In the News

Fatal Typhoid

About three weeks ago, the fell destroyer claimed Mrs.
Fredrick Diedrich, living a short distance below town,
as a victim of typhoid fever. Three other members of the family 
were smitten, two of them whom are now recovering. But Miss Rickey,
aged about twenty years, whose case had lingered for forty days,
passed away at 10:30 o'clock Wednesday night, October 1, 1890.
Up to within a few hours of her death, the patient showed
every indication of a slow but sure recovery, and the hopes
of her father and brother and sisters sink in grief and the 
pall of death.
We are not aware of the funeral or burial arrangements.
In this their sad affliction, the surviving members of the
family hafe the sympathy of all.

submitted by Teresa Scott-Scoggins


Funeral Services of Mrs.Adams                   

Fallen Asleep in Christ

Laid to Rest in Woodland Cemetery   This afternoon at 2 o'clock, the funeral services of Mrs.
Mary Adams were held at the home of her son, Mr. Thomas
Adams.  Every available space in the parlors and hall were
filled with the exquisite floral tributes of love from the
sorrowing and sympathetic friends.  The services were
conducted by Rev. Dr. Condit, pastor of the deceased, assisted
by Rev. Leonard of the M. E. Church, and Rev. Hampton, of the
Espiscopal church in Ironton.  Rev. Hampton read the 23 psalm,
Rev. Leonard offered up prayer and Dr. Condit delivered
a short address, in which he spoke of the consolation to
be found in the death of a christian: he also referred to the
beautiful christian character of the deceased and the faithful,
loving, sympathetic life which she left as a testamonial
of her works while here.  The several songs were beautifully
rendered by a quarttet of Misses Belle and Libbie Coles
and Messers Moore and Butler and the remains were taken
to Woodland cemetery, where they were laid to rest by
the side of relatives and friends who had gone before.
A large number of friends gathered to pay the last tribute
of respect and love. Among those from neighboring towns
were: Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mather, Rev and Mrs. Hampton,
Mr. Anderson of Ironton, Misses Lida and Mary Moore, of

submitted by Teresa Scott-Scoggins