Lewis Hill Crossroads, contributed by Diane Harrison, Barren County, KY. The road sign was taken in the early 50's aat the foot of Lewis Hill, intersection of 31E and Highway 87. It is now under about 6 feet of water at the beach area at Barren River State Park.

Home of John & Sally Southwood, contributed by Leah Routien. Leah's grandparents John & Sally Grimes Southwood, built this home on Beaver Creek, near Parnell, about 1810. It is now under the lake. The picture was taken circa 1939.

Wigwam Village #2 - Cave City, KY (at the north edge of town on 31-W)
The sign used to read "Eat and Sleep in a Wigwam", although they no longer serve food. See their website here |

Confederate Get together, compliments of the Cave City Progress - Bicentennial Issue, March 1974, Glasgow Republican, Glasgow Daily Times. CONFEDERATE GET TOGETHER - Cave City has always been a favorite place in this area for get-togethers of a xx kinds. This photo taken in 1909 shows a gathering of Barren County Confederate veterans.