Grant County Surname Registry

~ A Growing List of Surnames ~


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Researched By:

Bailey, Alex Phyllis Smith
Burns William Burns
Buskirk Zack D. Bennett
Butler Leslie Butler
Carson, Lewis Stephen DeWitt
Childers Harry K Childers, Jr
Collier / Collyer Zack D. Bennett
Collins, Todd R Bob Gootee
Coon Doris Haff
Daughtery Leslie Butler
Delaney, Woods, Hoskins, O'Briens Marilyn M Fair
Elliston Denise Nead Clark
Gootee, Mindi C Bob Gootee
Grant County Legislators Grant County Legislators
Green, Lindsey and Mahala Martha Sageser
Harrison, Hon. F. A. (Democrat), Williamstown, Ky Grant County Legislators
Hendricks Charlotte Hendricks
Holladay/Holliday, Moses Meg McCalla
Johnson, Frankie (female) Phyllis Smith
Johnson, Hon. E. M. (Democrat.), Walton, Ky Grant County Legislators
Johnson, William Sr (sons Christopher Clark Johnson & William "Lewis" Lewis Johnson) Zack D. Bennett
Jones, Joshua (Minister, Rev War Soldier from Virginia ) John Baggerly
Jump, Beatrice Theresa Doris Haff
King, George (b.1788 moved to Collinsville, Grayson County, Texas with son James N. King) Paul B King
Lynn / Linn Ann Chisholm
Marksberry Jennie Corridan
Mann, James David T Mann
Massey Zack D. Bennett
Massie Zack D. Bennett
McIntyre, Elijah Robert Burton
Nichols (Nicholls) Tiara Hernandez
Osborn, John Jed Osborn
Poor Judith Poore Baker
Redenower (Readnour. Ridenhour, Ridenour, Readinghour), John Doris Haff
Rice Doris Haff
Robinson, Daniel Pamela Robinson Porter
Sallee, William; m. Mary Miers Salyers 1-24-1824 Fayette Co. KY Gary Sailee
Scroggin Leslie Butler
Scroggins Leslie Butler
Smith, Emmie; b. abt 1861. Wife of Gasham Munson Smith. Pamela Lee Barlow, DVM
Stewart John Luckey
Woolums, Joel Martha Sageser
Webster Leslie Butler
Yelton Suzanne Yelton
Zumwalt Doris Haff


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