Pictures of Bromley
Kenton County, Kentucky


I have some pictures of one of the floods I think it is the 1913 (actually 1918) flood but not sure. Couple of the pictures were taken from the Kentucky side showing an old side wheeler river boat which is partly submerged. There are two pictures of the Kentucky side showing the flooding also taken at the same time. These pictures would have been taken from Bromley, Kentucky because that is where my family lived. These pictures were taken by my grandparents.

From the Collections of Helen Vires
Flood Picture taken from the banks of the Ohio River at Bromley, Kentucky about 1918
From the Collections of Helen Vires
Flood Picture taken from the banks of the Ohio River at Bromley, Kentucky about 1918
From the Collections of Helen Vires

Flood picture taken from the banks of the Ohio River from the Cincinnati side - about 1918. Boat is the City of Cincinnati.

From the Collections of Helen Vires

Flood picture taken from the banks of the Ohio River from the Cincinnati side - about 1918. Boat is the City of Cincinnati.

From the Collections of Helen Vires

Flood picture taken from the banks of the Ohio River from the Cincinnati side - about 1918. The second picture was digitially restored. Boat is the City of Cincinnati.
From the Collections of Helen Vires
Note from Website Coordinator: I have researched the name of this boat and discovered at this link that it is the City of Cincinnati packet. Also, this link indicates that this is the icy flood of February 12, 1918.