks like Charley means something. F. P. Bent is surely a move-he comes and goes when he visits the oil field. James Brooks and wife visited Mrs. Kitty Brooks Sunday. James Jackson was up in the oil field looking around Saturday. Jim has got to be a regular "screw twister" of late. Mr. James is hauling coal again for the Blue Grass Oil and Gas Co. Mr. Roach says he must haul. A wagon loaded with hay turned over on H. M. Calebs last week, hurting him very badly. T. C. Barnes of near here, has been down with measles, but is some better now. James H. Jackson has purchased a fine horse from C. C. Smith, of Barbourville. Jim calculates to do very extensive gardening this year. G. M. Jackson is improving his fencing near his store. This will help the looks of our town. Artemus Hemphill, who has been dressing tools for Mr. Nash, has gone home, claiming to be on the sick list. Artemus, tool dressing is not walking the streets of Barbourville. You will find considerable exercise in the country. After the storm then the calm, after Easter then nice weather. J. F. Willis has rented land of S. P. Fisher and intends to farm heavily this year. W. P. Roach and Read Hughes are junk pilers. What has become of the leaders of our prayer meeting? They don't visit us any more. If you want to hear Republicanism preached straight from the shoulder and the right side of everything defended and praised, just subscribe for the Mountain Advocate and you will have your wants supplied. GRIT SCALF Hammons and Hammons are nearing the end of the stave job, and will finish up in two or three days. They have been working on an average of twelve men for two months. Perry Hubbard and Miss Sarah Baker have driven the cow across the road - by getting married a few days ago at the residence of Rev. T. G. Hammons, who read the solemn vows between God and man. We wish them a happy life and an easy one, and that they may have a full pot and a reasy one. Andrew Brock is seen going down the road every few days. Look out, he will fool some one out of his girl, if the girl will listen to him. How about it, girls? Mrs. Nancy G. Hammons and Mrs. Omealy, of Mills, spent Easter Sunday in Clay county with their sister, Mrs. Larkin Jackson. Thomas G. Hammons is likely to offer himself as a candidate for Assessor. We wish he would, and that the county would help Stinking creek to have it second conuty officer in it's history. Lark Gray, a young man about twenty-six years of age, has begun to court the girls for the first time this spring, and if he gets set in just right there will be no more work out of Lark, for it always ruins boys when they get courting into their heads, especially when so young. DRY GOURD MESSER John A. Bargo, stave inspector for E. G. Saulsberry, is building himself a fine house at the stave bucker at Buckeye. Mr. Bargo's house is quite large - just 8x10 feet. Now Mr. Bargo is going to housekeeping; he is asking his friends to throw him in some cooking utensils. The Trace Branch school house caught fire Sunday. The blaze was extinguished by David Mills. A. V. Messer went to Clay county last week on business. We all want our friend, John W. Messer for our next Magistrate. What say you, fellow-citizens, of this district? Can you give him a word of encouragement? We all know our friend John is well qualified for the office. Mr. E. G. Saulsberry is having the roads repaired. Hurrah! For him. They need it very badly. John Taylor has built his kitchen back and braced his house with poles. John W. Messer spent Easter Sunday with his best girl, Miss Shellie Baker, of DeWitt. Thomas Horn, of DeWitt, spent Easter Sunday at the home of Miss Dora Mills. We all want our friend, Flem D. Sampson, of Barbourville, for our next County Judge. What say you, fellow-citizens? Can you give him a word of encouragement on the coming campaign? John Taylor has planted a peck of potatoes. He says if he has good luck he will plant another peck. Why don't you democrats subscribe for the Mountain Advocate, the best paper published in the mountains. Green Hubbard, of Flat Lick, thinks he is worth millions of dollars because he owns a 20-horse power steam mill - worth about 30 cents. Mr. Hubbard will have to pull off his sweater, as summer is coming. I am going to make him a present of a fine shirt when he pulls off the sweater. BUSY BEE KNOX FORK Red eggs were all the go Sunday. Miss Rebecca Price and her sister, Lida Campbell, were the guests of Mrs. Ella McDonald Sunday. Sunday-school was organized at this place last Sunday. Born to the wife of Hiram Jarvis, a bouncing girl. Bruce and Grover Humfleet, who have been attending school at London, spent Easter with their father and mother. Mrs. Fannie Moore was visiting her daughter, Mrs. H. H. Donaldson Sunday. Mrs. Able Burnett, of near this place, died last Thursday and was buried Saturday at the Tuttle graveyard. R.E.D.

submitted by Shawn Byrd-Johnson  


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