In the News 

Born to the wife of Henry Compston, March 27th, a daughter.

Roll of Honor

Paid Subscriptions since last Report 

Joseph Hunt................$1.50
A.C. Campbell............. 1.50
Andrew Rodgers...........1.50
T.J. Robinson.............. .1.50
Hardin Gilley.................1.50
George Neff.....................50
Wm. P. Ward................1.50
W.T. Huff......................1.00
Jas Whitten....................2.75
Henry Kahne.................1.25
Wm. Keil......................1.50
Geo. Burgraff................1.50

List of New Subscribers

F.L. Porter, Mt. Savage Fur., Ky.
J.R. Norris, Greenup, Ky.
A.S. Hunt Ashland, Ky.
Dick Carr "
Mollie T. Dills, Columbia, Iowa.
John Mitchell, Buffalo, W. Va.

Coalton Items.

Coalton, Ky., March--Eddie Hunter, of Coalton, is said
to be improving a little and may possibly recover. In which
event the best surgical skill will be needed, in order to 
close the opening through his cheek, which is as large as the 
top of a tea cup, and will have to be closed by skin grafting.

Samuel Harrison, another of the fever victims, is not recovering
very rapidly, having a very distressing cough, which makes him
very weak.

Mrs. George Harrison, the McClelland family, and John Ritenburg
are convalescing.

Rev. Zeigler, preached to a large congregation last Sabbath 
morning and received two persons into church fellowship.

Rev. Wightman, preached as interesting sermon, to a large
and attentive audience Sabbath night.

Rev J., Crum will preach the funeral of Mr. W. Price next 
Sabbath evening at the Coalton church.

The Good Templars turned out in grand procession at the 
funeral of Mrs. Pearl Davidson. The temperance boom is on 
the increase in Coalton, and many our our best citizens see
the importance of setting good examples before those around
them,and come boldly to the front.
We would like to see our superintendent on the hill.

Carter County.

Grayson Ky, March 28--March is the month for moving, and wagon 
loads of women and children are passing daily.

The sick are improving.
A.J. Bellomy was Masonically buried today by Temple Lodge.--
Fifty Masons were in attendance. The funeral was preached by
the Rev. Mr. Dean. Over 300 persons were there.

The Christian Church will be dedicated next Sabbath by Mr. Hobbs,
of Cincinnati. An extra train will be run that day.

T.W. Shepard is going on the train as a brakeman.

C.E. Reed, wharfmaster, was confined to his room by 
sickness last week. His wife leaves for Texas Monday next, 
to visit his father's family, to be gone some time.

We regret to record the sickness of Mrs. N.T. Thorn, of
Short Branch.

submitted by Teresa Scott-Scoggins