Fleming County Genealogical Queries

Michelle Leslie Thu Jan 2319:46:07 1997
I am searching for information on Henry LIGHTNER, born ABT 1830 inVirginia. He married Sarah Hensley. They had 7 children, all born in KY:Simia, Al (b. 1853), Henry (1856), George (1858), John (1860), Noah(1863) and Eli (1867). Henry is listed on the 1890 Veteran's PensionList, living in Mt. Carmel, Fleming County, Kentucky. I contacted theNational Archives for his pension records and military service file andwas told that there were no records available for him. Does anyone haveany information on Henry or any suggestions where I can look for hisrecords?

Yvonne (Handshoe) Hall FriJan 24 06:51:56 1997
A book on KY marriages lists an 1870's marriage between URIAH HENDERSONand EMILY HANSHOE. The 1880 Fleming CO census did not reveal a URIAHHENDERSON household. Neither have I found other references to thiscouple. Who were the parents of EMILY HANSHOE? What happened to thiscouple? Thanks for any clues.

kelly Parks Fri Jan 2408:54:15 1997
BARRETT / BARTLETT : I looking for info on Hannah Barrett found in 1850census of Fleming Co. KY living with her son Charles born 1829. She wasborn 1788 in Va. Living near her is her son John born 1816 and her son-in-laws Jefferson Howard & James "Eli" Bartlett. By 1860Hannah is is Nicholas Co. KY census. Who was Hannah's husband?Thanks Kelly Parks , 2112 Hawkins RD, Pattison, MS, 39144 orkellyp@telapex.com

Shirley Eads Fri Jan 2410:52:23 1997
MAHAN AND PRITCHARD Appreciate any data on either of these twonames. The years were about 1770 to 1810. Have some indicationthey were in Fleming, Mason, Bourbon, Fayette Co. areas ofKentucky. They moved to Indiana around the Sullivan Co. area where theyraised families and died there. Willing to share info. Thanksfor any help.

Kelly Parks Fri Jan 2411:57:35 1997
WHITE / MCCORD : I looking for the parent of Jennie/Jane White born1804 in VA. She married in 1822 William E. MCCord. (William was the sonof William SR who died in 1834 in Fleming Co. & his first wife).William E. McCord died July 1833. William McCord and JEnnie White had 5children. The known ones are Benjamin F, Henry W., Mary Ann, Louisa. Ihave the family for Benjamin and Henry. I haven't found the girls or theother male child. Jennie is found 1833 in Fleming Co., 1840 Fleming,1850 Nicholas, 1860 Fleming, 1870 Mason Co KY.Thanks, Kelly Parks, 2112 Hawkins RD., Pattison, MS, 39144 orkellyp@telapex.com

Charlotte Smith Tue Jan21 15:08:12 1997
John DOYLE b.1791 Md. and Martha J. “Patsey” CORD b.1794 Md.Their known children were:1. Aquilla Cord Doyle 12 Jan 1812-2 June 1899 m. 6 Jan 1835/36 FannyHURST2. James F. Doyle ca 1813 - before 1877 m.12 Apr 1842 Rebecca MC CANN3. Andrew John ca 1816 before 1878 m.1st Sarah HAMM m2.Rebecca LACKEY4. William B. ca 1820 before 1874 m.8 Jun 1851 Rebecca HELPHENSTINE5. Elizabeth Doyle 1817-? m.24 Mar 1839 Richard A. ROSS6. John W. Doyle 1822-? m. 20 Nov 1843 Elizabeth Ann MC CANN7. Milcah Doyle 1826-21 Oct 1858 m.14 Nov 1850 William P. HELPHENSTINE8. Mary Doyle 1828-? m.23 May 1851 Miles A. HURST9. Martha J. Doyle 1829-? m. 18 Jun 1846 Alexander Porter HELPHENSTINE10. Joseph F. Doyle 1832-bef 1874 m. 12 Feb 1854 Eliza Jane Hawes11. Matilda Doyle 1834-before 5 Feb 1864 m. William P. HELPHENSTINE12. Priscilla Doyle 13 June 1836-5 Feb 1899 m. Philip Henry HELPHENSTINE13. David Marrion10 Feb 1839-? m. 24 Oct 1861 Lucinda HICKERSONThe, 10 April 1811, John Doyle marriage to Patsey Cord (MilcaCord,parent) was witnessed by William H. LAYTON, step-father of JohnDoyle, and Wm DUZAN. WilliamSUMMERS was bondsman. Other early FlemingCo., Doyle’s include the following: Edward Doyle m. Jane HANES or HAWESon 20 Jan 1801; Jospeh Doyle( b.1794-1800) m. Mrs. Elizabeth (nee THOMAS)BEARD or BAIRD (widow of Philip) on 9 July 1818 and Theophilus Doyle(b.1794-1800) m. Rachel KIRK on 13 Dec 1825. Need parents of John Doyle.Any help would be appreciated.Charlotte Smith bwsmith@garlic.com

Marta Reiner Wed Jan 112:29:49 1997
Hello All!I am researching the LYTLE families who lived in Fleming Countystarting in the late 1700s. ROBERT LYTLE was born there 27 Mar 1806and died there 15 June 1886. He is buried in New Hope PresbyterianGraveyard. ROBERT LYTLE married MARY MAGDALENE SCOTT 17 Jan 1833.Their children were JAMES, JOHN, NATHANIEL, SAMUEL P., JANE, REBECCAand WILLLIAM P. LYTLE. I also am looking for information onthe NEALIS family. Specifically I am trying to locate ROBERTLYTLE's parents, NATHANIEL, born 1 April 1773 and REBECCA (unknownlast name) born 6 Nov 1776. Their children included JOHN JAMES,PATSY, POLLY, ESTHER, SARAH D., ROBERT, LOUISA F., SAMUEL R.,JANE, REBECCA, NATHANIEL GREEN, and HANNAH LYTLE. I need to knowwhere NATHANIEL LYTLE was born, so I can trace this familyfurther. I have information on all the children and theirspouses and families to share in both the NATHANIEL LYTLE and theROBERT LYTLE trees. Also have some information on the followingFleming County surnames: HEATHORNE, GRAY, HAMILTON, HARMON,STOREY, TODD, CLARK, JAMISON, NEALIS, SCOTT.

Ronald Miller Thu Jan2 02:00:50 1997
Looking for info on decendants of William H. Miller and Minveba Logan.They were living in Lewis County in the 1850s to 1870s. Their childrenincludedMary F. Miller(b: 1857), Matilda Miller (b: 1860), James Miller (b:1865),Manley Elwood Miller (b: 1868), and William Miller (b: 1870). If anyonehas anyinformation on the decendants of these individuals I would greatlyappreaciate it.

Gary Robertson Fri Jan3 11:13:43 1997
Interested in any information about the TRACY family that movedfrom Kentucky to Montgomery County, Indiana. The first familymember on which I am aware is John TRACY who married Nancy.They moved from either Fleming or Mason County, KY toMontgomery Co. Indiana about 1827-28. John and Nancy had threeknown children - Vezey (b. 1800), Basil (b. 1802), and John.Basil was married to Elizabeth Price on 14 March 1822 inFleming Co. KY.Also interested in any information about the GRENARD familythat moved from Fleming or Mason Co. KY to Montgomery County,Indiana. The first family member on which I am aware is WilliamGRENARD born about 1778. He married Milly PRICE on 18 December1798 in Mason Co. KY. They moved to Montgomery Co. Indianaabout 1830. William and Milly had six known children - John,Nancy, Rachael, Catherine, Jesse, and William Jr.

Shelley Lee Thu Jan 220:11:38 1997
Seeking info on Fleming County Lee's.M Lee m Lydia Ann Logan 27 Dec 1837 and Newton M Lee m Maria TFaris 5 Mar 1844.Lee (one a Newton), Logan, and Pharis (variation of Faris?)surnames all found in Barry Co MO also. Would like to find outif these KY and MO Lee's connect. Please contact slee@concentric.net

Tammie Ashley Sun Jan 513:50:35 1997
I would like some information about the Helphinstine (Helphenstine)family in Fleming County, Kentucky. I particularly want to know aboutLewis Harrison Helphinstine, b 1835, married to Emily Choate.call: 606-324-4053mail 115 Bellefonte Drive, Ashland, KY 41101

Richard Smith Sun Jan 517:12:01 1997
Looking for parents of Sarah WEST married John Zornes 27 Dec 1821 inin Fleming County.Richard Smith

Debbie Cubbedge Mon Jan 612:57:18 1997
SMITSON/SMITHSON, Matthew, living in Fleming Co. from about 1825 to 1846with wife Nancy Williams. Many of the r were born here in Ky. Accordingto tax records the land may have been obtained through his service in awar. The tax record shows "Taylor Regiment #30". I amresearching his oldest son William J. Smitson. This family later moveson the Jackson , Mo and is living there in the 1850's. Please email ifanyone can help with either the war he may have served in or help withthis Smitson family!!

MildredPrather Tue Jan 7 15:19:48 1997
COCHRAN / RAY / PRATHER in Fleming Co. in ?1820-40Looking for information on Resin and Nancy(COCHRAN)PRATHER. Resinmarried Nancy COCHRAN in Fleming Co., 12 Mar 1826. She was dau of JamesCOCHRAN Sr. whose second wife was Sophia PRATHER.I think she might be buried at the old Jackson graveyard

[Several messages deleted due to extreme corruption.]

Bruce E. York Sun Feb 1619:28:09 1997
YORK -- Am researching all YORKS and YORK descendantsin U.S. Am seeking other Yorks to cooperate on researchof Yorks in Kentucky. Currently have 30,500 Yorks in PAFdata base.

Dan Manson Mon Feb 17 22:33:541997
I am looking for ANY information related to the Andrew J. and Saly? MAYSfamilyAndrew J Mays born July 1861 born in KY father born in NC? Mother bornin NC?Wife Saly? _____ born Nov. 1862 born in KY father born in KY Motherborn in KYMarried in 1882 (presumably in KY)Daughter Lulu born Mar. 1885 born in KY(There were a few other children too)Any lookups or suggestions greatly apprieciated !!!Dan.

Xenia Cord Wed Feb 1905:42:09 1997
Have had no luck establishing parentage, marriage record, burial placefor Zaccheus Cord, b. 1776 (where?), d. 1844 Fleming Co., KY. WifeSusanna, ch. William H (4 April.1804), Hannah Ann (2 March 1807), John E.(30 Oct. 1809), James S. (25 Feb. 1812), Susanna T. (29 Nov. 1813),Thomas F. (20 Nov. 1816), Edward D. (17 June 1819). Plaque in FlemingCo. Courthouse says Zaccheus was a Rev. war vet, but this Zaccheus was apensioner of the War of 1812. Have photostat of pension records. Wherethere 2 by that name? No records support this. Have extensive data onCords before 1776 (mostly Maryland), and on descendents of Zaccheus, butcannot tie him in. If he was b. in 1776 AFTER the census was taken hewould have been missed; next census is not until 1790; can't find him inMD or KY then. Does an obit exist? Wife Susanna still living in 1850;where is she buried, and is there an obit? Grateful for any help! TIA

Julia DeHart Wed Feb 1908:45:40 1997
Searching for any DEHART, STEGALL, BRAWNER, McDAVID, GOODLETTinformation. Thanks.

Donna Doyle Mon Feb 1721:45:32 1997
Researching my ggg grandparents James & Jane DIXON married in 1820.GG Grandparents William Warder Dixon (b.1838) married Mary ElizabethStockdale in 1860 in Fleming Co, Ky. My great gradmother, Lucy FrancesDIXON was born in 1862 in Fleming Co.The family then moved to IN.

Dan Manson Mon Feb 17 22:33:541997
I am looking for ANY information related to the Andrew J. and Saly? MAYSfamilyAndrew J Mays born July 1861 born in KY father born in NC? Mother bornin NC?Wife Saly? _____ born Nov. 1862 born in KY father born in KY Motherborn in KYMarried in 1882 (presumably in KY)Daughter Lulu born Mar. 1885 born in KY(There were a few other children too)Any lookups or suggestions greatly apprieciated !!!Dan.

Connie Katcher Tue Feb18 20:19:16 1997
I am researching J.G.L. Moore and his wife Sabra Goslin Moore. Sabra wasborn on April 7, 1815 in Fleming County, Kentucky and died August 31,1903 in Iola, Kansas. She moved to Nicholas County, Kentucky in 1820 andMarried J. G. L. Moore on November 26, 1836. They had ten children.They moved to Rush County, Indiana and after living there a number ofyears, her husband bought out the heirs of his father's estate and movedback to Kentucky and lived there until 1849. They then moved to MarionCounty, Indiana and in 1852 moved to Coles County, Illinois. In 1870they moved to Kansas and in 1871 moved to Missouri where J. G. L. Mooredied in 1876. In June, 1977, Sabra moved to Allen County, Kansas. Someof their childrens' names are James Wiley Moore (married to Sara C.PETTIBONE), Margaret Jane (married to Mr. BALSEY,), Nathan (married toRhoda Gilmore of Tennessee), and John B. Moore (married to Mary). Nathanwas a school teacher in Coles County, IllinoisPlease contact me at ckatcher@mail.win.org or Connie Katcher, 132Oakridge West, St. Peters, MO. 63376.

ClariceMitchell Thu Feb 20 10:29:56 1997
Researching the family of William BENNINGTON, d 1801 inFleming Co., KY m. Isabel _________. She is named in his willalong with his children William, Sarah m _________ JONES, Betsym. ________ FULTON, Constance m Thomas NESBIT both d. in MonroeCo., IN, May have been others. My children descend from the NESBITS.Will exchange.

Xenia Cord Sat Feb 2214:29:16 1997
CORD, Zaccheus, b. 1776 (where? parents?). m. Susanna -?- before1804, 6 children: Hannah Ann (m.Bentley), William Henry (m.McCarty),John Egbert (m. Duvall), Edward Dorsey (m. Demoss), James Sidney(m. McCarty), Susanna Taylor (m?). Zaccheus d. intestate 1844.He served War of 1812, have pension records. Where is he buried?Susanna still living in 1850; where, when did she die? Buriedwhere? Know almost all descendants from these 6 sibs; need toestablish a connection to earlier Cords in Maryland & Virginia.Please e-mail: xecord@netusa1.com (2/22/97)

Judy Eaton Sat Feb 2219:38:05 1997
EATON: Rebecca Eaton married a Bell in Fleming County.Anyone know anything about her and her father, Jacob?

Roberta Whitacre Sun Feb23 15:51:49 1997
Looking for information on the DOYLE and TODD families of Fleming Co. Elliot DOYLE m. Dorie ? abt. 1890 probably Flemingco. Their children that I know of are: Oscar and James b. abt.1896. James DOYLE m. Ivetta TODD abt. 1917 in Fleming Co.?Their children are:Frances b. abt.1918, Marvin b. abt. 1919,Clyde Paul b. abt. 1921 and Alvin b. abt. 1922 and Ruth b. abt1924. Does anyone have any info abt. this DOYLE family?Thank You,Roberta Whitacre3167 Regal Ln. #11Cinti, Ohio 45251RWhita@aol.com

Leona Jarvis Lucas Sun Feb23 15:11:11 1997
Looking for information on Surname:JARVIS:Seeking any informationJohn Jarvis married Betsy Cord 12 Dec.1820.Who was his parentsWill pay for copys and I have information to share.Thank You

Mike Stone Fri Feb 2809:59:20 1997
Moses and Nancy Stone left Bedford Co. Virginia sometime after1802. Family tradition says that they came to Fleming Co. Ky.for some period of time before going on to Menard Co. Illinoisby 1828/29. Is there any record in Fleming Co. of this family?Thank you for your help.

James Yates Fri Feb 2817:59:48 1997
I am trying to locate family . My ggf was Harrison Jackson Yates bornOct1858 floyd county died dec 9,1931 married to Eliza Ann Meade childrenwere Nara yates(Sloan), IdaYates(Alley), George Yates Died 1888, Thomas WYates born6-16-1892 floyd county died Pearl ,Tx, Jim Yatesborn 3-16-1894,Gus Yates born 4-16-1897, floyd county, John William Yates born oct,301900, Ralph Yates born 1902 floyd county.Lookin for realitives in thefloyd county or estille county area with names of Yates or Sloans thankyou James Yates

Xenia Cord Sun Mar 218:34:02 1997
Looking for full birth date, place of birth, parents for Zaccheus Cord,d. 1844 in Fleming Co. Buried where?Zaccheus was born 1776, served in the War of 1812, have his pensionpapers from that war.Died without a will 1844, was there an obit? he and wife Susanna had 7children, 6 born Feleming Co.

Sam Payne Mon Mar 317:24:50 1997
Dear Seekers,I'm trying to find parents names of my G-Grandfather whom Ibelieve was from Fleming County. He was:SAMUEL RUSSELL PAYNE--Born Sept. 1868married BELLE EDWARDS (born April 1873) in 1891Most Gratious Thanks in Advance toanyone that can get me thru thisBRICK WALL !!!

Mark Shepherd Mon Mar 322:17:20 1997
Hello, Below I list a tree that I have assembled to this pointbut am trying to make some connections beyond Soloman Shepherd.Do any of these names or dates or places fit into any of yourresearch. Fleming, Lewis and Mason County Any assistance wouldbe great.Thank You Mark Shepherd email msd@initco.netSoloman Shepherd b. ? d. 1812 (?) m. Elizabeth her death 1816 ?<Other Children> Samual, Josheph, Rebbeca, Sally, Polly, Nancy,Soloman, John, Ruth, MichaelElijah Shepherd b. 24 Nov 1805 Fleming/Lewis Co. KY d. 29 Apr 1864 m.Jane Jones 8 Jan 1829David S. Shepherd b. 1830 Fleming Co. KY m. Elizabeth ?Amanda Shepherd b. 1833 Fleming Co. KYRutha Marva Shepherd b. 11 Jan 1835 Fleming Co. KY d. 5 Dec 1857James Noble Shepherd b. 8 Mar 1839 Fleming Co. KY d. 9 Apr. 1906m. Sarah A. Shephard 2 Apr 1867Infant b. 19 Oct 1868 - Still BornThomas Henry Shepherd b. 3 Mar 1872 d. 2 Jan 1955 m. Lucinda Pickering17 June 1903James Shepherd b. 8 Nov 1903Nola M Shepherd b. 12 Mar. 1905Laura M Shepherd b. 17 Feb 1907Wilson Sherman Shepherd b. 10 Sept 1908Orbin Randall b. 8 Sept. 1910Inez E Shepherd b. 17 Sept. 1912Mary M Shepherd b. 5 Jan 1917John Thomas Shepherd b. 24 Sept. 1919William J Shepherd b. 1840 m. Sarah A. Wilson 4 Aug. 1867Eliza A. Shepherd b. 1843 d. 15 Oct 1860

TOM HANEY Tue Mar 4 11:35:301997

Jo Ann Ottmers Tue Mar 423:10:55 1997
Hello, I am looking for information on the SHIELDS family. Thomas AllenSheilds born Hillsboro, KY March 30, 1849. His parents were Hezekiah& Jane Grey Shields of Hillsboro. Thomas married Martha C."Mollie" Tyler. Thomas was my grandmother Alvah's brother.This was a large family and any information on any of the Shields will begreatly appreciated for our family genealogy. I can be reached online atthe above address or by regular mail at P. O. Box 33616, Kansas City, MO.64120. Thanks...

Sam Payne Tue Mar 423:46:22 1997
Dear All,I am trying to find information on:A. J. Payne--born 1824 in KYHe owned a farm in Fleming County nearPoplar Plains

Stephanie Raider Wed Mar5 16:12:27 1997
Looking for any and all information on the Keal surname. My great-grandfather Daniel Fredrick Keal born March 19, 1869 in Fleming Co.Kentucky married Clarinda Delilah Morehead (August 2, 19220) on March 30,1890 in Robinson Co. Kentucky. Daniel Fredrick Keal's father's name wasCummins Brown Keal, and his wife's name was Lavina Wall born in 1844, anddeceased in 1926.

Borden, Shirley Mon Feb10 11:12:04 1997
Hillsboro, Fleming County, KY. John Elbert Skeen born February5, 1874 TO: THOMAS SKEEN and COROLINE SELF SKEEN. He was one of9 children. Caroline died in childbirth and family moved to Min-nesota when John was 12 years old. Searching for any informationon this family. Other siblings were: William; Bingerman; Harri-son;David Alex;Elizabeth; Martha;Melissa; Nellie. Believe Nelliewas the youngest child.Please e-mail me at akashirley@aol.com if you have ANY information.

Janet Randall Wed Feb 1213:20:17 1997
Mary (Allison) DAVIDSON is listed in the will of her father, RobertALLISON of Augusta/Rockbridge Co. VA in 1769. She was the daughter of theabove Robert & Hannah McClure. Mary was probably b. between 1743& 1750. Do not have any idea of which DAVIDSON she married. (Could beDAVIS?)Mary died in Fleming Co. KY in 1803.Common first names in the ALLISON line include Halbert; Francis; Hannah;Robert; John; Agnis; James and William(which of course are common in a lot of lines <g>, except Halbert)Anyone have any idea who Mary married?Thank you.

Dick SMITH Wed Feb 1219:01:15 1997
Who were parents of Sarah WEST married John Zornes in Fleming Co.KY 27 Dec 1821. She was born abt 1803 and died in Rush Co.IN13 May 1835.Dick Smith, 653 - 14th St. Pl., Nevada, IA 50201.

Mari Nielsen Wed Feb12 22:15:30 1997
William MORGAN and Elizabeth DUNN were married in Fleming Co. in 1818.They had a daughter, Mary, b. in 1819 in Fleming Co. She married MilburnWILLIAMS in 1844. Mary and Milburn both died in Boone Co., IA. If youknow anything about any of these people I'd love to hear from you!Thanks!

Barbara (Pettit)Houck Thu Feb 13 21:59:17 1997
Looking for any information about Amanda MOORE. Her brotherwas Patterson MOORE. Would Like to know their parents. Alsoany information about the surname SUMMERS and how it might relate.Amanda's children - Rena Jane MOORE (mother's maiden name?)b. 10-10-1877 married Robert Foster PETTIT, and Addie MOORE, b.2-1882 m. Edgar A. PETTIT (On Addie's marriage certificate sheindicates her father's name was SUMMERS).Marriages of childrenwere in Fleming Co. KY. There may be more of Amanda's children.Have photos and need to establish relationships for John MOORE(tintype), Robert & Thelma Moore, Andy Moore and cattle barn inCanada, Vay Moore, Nora Moore, Theodore Kenneth Moore, and Bill andJohn Moore (they live in Canada). Believe most of these weretaken before 1916 in Kentucky. Have early postcards addressedto relatives in Colfax, KY

Kim Hathaway Fri Feb 1408:28:26 1997
I am looking for any relations to my great-grandmothers family"ROBY". I do not know much about them, hence the cause forthis search. Their homeplace still remains in Ewing, KY. I have heardthat an attorney owns the home which contains a wooden fireplace mantelwith "ROBY" inscribed in it.

Betty Doremus Fri Feb 1421:27:18 1997
Angeline Terhune MATTHEWS m. Rufus Harding WALKER inFleming Co 16 Dec 1841. She was daughter of James andMary TERHUNE MATTHEWS. I have some more TERHUNEinformation, but nothing of James MATTHEWS. Rufus wasson of James WALKER. I would like information on any of thesefamilies.

Joan Harrison Fri Feb 1411:12:46 1997
I am seeking information about the family of my maternal GreatGrandmother. This would be JOHN DAVIS and his wife SARAH GILKERSON.Their eldest daughter was my Great Grandmother, MARY ELIZA DAVIS. M.E.D.was born in Greenup County, KY on March 11, 1852. The family were livingin Lewis County, KY in 1860 and 1870, according to census records.M.E.D. was married in Fleming County, in December of 1873, to GEORGEWILLIAM MARTIN, my Great Grandfather. At the time of the 1880 census,JOHN DAVIS and family were located in Fleming County. There were anumber of other children in the family, including ALEXANDER, CORDELIA,and JOHN W. I have information about MARY ELIZA and her descendants,but am trying to learn about the origins of JOHN DAVIS and SARAHGILKERSON and about what became of their other children. I wouldappreciate hearing from anyone who can share information about thisfamily.

Robert F. Meenach Fri Feb14 11:19:06 1997
Researching the family of Alexander and Elizabeth (Graham) Meenach.They were married May 10, 1820 in Mason Co. Their son and my Great-Grandfatherwas Mordica Meenach. Need to know more about Alexander and his parents.Alexander lived most of his life in Lewis County.Will share all I have with anyone that's interested.

Dick SMITH Wed Feb 1219:01:15 1997
Who were parents of Sarah WEST married John Zornes in Fleming Co.KY 27 Dec 1821. She was born abt 1803 and died in Rush Co.IN13 May 1835.Dick Smith, 653 - 14th St. Pl., Nevada, IA 50201.

EDWARD SGAW Sun Feb 1619:40:10 1997
GALLIGHER/GALLIHER and MYERS/MYRES families of post-colonialFleming County settled there after leaving Germantown, MasonCo and the Reading settlement in (Cincinnati) Ohio before that.Need to contact persons researching, or having data, on thesefamilies. Also related: Francis Marion Davis (Not the KYlegislator), Ingram, Hurst ... all of Fleming County area.Marriages, Births, Deaths, Burials.

Edith Johnson Mon Feb 1709:04:46 1997
GREGORY HAWKINS b.May 10, 1789 m. ELIZABETH BALLAR b.Jan.17,1793in Fleming County, Kentucky. Married June 8, 1809. Died Ashmore TownshipColes County, Illinois.Children:Harvey H. b. April 15, 1810Ashel J. b. October 9, 1811George B. b. April 12, 1813John C. b. Nov. 30, 1814July A. b. Nov. 6, 1816FELIX A. b. June 24, 1820 d.1890 Cedar Vale, Kansas (my ancestor)Oliver D. b. Feb. 28, 1822Lousiana L. b. Feb. 13, 1825Polly C. b. September 29, 1827Gregory R. b. Dec. 11, 1829James C. b. April 11, 1832Elizabeth C. b. Aug. 13, 1834Laura b. 1836Lorenzo E. b. May 1, 1839Moved from Kentucky in 1829 to Indiana.Moved from Indiana to Coles County, Illinois in 1841.Information from Portrait and Biographical Album of Coles, County,Illinois 1887.Seeking information about them in Kentucky.

Curtiss Cline Mon Feb17 11:36:47 1997
I am looking for information on the families of Sarah Cline Clark andBelle Cline Watson, both married in 1880's in either Fleming or BrackenCounties. Sara is buried in unmarked grave by her brothers Robert andAbraham in Fleming. Belle is buried with her husband in Bracken County.Any info would be helpful, thanks.

Debbie Schmidt Sun Feb 205:50:02 1997
Seek information on James Graham born 1750. Married JAne ??.James died about 1815 in Fleming CO. HIs wife died after that.Children:Rosannah born 1766 married George Summit in Bourbon CO. 1789AlexanderRichardJAmesJohnWilliam married Rosanna BallentineCaty married John BrooksRebecka married John Hedrick.

Sandy Allsion Thu Jan 3014:46:09 1997
I would appreciate any help on my surnames in Fleming County, Ky.Allison, Baker, Leonard, Hendrick. Any help and will exchange informationon my lines. Thank you for all your time and help. Sandy Allison

Sandy Graley Sun Feb 219:37:02 1997
Looking for any info on the Bullio family. I think they may have been inthis county between 1910 and 1920.

Barbara Houck Tue Feb4 22:52:51 1997
Looking for information about SALLIE/SARAH PETTIT (b.1861) m.ROHEN SKINNER; GEORGE W. PETTIT (b.1863) m. SARAH E. PIERCE; EDGAR A.PETTIT (b.1878) m. ADDIE MOORE; RENA J. MOORE m. my grandfatherROBERT FOSTER PETTIT (b.1873). All marriages were Fleming Co., (Colfax).Also any information about MOORES in Fleming Co. AMANDA MOORE(could be maiden name)was mother of Rena & Addie. The name SUMMERSmay fit in somewhere in this family, but no one in our family knows how.I have lots of MOORE early photos, but no idea their relationshipto me.

Joan Pointer Wed Feb 519:48:46 1997
BARTLETT - Seeking information on HAYNES/HAINES BARTLETT.He is listed in the 1830 Census of Fleming County. His wife,two sons, and three daughters are listed (no names). HAYNESBARTLETT was born ca 1802 in Mason County. Trying to find outthe names of his wife and children. Haynes died about 1843 inFleming? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you. JP

Annette (Humphries)Smiley Fri Feb 7 21:33:35 1997
Searching for information on HUMPHRIES, CALVERT, and LUMEN. Request dataregarding Corilla (Cornilla?) Calvert, born abt 1826, who married SamuelHumphries July 30, 1844 in Fleming County. Also, request any informationregarding Nancy A Luman who married Taylor Humphries in 1885. Herfather's name was "Ad" Lumen. She died June 13, l912, inFleming County.Will be happy to share and compare notes.

Lee Zeitelhack Sat Feb 807:36:02 1997
GOODPASTER, GREEN, RIDDLE, RAZOR, JONES, RALLS - I am searching thesefamilies in Rowan, Bath, Montgomery, Morgan, Menifee, and Flemingcounties. My grandfather, Fred Vern GREANE, was born in Salt Lick, buthis parents lived in Farmers and around Midland.His father was GeorgeThomas GREANE (GREEN, GREENE)son of William S. GREEN and Nancy Vernetta(nettie) JONES. His mother was Annie GOODPASTER, I think she may havebeen a daughter of James GOODPASTER and Henrietta RIDDLE. George andAnnie were divorced in 1903. Annie remarried later and had sons. She waswidowed by 1930 and may have moved to Ohio or Indiana in the 1930s. Herhusband may have been named SPENCE. I am looking especially for deathrecords for WILLIAM S. AND NETTIE GREEN. William had a brother namedGeorge. I have extensive data on the GOODPASTER line and several othersand would be glad to share.

Alan W. Tate Sat Feb 818:18:09 1997
There was a Cracraft-Tarbet marriage in Fleming Co., Ky on Jan 11, 1824.Joseph Cracraft married Nancy Tarbet on 1-11-1824 according the FlemingCo., records. I am trying to connect this marriage with my JosephCracraft (b. Ky in 1804) who married a woman named Nancy. Their firstchild was born in 1826 in Lawrence Co., In. I want to see if my JosephCracraft of Indiana is the same as the Joseph Cracraft in Fleming Co. in1824. Anyone researching these families, please contact me to share info.I have a lot of information on the Cracrafts.Alan Tate in South Riding, Va

Randall Webster SunFeb 9 07:08:11 1997
I am looking for info on the following WEBSTERs in Fleming Co.Always willing to share,RandyWEBSTER@mail.firn.edu1. Henry F. WEBSTER (24 Mar 1785 - 22 May 1860) & Sarah M. Howard (4Jun 1787 - 20 May 1856)1.1a William Henry(1) WEBSTER* (17 Sep 1822 - 6 Aug 1896) & MargaretH. MANZEY1.1b William Henry(1) WEBSTER* (17 Sep 1822 - 6 Aug 1896) & CatharineTRIPLETT BOISE1.1c William Henry(1) WEBSTER* (17 Sep 1822 - 6 Aug 1896) & Susan M.TRIPLETT1.1c.1 Mary E. WEBSTER (12 Sep 1857 - 21 Apr 1931) & James MoheadHAWKINS1.1c.2 Annie E. WEBSTER (22 Mar 1862 - )1.1c.3 Sarah E. WEBSTER (1 Jan 1865 - )1.1c.4 Susan B. WEBSTER (13 Feb 1868 - )1.1d William Henry(1) WEBSTER* (17 Sep 1822 - 6 Aug 1896) & Anna MiraSAMUELS

Wayne Hunt Thu Mar 620:20:01 1997
HUNT Seeking information on Uel HUNT who was a resident of Fleming Cofrom about 1820 through about 1860 or longer. Uel had several childrenprobably from two wives. Did he have sons named Elijah and John born in1811 & 1813? These two males were probably born in VA. If Uel had ason named John he may have married a Mary Ann McIntire from Mason County.Any help will be appreciated.

Sam Payne Sat Mar 810:24:56 1997
Looking for ** PAYNE ** ** EDWARDS ** ** EMMONS **Kin and ancestors, specifically seeking any infoon:A. Jackson Payne--born about 1826 Fleming CountyLieu Ellen Emmons born 1833Both buried Hillsboro Cem--Fleming CountySamuel Russell Payne (1868)--Poplar Plains, KYBuried Hillsboro CemeteryBelle Edwards--(1873)--born Fleming CountyAny Payne's still near Poplar Grove ?Will share info I haveDadpayne@AOL.COM

Wayne Hunt Thu Mar 620:20:01 1997
HUNT Seeking information on Uel HUNT who was a resident of Fleming Cofrom about 1820 through about 1860 or longer. Uel had several childrenprobably from two wives. Did he have sons named Elijah and John born in1811 & 1813? These two males were probably born in VA. If Uel had ason named John he may have married a Mary Ann McIntire from Mason County.Any help will be appreciated.

Carol l. Logan Sun Mar9 09:05:51 1997
Looking for marriage information on John a. DYER b Jan 1834 Morgan Co. KYand Elizabeth HAMILTON b 1835 KY married about 1850-52 maybe Carter,Fleming, Greenup, Lewis, Morgan Counties in KY

Carol L. Logan Sun Mar9 09:53:37 1997
Looking for information on parents of Isaiah PLUMMER m Elizabeth SAUNDERS1 Aug 1813 Fleming Co. KY she died 29 Oct 1887 Lewis Co. KY. Theirchildren John, b 1828 KY, Caroline b 6 Apr 1836 Fleming Co. KY m FrancisMarion LOGAN, Ida, James, Amanda m James CORNWALL, Sarah m AndrewFINLEY

Wilma Diesen Tue Mar 1107:14:50 1997
Seeking proof James Humphreys, b c1793 VA, was son of Samuel and Ailsey... Humphreys. James m. (1) Sarah Wilson, 1814, (2) Abigail McIntire,1816, both in Fleming Co KY, and (3) Mary Wolf Stroop, 1859, in SchuylerCo IL. Have Samuel Humphreys pension records.Abigail McIntire was d/o James McIntire who came from PA to Fleming Cobefore 1800.Also connected to Tribbey and Muse families in Fleming County.Jacob Tribbey Jr, b. 1824, m. 1846 Elizabeth Ann Humphreys, d/o James.Jacob Jr was son of Jacob Tribbey and Elizabeth Muse who were m.1809 inFleming Co. Elizabeth was d/o George Muse and Marian (Berryman?)Interested in exchanging information about any of these families.

Pat Vollberg Tue Mar11 09:51:50 1997
I would like any information on the surname DAVIS for Fleming county,unioncounty, and clay county.The time frame is 1724 thru 1888. I haveconsiderable informationso far .The following is a list of names I'm researchingCHARLES EDWARD GOLDEN 1854MARY ELLA DAVIS GOLDEN 1858ILA METCALF DAVIS 1827MARY H. GILCHRIST 1837WILLIAM H. DAVIS 1791DREWSILLA FAQUER 1793CATHERINE ? 2ND WIFE OF WILLIAM 1796JOHN D. DAVIS 1764NANCY METCALF DAVIS 1766CAPT. JOHN METCALF 1724 REVOLUTIONARY WARSALLY FARROW METCALF 1728My e-mail address is seamouse@ix.netcom.com

Sam Payne Tue Mar 1110:21:02 1997
I am seeking any information on Zadoc PAYNE, born around1780 in Maryland. Lived in Fleming County. Buried in"Payne Graveyard" on what is now Noel Sorrow's farm. Hewas married to May (may be Mary) ? from Virginia bornaround 1789. Their Son (perhaps Grandson) was AlfredJackson PAYNE who lived with Lieu Ellen EMMONS on a farmnear Poplar Plains, KY (Fleming County). If you have anyinformation PLEASE e-Mail me at Dadpayne@AOL.COMThank You, Sam Paynw

John K. Thomas Tue Mar 1111:38:07 1997
Looking George THOMAS, b.1806 in Mason, Co., KY. Father was NathielTHOMAS,b. 1757. Nathan enlisted Revolutionary War in 1776 in Fredrick, MD andfought forMD. He then migrated to Mason Co.and FlemingCo. KY and Married Margaret METTS, 29 OCT 1803-5. They had six children.Nathan got a pension and died 24 JUL 1822 in Fleming Co close to Masonline.Oldest was George THOMAS. George married ?Rachal MURRAH 9 APR 1827. Thierson, Presley migrated to Livingston. Co., MO.All of my other relatives lived in Northwest MO. (Grundy and Mercer Co.)GeorgeGeorge moved from Mason Co. to Parke Co. IN and live there the rest ofhis life. I have good records on him there. Need the KY history.and how he got to IN. Can anyone help?

CHARLESCUMMINS Fri Mar 14 18:04:03 1997
LOOKING FOR INFORMATION ON JOSEPH AND LYDIA CUMMINSPRIOR TO 1793my family is looking for any information on any cummin(g)sfamily,or decendents of, the name is a norman surname,and is awell known name in scotland's history, and is interwoven in thecolorful tartan of the heritage of scotland/historians usedsuch ancient manuscripts as the domsday book(compiled in1086by william the conqueror) the honor roll of the battle ofabbey,the curia regis,the falaise roll,tax records baptismals,local parish and church records to establish the first recordof the name. the cummins name was found in northumberland wherethey were granted lands by duke william of normandy, for theirdistinguised assistance at the battle of hastings in1066 a.d.- we also know there different spellings of the name(s)comyn,commyn,conyns,kummin,cummings,cummin,cumins,cummine,cuymn,just being some of several, and even IF it not spell like youmight think if it sounds remotley simular,when pronounced itmost likely is,or has the same origin.(keep in mind scribes inthese early years,spelled the name as it sounded to them) inthose days a person could be born under one name,marry withanother, and be buried with a different spelling of their name-- we have our side traced back to a JOSEPH CUMMINS,he was bornapprox,1745-1755 we do not know where,england,ireland,scotland,ect.or possibly,northeast,eastern usa,maine,new york,virgiana,maryland,pennsylvania, ect.-have leads to these areas .and thenames of ROBERT, PATRICK, GEORGE, STEVEN,STEPHEN,WILLIAM, JOHN,and JOSEPH, ALL CUMMINS, but cannot document any thing prior to1793,dont know parents names, or brother and sisters, if any,his son george wrote joseph came to kentucky from maryland,william another son ,said his father came from pennsylvania,another story is joseph arrived in new york approx august -1778,worked in ship yards until christmas day , leaving new york,making his way to kentucky ..just dont know to be able todocument it..JOSEPH CUMMINS married LYDIA FLEMING 8-22-1793, in bourbon co.kentucky ( close to lexington)( may have another family, hewould have been approx 45-55 years old at this point, we dontknow) .joseph died 10-8-1834 in antioch mills ,harrison co,kentuck..they had 13 children, all being born in and around,the harrison and pendelton co's of kentucky,the childrens names weremargaret 1794-1858 married robert chapman in 1818,robert. 1794-1844 married ediph "price" beckett in1823,raised susan" beckett"cummins as his own childjoseph jr 1798-1848 joseph jr's family spelled their namecummings/marriednancy adams in 1820,william 1801-1861 married elizabeth adams mcnees in1821,mary ann raines in1835james 1803-1846 married esther stump in 1824,nancy canute/curnutt in 1838mary 1805-1859-60 married john egnew in 1822,isaiah manior/mainer/? in1826john 1806-1891 married nancy chapman in 1828josephus 1809-1888 married jane kennaday in 1828,malinda hardin in 1839,cynthiane townsend in 1849.eliza j, bauldren in 1883.george 1810-1892 married sarah adams in 1831,sarah e mclaughlin in 1875sarah jane 1812-1882 married james bales in 1829jackson 1814-1877 married helena woolery in 1837fleming 1817-1890 married nancy beckett in 1821,amanda meyers in 1860moses 1819-1867 married rebecca ann scott in 1823.most of the kids from this family migrated to, and aroundterre haute indiana, and mostly west to greenup illionis,south.to rose hill illionis,and north to vermillion illionis,some stayed in the pendelton, harrison co's areas in kentucky,.PLEASE E--MAIL ME(chascum)charles cummins- wichita kansasthanks

Mia K.Fleegel SatMar 15 12:57:38 1997
I am looking for information on the parents of Stephen COLLINS b. 15 July1817 and the parents of Sarah McCORD b. 11 January 1822 in Fleming Co.,KY. I know of one brother to Sarah, William McCORD.Stephen COLLINS and Sarah McCORD were married in Fleming Co., KY on 31December 1840. They had 10 children. The first 6 were born in FlemingCO.: Nancy Ellen, Juliana,John S., Mary, William and Elizabeth. The family moved to Shelby Co., MOin 1854 where the last 4 children were born: James Wesley, Margaret,Alice and Sidney.Any information on the McCORD and COLLINS families in Fleming Co., wouldbe appreciated.

H. Crossfield Sun Mar16 21:11:38 1997
In 1850 census of Fleming Co. Joseph Bell and wife Ruth and childrenlisted. I'm searching for the parents of both Joseph Bell andRuth Shepherd. Appreciate any help. Smitty

My Fleming County Surnames:CLEAVER, CRAIGJon Hagee, Lexington, KYhttp://www.webpub.com/jhagee/fam-gen.html